Meeting on San Francisco handgun ban

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Good idea, but a misuse of effort... A pro-gun booth at a gun show is just preaching to the choir.

Setting up a table infront of city hall, would be a better idea. IMHO.
How many of those gun-show attendees don't know about the measure? How many might be duck or deer hunters who don't care about handguns?

Setting up a table in front of City Hall, if it doesn't get you a ticket or arrested, won't accomplish anything. But setting up at the gun show might well get more volunteers who could help spread the education effort.

Looks to me like San Francisco could use a local pro-rights group. Lord knows the CRPA and NRA aren't marching down the streets. This ban is a local issue that needs to be dealt with locally.
Contact the local chapter of the Pink Pistols. They should be able to help get the word out with facts to back it up.
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