Friend wants to give me a gun, but...

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I’m sad. I’m sad that we, as a society have gotten to the point where a friend can’t give us a gift without worrying us to death.

EDP I guess giving it back is the right thing for you to do. If this gift is giving you such angst, it probably isn’t worth it. After all its just a gun.
Sure it's a bummer but it's the reality we live in transfer it legally I'm sure his friend isn't going to be offended. I sold friends guns and I always do a transfer. If said gun gets stolen and used in a crime my hands are clean. Too many friends of friends and family members have drug problems and would think of nothing to pawn stolen family stuff for 20 bucks to get it fix.
As long as the OP and his buddy reside in the same state and said state allows FTF transfers. No need to advertise to the government.
I'm glad I live in such a state.

Without being insulting, may I ask why you're so worried your buddy might be pushing a stolen gun off onto you? If one of my friends wanted to 'gift' me, or offer the gun as barter in return for something (my dad received several by helping work on people's cars during his lifetime), and I knew the friend, that thought wouldn't enter my mind. Heck, a couple of Dad's came from a deputy; a S&W 38 special and a Stevens 12 gauge pump.

Has there been a new gun law passed in your state?
transfer it legally I'm sure his friend isn't going to be offended.

In FL, that means give me cash, I give you gun - legal transfer
It also means, I do you a favor and you repay with a gun -legal transfer.
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