make my own saturated bore butter patches?

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Jan 31, 2005
Dumb question. I have a big tube of bore butter and would like some "saturated" patches to try a different loading regimen.

Instead of buying the presaturated patches, is there a way to do it myself?

Does bore butter just melt...and you can soak it into patches? or would you hand rub it in to patches, or what?
I keep a batch of pre lubed patches in an old cap tin. Just stack 'em to fit, pack bore butter (or your choice for that matter) and heat the tin. Lube melts and infuses the cloth patches. They kinda stick together, but come apart easily. Beats the devil out of trying to lube each one seperately!
ive been shooting muzzle for thirty years , the best patch lube is 50-50 vaseline and lard melted AT LOW HEAT in a pot, put your cut patches in the mixture < DONT FRY THEM > in mounds of thirty or fourty leave till they saturate < about a minute> lift out and press them very gently ,lay on stretch and seal to cool then you can pul them off each other as you need them
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