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Jan 18, 2003
upstate NY
I have a mag extension on my 870. It has a barrel clamp. I don't like metal to metal contact, so I put some strips of rubber from an innertube between the clamps and the barrel, which gives nice grip with no scratching.

BUT, the oils that I have used (CLP, RemOil, FP10-CLP, etc), seem to be attacking the rubber, just a bit. When I remove the clamp, I have to pry the rubber off, and it leaves a bit of goo behind.

Not catastrophic, but annoying. So, I am looking for suggestions for alternate padding. The next thing on the list is probably leather. Any suggestions if any of the other plastic/rubber materials out there are good at standing up to oil.

I've been toying with the idea of using a high-temp silicone (the kind used on engines) by spreading a thin layer on the inside of the clamp. You'd have to degrease the clamp first. If you want to test the idea and let me know how it works, I'd appreciate it :D
I "accurized" an SKS by putting teflon tape on the fore and aft ends of the gas tube. A few wraps oughta do it for you.

I was thinking about a near permanent solution...hence the hi-temp silicone gasket goop from a tube. Never thought of teflon, sounds interesting though...
Don't use Leather. I don't use anything right now. I suppose if the finish wear worried me, I would. Perhaps you could use some PVC or Teflon sheet. I'm not sure where to get it, but I seem to remember seeing teflon in thin (Index Card Thin) sheets at one time.
The silicone sounds like a good idea. I might give it a try, if I can find some. Thanks for the opportunity.:)

Dave McC:
I might even have some teflon tape around, so I could try that while I am looking for the silicone.

Badger Arms:
Why do you say not to use leather? Not that I am disagreeing with you, I just wonder why. I am not so much concerned with the finish, although that is part of it, I am more looking for some material with 'spring' to give a firm grip without tightening the clamps too much.

I will look at the plastic. I would like to find something with some 'give' to it.

I will probably give that a try. If I wrap it right, I wouldn't even get stickum on the clamp.

Thanks for all the replies. Now I have some stuff to play around with.
Leather has give, but I'd worry more about it attracting water. Not too much experience with leather though. It sounds like a bad idea, but I cannot explain why. Sorry.
Most petrochemicals break leather down, and the tannin used to tan the skin breaks down into tannic acid when wet.Not good for steel and iron.
I tried electrical tape, but it didn't work for me. When the barrel got warm, it would leak goo and the clamp could somehow slide on the goo/tape.

Right now I'm using the "extra" rubber stick-on padding that comes with bicycle helmets. I had to cut it in half (front to back) so it would be thinner. It has worked great for the last several years.

If I didn't have access to the stuff I'm using now, I'd definitely try Pachmayr's Pac-Skin.
Dave McC: Thanks for the information on why not to use leather. I thank you and my 870 thanks you.

Thanks to everyone who replied. I will try a few of these things and let you know if I like anything in particular.

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