Martial artist damages my G19 sights and possibly gun as well..

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You sure this guy doesn't work mall security somewhere? :)

FWIW his beating your reaction is not surprising. Some years ago I read where if a person had a gun pointed at them close to their back it was possible that they could turn and knock the gun aside before it discharged.

Well, that was pretty unbelievable so we had to try it, of course, and found it was true, you could turn and knock the gun aside before the hammer dropped. And this was a 1911, not a DA revolver/auto. The thing is that you could do this even though the person with the gun was expecting the action. So beating the reaction of someone unprepared is a no-brainer. Action beats reaction every time.

Of course Mr. Martial Artiste would (or certainly should) know this, so I don't see his point other than to be a jackass.

edit: You know what? On second thought I'll bet he was really going to sermonize on how guns were useless against martial arts after knocking your gun aside. But things got out of hand from his point of view when the gun was actually dislodged and damaged so he changed his "story" at the last second so that the problem he caused wouldn't affect a future attempt at sermonizing.
"he said he had always wanted to see how fast he could react to a man pushing a real gun at him and he knew I would not go along with it if he told me."

OK, so he knew he was going to do something wrong and the only way he could get you to go along with it was through deception. Yeah, some friend you got there. :rolleyes: If that were my "friend" he'd first be paying for a new gun either through his own sense of honor (but it sounds like he doesn't have it anyways) or through a court case. Follow it up with a restraining order (always good to have a solid paper trail) and finally cut any ties with this retard and let him know that in no uncertain terms, the two of you are no longer friends and he's not welcome around you. Yeah, this sounds like the panzy way out but it's always good to have things done in a legal-like documented way in case the day ever comes you have to resort to Dannyboy's methods of dealing with this scum. :evil:
If I found out a student of mine had done this, that person would be given a large opportunity for extra training of a very strenuous nature. On second thought, someone who would do this would not be a member of the dojo where I train in the first place.

There are methods for training to deal with weapons -- that isn't one of them.
Hi Guys:

I am back.. I stripped the weapon last night and everything seems fine..The sights are done for however and I would not trust to carry it since I am sure the alignment is way off.. so I have had to dust off my ole' trusty Beretta.

Something which I had not thought about (since I would never do it) but which my wife said to me last night, was what if you had handed him the weapon loaded...:uhoh:

as far as martial arts, this guy sometimes gets carried away as he is usually trying to prove a 'point'. In fact he has been involved in a number of altercations. I used to train with the same school as this guy some years ago but switched to Seido, which is another form.

In all event, though I really am considering distancing myself from him, he is trouble :fire:
Sounds like a good idea. Hanging around with people that have no respect for the property of others is generally a bad idea. If someone asked to see my Mark 23 or M10 SMG and did that they would either buy me a new one on the spot or get a chance to try their skills against real bullets. :cuss:

Then you just tell the authorities he kicked it out of your hand and it discharged hitting him in the ass. His word against yours, except the gun is roughed up and damaged and is consistent with your story.
Another thought, and possibly a tactical "error" on his part. Your grip on the pistol when handing it to him was different (looser), than if you had been drawing down on him. He may have done himself a disservice if he now thinks he can disarm an armed opponent.

Just a thought.
Sounds like he is very ignorant or an inconsiderate moron

I don't think he is ignorant or inconsiderated but the final description seems to fit.

Why exactly does he have to have an opponent with a real gun to practice against? Why wouldn't a block of wood or some other object work? I'm sure you would have mind using those against him in practice.
Next time you see him, just walk right up and kick him right square in the junk. Then as he's rolling around in pain on the ground tell him you just wanted to see if you could kick a "martial artist" in the junk before he had time to react.


On a serious note, maybe a talk with this fellows sensei is in order? I know what would happen if word got back to any of the instructors I have known of a student acting in this manner. Much better than the hurting you could put on him. And it's legal, cause he signed up for it!
"In fact he has been involved in a number of altercations."

Does this make him a martial artist? Or just some hot headed child with no self control? I've met more than a few "martial artist" who were all too happy to tell everyone in ear shot what a bada#! they were, one of which got to hobble around on crutches for awhile after he decided to show a friend how he could kick me in the face. He probably should have asked me before using me as a kicking dummy. At least now he knows what a good ankle lock feels like.
As for your friend, I'd pay for my own sights and cut ties with this guy. You don't want to be around this guy when his mouth writes that check his butt can't cash and it's up to you to deescalate the situation.
I used to have friends that acted like that, WHEN I WAS TWELVE!:D How old is this fool?

I read this post expecting to find a happy ended like "and then I beat him like a red headed stepchild and threw him out of my house" or "next thing I can remember was, he was lying on the ground with a Glock 19 shape dent in his forehead" but alas.
Man, that would be the last time I'd talk to him (excepting the required conversations concerning repair/replacement costs, of course).

Hope your gun is all right.

I think I would have immediately kicked him in the junk... no use waiting for next time. :evil:

Wow !! This guy is REALLYan @sshole!!!What martial discipline is he an "artist"at?
Oh,BTW,could you clarify what "seido"is?I had a mixed martial arts background along with the boxing(ancient history!),mostly Hapkido,and a few Japanese styles worked into the ole'gumbo.Seido rings a bell,but I'm getting old and feeble minded:D
Does the idiot really think he could do that with someone holding a loaded gun and ready to fire? He just might have to try batting the bullets away.

Tell him that you thought it was a really good idea and that it made you wake up. Tell him you are afraid of what will happen if you run into a "martial artist" on the street. And ask him if he will "help you practice". Get yourself a paintball gun and give him a few real healthy welts COM and repeat until he is crying like a little girl.
Jesus wept...

What a maroon your "friend" is...

Ditto fjolnirsson and just about everyone else.

Here's my $.02, for what it's worth: copy your original post (or the entire thread, whatever's appropriate) and send it in a letter to "friend's" instructor/sensei.

Explain to Master Po exactly what young Grasshopper did and request that Master Po instill more humility/respect/maturity/common sense in his students at the Shaolin Temple. Possibly cc: young Grasshopper as well.

The fact that he did what he did knowing full well he would not have your consent indicates he does not respect others, not a good character trait for someone who is being trained to be more dangerous than the average person.

The question I'd like to put to your "friend" is: "If you knew I wouldn't go along with this, what made it OK for you to do this? How do you justify what you did?"

("Yes, you have good Kung Fu, but is it any match for my Flailing Legs of Death?!")
If he were truly intelligent, he'd know that his contrived test proves nothing about his reaction time.

He should pay for the damages.

You should perhaps find a new friend.
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