Bill to repeal CA AWB!

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For some strange reason that defies logic...I think this is doable if we all do our part.

Non PRKers...we can use your help as well.

PRK as many assemblymen as you can.
Send a note of thanks to Mr LaSeur.

Avoid using the enemy's terms such as "assault weapon"...use "semiautomatic rifle" and always use rifle or gun instead of weapon.

If you are a veteran remind them that it is an outrage that you are not trusted with the semi automatic version of the same rifle you were once trusted with that is legal in the rest of the country.

If you are a police officer remind these folks that it's the criminals who are the problem...not the rifles.

This will be an important step in getting back our rights if we all take part in it.

Encourage your friends and family as well and let the liberals know that all they've accomplished is waking up a sleeping giant.
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If enough people do this, you have a chance. Saying "it won't work, don't bother" is what antis count on.
Go get'em!!!!

If gun owners would stand up and be heard maybe we could get things done.
Other special interest groups organize and get heard.

Million mom march they made National t v

I know how hard it can be to get people motivated on this issue. These are some of the answers I get.

There's nothing I can do.
They won't take our guns.
It won't happen here.

Things that happen in Cal. seem to trickle down to the rest of the Country

I seen a similar post on thefiringline Forum but not on the gunsnet forum

Good luck with this, it would be good for the hole nation
I can't believe it...I mentioned to "tell your friends" about this bill on another firearm forum with a lot of California members, and was told basically that I was a fool for even bothering....I don't get it. I remember when I was a boy I'd take my bike and go rabbit hunting or fishing...This was all in SoCal. I for one am going to write and e-mail all the assemblymen involved in passing this bill. This is still too nice of a state to just give up on. I just don't get it.......
I can't believe it...I mentioned to "tell your friends" about this bill on another firearm forum with a lot of California members, and was told basically that I was a fool for even bothering.

Which forum? I'd like to pitch my $.02 in :D
There is something called reality and fantasy. What people outside of California or new to California don't realize is that we are solidly outnumbered. Even if we write and make a big deal about something, we are still outnumbered. Real quick lets look at some quick California history.

In September of 2004, the state legislature was threatening to pass AB-50. Gun owners wrote, called, and did what they had to do to try and stop it. They failed and it passed onto the Governor's desk. Again, we wrote, called, and did what we could yet the Governor still signed it.

Fast forward less than 6 months. Now we have legislation that not only repeals a law passed less than 6 months ago, but only took effect 2 months ago. In addition, you also have this same law that proposes lifting even more bans on misunderstood semi-automatic weapons. This all in a state where these things get passed easily and the vast majority of citizens support these measures.

I lost hope for this state when Gray Davis beat Bill Simon. I knew then that I would never put faith in the people of this state ever again. If you want to get your hopes up and think this new AB 488 has a chance in hell, go for it. I tried to keep you from your depression.

The only chances we have of turning this state around is on a local level. You need to take liberals shooting and talk to them about guns. I talk to my high school classes about them. Unfortunately they are continuation students and they probably won't be a solid voting block anytime soon, but I do what I can. I support the CRPA and the NRA. These are worthwhile efforts. Spending much more time than a phone call, letter, or e-mail on AB 488 will be a waste of time.

Don't give me that "but if we all got together and everyone called" bullcrap. False. Maybe in a free state in the rest of the country, but not in California. We are solidly outnumbered. The assembly persons who get into office aren't flip floppers or sitting on the fence. They are solidly anti-gun and so are the vast majority of their constituents.

Honestly, the only way for this state to change is if there is a massive revolution or the terrorists cook San Francisco or Los Angeles. Now isn't that a cheery thought? :(
Keeping the fight going at worst will buy you some more time. The antis would just as soon have the 2A supporters give up - why give them something else they want?
There is something called reality and fantasy. What people outside of California or new to California don't realize is that we are solidly outnumbered. Even if we write and make a big deal about something, we are still outnumbered. Real quick lets look at some quick California history.

No, we aren't. Remember, this is the state that passed Prop 187 at the ballot box. New taxes and bond measures are constantly shot down. The only reason the liberals hold such poltiical predominance is because of decades of gerrymandering districts. We are outnumbered, but not by so much that we can't work harder than the other side.

In September of 2004, the state legislature was threatening to pass AB-50. Gun owners wrote, called, and did what they had to do to try and stop it. They failed and it passed onto the Governor's desk. Again, we wrote, called, and did what we could yet the Governor still signed it.

That just tells me that we need more people to get involved, not give up.

Fast forward less than 6 months. Now we have legislation that not only repeals a law passed less than 6 months ago, but only took effect 2 months ago. In addition, you also have this same law that proposes lifting even more bans on misunderstood semi-automatic weapons. This all in a state where these things get passed easily and the vast majority of citizens support these measures.

Don't forget, a lot of anti-gun legislation does die long before getting to the end of the process. It is an uphill battle, but this can happen.

I lost hope for this state when Gray Davis beat Bill Simon. I knew then that I would never put faith in the people of this state ever again. If you want to get your hopes up and think this new AB 488 has a chance in hell, go for it. I tried to keep you from your depression.

