Massad Ayoob, guns, and a dinner, too!

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Dick, another suggestion for your event.

Kansas recently succeeded in a scenario not terribly dissimilar from Wisconsin's. How about a speaker from there who could give the Wisconsinites a blow by blow description of how the Kansans made it happen? Scott Hattrup, the pro-gun attorney from the KCK area, was one of the prime movers in the long battle to get shall-issue CCW in Kansas, and he's an excellent speaker.

best wishes,
Mas, do you (or anyone else) have contact information for Scott Hatrup? If not, I can certainly do a search. But an introduction is sometimes more effective.
I just emailed him, Dick. If he thinks he can make it -- or if he can recommend a suitable speaker from among the Kansas contingent -- I'll PM you and get you hooked up.
Thinking out loud if I may-

I have not read anymore about this incident, nor do I know anything about this lady. I have to wonder being a recent event in the news, if she would be willing to be present,and if so,this would be a good thing?

My thinking runs to a criminal obtained a firearm, I "suspect" there was a restraining order, though no mention of one in any article I have read. Granted she was at home, still this could have very well played out while out shopping.

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, tape being played and this lady being present - stong message again IMO.

Never heard the Senate Tapes, someday I will.
sm, we've had better stories than this.

At the last three Senate/Assembly joint public hearing committees, a woman by the name of Theresa Sweet testified.

She was gang-raped in a building across the street from her town's police station.

Her sister was similarly gang-raped sometime afterwards.

The SOB's are still out there.

Theresa's story is rivetting. You cannot stop listening, and you can't help but cry when you hear it. Even if you've heard it 100 times.

Doesn't matter to Governor Doyle.

Back in 2003, the NRA ran radio ads with Theresa telling her story, in targetted legislative districts around the state.

Did they make a difference? I hope so. But not to Doyle.

In 2003, the editor of the Sunday Crossroads section (the full op-ed section) of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel asked me to write a 1200 word column about why we need concealed carry in WI.

I brought up the gang-rape of an unnamed woman who was just walking home from work at about 11 pm. She was dragged into an alley and raped for 45 minutes by a gang of punks. Neighbors heard her screams, but couldn't tell where they were coming from.

It was only when a patrol officer saw the flames that they had made from her clothing---yeah, they set a bonfire and danced around the flames, those _____----that he was able to pinpoint her location and save her.

Didn't affect Doyle, though, so what does it matter?

In my PM's with Massad, I've questioned whether the best route is to make this an enjoyable evening (great speaker, guns for auction, good food, good company), or try to mingle that with heart-wrenching stories or talks about how Kansas got CCW before we did.

I'm no political pro, but I do know that July is the political "silly season," and that people's minds are on barbecues and vacations, not on gang-rapes and strategies.

That's why I question having Ms. Hupp, or any other aforementioned guests. I just think that people are going to want to have a good time.

Come September, and the beginning of the real duke-out between Doyle and Green? I could see doing another event where we get those heart-wrenching stories out to the folks, and to the media.

But I'm not the "king" of the WCCA, as I keep trying to point out to volunteers.

I'd really like some serious feedback on my positions, so please keep them coming.
Looking forward to being there.

Since I'm moving to the Madison area in the next few weeks, resuming a full-time Wisconsin residency after 20 years. After living in the PRK, I'm more than willing to help your efforts, Monkeyleg!
For those who are going to attend, please don't wait until the last minute to mail your checks. I need to get some sort of idea of what the turnout might be.

If I've overestimated, then the banquet hall is going to cost more. If I underestimate, then there won't be enough room.

And then there's the matter of how many guns to have for auction.
i wish i could make it,us missouri ccw'ers are rooting for you cheseheads,im still kicking myself for missing mr ayoob at the saf convention in st loo a few years back.
Is there going to be anyone there who isn't aware of the need for concealed carry? If there isn't, I wouldn't spend too much time on the "why," I'd concentrate on the "how."
Barbara, the "how" is by getting people to contribute money. ;)

And that's what this banquet, and the auction we'll be having with it, is all about.
True enough, but there are also other things that can be done..getting people to become precinct delegates for both parties (not sure of your system over there.) Getting them to volunteer for pro-gun campaigns to build support within the legislature. Get them to get their butts out and work for the candidate running against Doyle. Get them to bug friends, neighbors, co-workers, enemies, mechanic, and the guy behind them in line at the grocery store.

P.S. Unfortunately, you won't be able to get a lot of money out of me at the banquet. I'm poor. But I'm making your quilt the 13th. How about Camo?
Barbara, the banquet won't be able to get much money out of me, either. Same situation.

As for the quilt, have you ever thought about making a quilted rifle case? Camo would be perfect. And it would be the perfect fashion accessory for many of the women in my family (not kidding, either).

On a slightly more serious note, in 2004 and 2002 I sent out emails with the contact names for all of the key statewide campaigns. I have no idea how many peopled volunteered. I hope at least a few did.

Tonight will mark an auspicious ocassion: I'll be mailing off the first WCCM check to Mark Green's campaign for $10,000.* I'm hoping that I can write four more checks for that amount, plus checks for tens of thousands of dollars more to candidates for AG, Senate, and Assembly.

*(If any WCCA volunteers want to know why I chose to do so now, please email me).
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