Me Versus Rebecca Peters on Arab TV

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she called us the most violent country in the world, and repeatedly referred to us as 'you people' or 'your society', and acted as if we WANT to shoot people.

if you don't see the culture bias over the gun bias...
Terrific job; I could have never kept my cool as well as you did. The only thing not stacked against you was George Sorros handing out money and scorring the points as a judge in a game show format. Maybe next time that can be set up...!!!

Thanks and well done!

Very well done! Extremely frustrating to listen to that socialist bitch blather on, but you handled it well! Her points about gun owners just wanting to kill other people were absolutely outrageous!
"The US is the main producer and exporter of guns both legally and illegally..."

Huh? I must have missed that memo.

Good job, Helmetcase

Add that to the list of amazing horsefeathers from our friend Ms. Peters that I wished I'd had time to address. Arguing is easy when you don't need to be bothered with the facts! :D Never mind that almost every third world army and militia and band of armed men she's worried about carries the AK and not the AR. The old USSR republics have flooded the world with far more arms than the Pentagon would ever have dreamt of peddling.

You did excellent. We need to see you on TV more. You are MUCH better than the NRA spokesman.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm sure I'll do better as get more experience...that's probably my 5th or 6th time on TV...about three times that I've been on the radio about this topic. I'm in sales so I've had some formal training in public speaking, but I dunno if I'm quite spokesperson material yet...but believe me...I'd LOVE to make the RKBA my full time job. My job is really stressful and I'd much rather make my living defending freedom; hey if Sandy Froman and John Sigler make me an offer...I'll verbally embarrass Rebecca Peters daily if I can get the mortgage paid and the dog food bought and the target ammo covered. :)
You did good Helmetcase. You took a step to break the stereo types and Displayed a very good case.Her defense was weak, showed that all the gun owner population or even the U.S. population is a blood thirsty Society bent on human destruction. You Did good and I hope to see more of you on the news.
Great job! Poise, professionalism, command of the facts, and you didn't let 'em shove you around. Well done! The only thing that looked a little off were your side glances -- I'm guessing that's where they put the monitor.

A minor thing, but it seemed odd: did anybody else get the impression Peters can't keep her head upright? She was on full Compassionate Head Tilt for the vast majority of her screen time. Looked very strange.
I really disliked her American bashing at ~9:40 on part two. The issue being debated is gun control; and she feels the need to bring in things lik "extremism" health care and education.
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