So you won't do anything to help. Thanks for being part of the problem. Just please don't get in the way of those who are willing to try.

The only chances we have of turning this state around is on a local level. You need to take liberals shooting and talk to them about guns. I talk to my high school classes about them. Unfortunately they are continuation students and they probably won't be a solid voting block anytime soon, but I do what I can. I support the CRPA and the NRA. These are worthwhile efforts. Spending much more time than a phone call, letter, or e-mail on AB 488 will be a waste of time.

You'll see a much bigger change if the redistricing plan Governor Schwarzenegger wants goes through.

And I don't know what more we can do that contact Legislators about AB 448. It costs $.37 to send a letter. It takes 2 minutes to make a phone call. Anyone who can't be bothered to do that deserves to lose their rights... I just think it sucks that their inaction costs me right along with them.

Don't give me that "but if we all got together and everyone called" bullcrap. False. Maybe in a free state in the rest of the country, but not in California. We are solidly outnumbered. The assembly persons who get into office aren't flip floppers or sitting on the fence. They are solidly anti-gun and so are the vast majority of their constituents.

Wrong, wrong, wrong! The only way these liberals stay in office is because of gerymandering. Yes, there are a lot of "solidly anti-gun" people, but there are a lot more "pro-gun people". If the pro-gun people got up off of their asses and became solidly pro-gun people, we'd turn the tide.

What benefit do you think there is in promulgating your doom-and-gloom viewpoint? What are the things you're saying going to accomplish other than drive people away from making an effort? This just isn't helpful... unless you want this bill to quietly die in committee, how about popping a cork in your piehole and letting the people who want to try to get it passed do so?
Wrong, wrong, wrong! The only way these liberals stay in office is because of gerymandering. Yes, there are a lot of "solidly anti-gun" people, but there are a lot more "pro-gun people". If the pro-gun people got up off of their asses and became solidly pro-gun people, we'd turn the tide.
So how do you explain the 2002 Governor's race election results where Gray Davis had 365,000 more votes than Bill Simon (source). Or more importantly the 2004 Presidential and Senate elections. For President, Kerry received 1,236,000 more votes than Bush and Boxer received 2,400,000 more votes than Jones (sources). That is sure a lot more anti-gun votes going in than pro-gun votes. So you honestly believe if we redistrict the legislators that we can eliminate those 1 to 2 million voters that voted for solidly anti-gun candidates? I would give you that we might be able to get a few more seats, but to blame all of California's problems on a gerrymandering issue is naive at best. Really if you want to convince me, you would show me some statistics that there are more pro-gun people (even of the mild version) in the PRK than anti-gun people. Sorry you aren't going to find it because it isn't there and I am not just going to take your word for it. You might live in a pretty conservative area like me and forget that there are hords of liberals out there that actually oppose everything we stand for. You look around and you see tons of gun owners and shooters and you wonder how we are losing. You need to go hang out in a very urban area like Los Angeles or San Francisco and you will see that we are most certainly outnumbered in this state.

Hey, forget about what I am saying though. Go get em tiger. You can make things happen by fighting for AB 488. You can change the average PRK resident's mind by putting up some legislation that takes away everything they just had put in to keep their children safe. Boy, they will love you for that. They most certainly won't see this as an attempt by baby-murdering gun nuts to turn this into the wild west.

I am telling you, your best bet is to start working on your friends and get them to see a different way. Even then if you already live in a conservative area like me, you are just preaching to the choir. I have my conservative state assemblyman and mildly conservative Democrat state senator. I can call them and have them vote our way all I want, it doesn't change the facts that they are solidly outnumbered. My statement stands. We are most certainly outnumbered in this state and your little gerrymandering example completely ignores the facts that state otherwise.

What benefit do you think there is in promulgating your doom-and-gloom viewpoint? What are the things you're saying going to accomplish other than drive people away from making an effort? This just isn't helpful... unless you want this bill to quietly die in committee, how about popping a cork in your piehole and letting the people who want to try to get it passed do so?
Fair enough. Good luck. I highly recommend you go to a lot of shotgun events and work on getting them to see this as a bigger issue and getting them to start voting pro-gun instead of against the evil assault weapons. I can tell you right now writing letters to your representatives on this issue is pointless as they just finished screwing us a few months ago and not many of them have suddenly changed their minds about screwing us some more. Go get on those worthless Californians you are complaining about as that is the only chance we have in changing this state. AB 488 will not pass until another election goes through and the make-up of representatives changes drastically. It is that plain and simple. Good luck.
It's funny that just across the border, you can own a gun that is a FELONY to possess in California. Are the people across some political boundry any less United States Citizens? I seem to remember that the Constitution applys to every one in the US, not just those outside of California.

Where is the NRA on this issue?
Bump. I'm not letting this thread die.

If you don't keep up the political battle, you will lose. Defeatist attitudes don't help.
So how do you explain the 2002 Governor's race election results where Gray Davis had 365,000 more votes than Bill Simon

In a state of 35,000,000 people, I call it 1% Hardly "insurmountable odds".

You can make things happen by fighting for AB 488. You can change the average PRK resident's mind by putting up some legislation that takes away everything they just had put in to keep their children safe. Boy, they will love you for that.

"The people of California" had nothing to do with SB23 or any of the other stupid gun control laws. A few elected representatives did that. And a few elected representatives can undo it, too.

There is no way to "change the way people think". Most people either don't care one way or the other, and more are already dead-set in their opinions. Just as you'll most likely never be able to convince me that an "assault weapon" ban is a good idea, I'll probably never be able to convince an anti that it's a bad idea. But none of that makes any difference... the only thing that matters, immediately, is when this bill is heard in committee. And if the committee members are inundated with letters and calls saying "We want you to pass this bill", it's possible they might bend with the wind. Especially with redistricting looming on the horizon... once those cushy little districts are broken up, a lot of fat, lazy incumbents are going to have to fight tooth-and-nail to try to keep their jobs. Giving them a 10:1, or 100:1, or whatever ratio of letters saying "We want this bad law gone!" may factor in.

We have two choices here... try, or don't try. If we don't try, we know what the outcome will be... this bill will die quietly. If we try, there's a chance we might get a favorable outcome.

I can't understand why you don't, if nothing else, sit there and quietly root for success, even if you're positive it won't happen. Naysaying doesn't serve any purpose, except maybe to discourage some people from trying to make a difference. And that number of people just might be the tipping point.
There are a lot of fence sitters here in California. Many gun owners don't dare talk about firearms in front of their co-workers out of the fear of looking like a gun nut. But there are ways to swing people to see our point of view without calling them a "pinko commie bastard" It is funny that America's industrial revolution started with engineers,machinists and designers that if you traced their lineage it would lead right to a group of American Revolutionary gunmakers. There are ways to support your right with out just talking about the gun itself. California citizens are proud Americians too, even though I think we may seem a bit odd to the rest of our Great nations folk. A lot of people who say they are anti-gun are people that have never talked to a shooter about history, Olympics or just got to know him. I have shooting buddies that started out California liberials complete with Birkenstocks. Some of these shooting buddies are professors in the UC system, teaching youngsters in an unbias way. We can change the system with the truth. We must not succomb to dismay and allow the truth to be buried.
I’m afraid el Rojo is right, but I wrote the committee anyway. If the bill ever makes it before the full Assembly, then I’ll write my Democratic Assembylman as well.

~G. Fink
The committee as a whole had an e-mail address, but my message bounced—“Yeah, we’ll listen to you. Just kidding!” I’ll try again tomorrow but go with the individual members instead.

~G. Fink
This reminds me of the end of "The Wild Bunch" - a few brave shooters, hopelessly outnumbered, but still fighting. The important thing isn't if you will win or lose - it's that you keep trying.

Good luck, guys. :)
I'm getting my letters prepared. There's 6 members on the Public Safety committee excluding La Suer, so that's only $2.22 in postage to write them. Consider it ... a lottery ticket. :uhoh:
Contact ALL KA pro-gun organizations and gun clubs!

Please alert all the gun clubs (that you are a member of, if not, then isn't it about time you join???) about this bill so they can spread the word in the general meetings and club newsletters.

News about this going like wildfire on the other firearms forums. KEEP IT UP!

Contact the NRA Members Councils, CRPA, and GOA of CA!

We may be stuck in this Commie State, but remember the state assault weapons ban of 1989? Well, a federal one was passed five years later! This state breeds cancerous anti-gun bills and will make it to other states and eventually to Washington DC.

It's about time we get a shot in the arm and this is one of many that we need. :cuss:
Wouldn't it be helpfull to contact the California State Assembly
Committee on Public Safety? These are the names and email addys. If we all bombard them with letters then they might pass it through... right?

Mark Leno, Chair Dem-13 (916) 319-2013 [email protected]

Jay La Suer, Vice Chair Rep-77 (916) 319-2077 [email protected]

Rebecca Cohn Dem-24 (916) 319-2024 [email protected]

Mervyn M. Dymally Dem-52 (916) 319-2052 [email protected]

Jackie Goldberg Dem-45 (916) 319-2045 [email protected]

Ira Ruskin Dem-21 (916) 319-2021

Todd Spitzer Rep-71 (916) 319-2071 [email protected]

Jay La Suer is the guy who started this bill. So we know how he's going to vote.

Then go here to find out who your Legislators are. Write to them too.

I think this might have a chance now. Look at the rest of country, we don't see the use of AW's in other states now that the federal ban has sunset.
I made this and will be distributing it to 3 gun ranges in my area. I plan on either giving a huge stack to the staff at each range, or handing them out myself. Anyone is free to use as much or as little of it as possible, but due to the (possible) deadline, we'll need to hurry.

Get on the phones, people! Write those letters!
By the way, where is Jim March?

Jim, chime in! You should try for a guest spot on KFI AM's John and Ken or a similar show. Huge listener base in the LA and surrounding areas.
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