Michigan, purchase permits, and paying for them. I'm steamed.

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
OK, I live in Kent County in a somewhat rural area (Gaines Township) so my local PD is the Kent County Sheriff's department. When I want to purchase a gun (as I do not have a CCW) I must get a permit that's valid for 10 days before hand. After my purchase I must get it inspected within 10 days.

I've gotten "weird looks" from fellow MI residents on THR when I have said this before but... here it goes again:

If you have a CCW Kent County makes you pay $5 for the inspection.
If you do not have a CCW you pay the $5 for the purchase permit and nothing for inspection.

Apparently not all counties do this. I'm okay with that, up until tonight when I find this tonight on the MIchigan State Police's website:

9. Are there any fees for the following Michigan forms:

License to Purchase: MCL 28.423 was repealed by PA 381 of 2000 eliminating the $5 processing fee for obtaining a License to Purchase.

Safety Inspection Certificate (registration): MCL 28.429 There is no charge for the Safety Inspection Certificate.

Apparently when I got my first permits back in '01 the $5/permit cost was kosher with state law. I was living in Wyoming MI at the time which is Kent County but they have their own PD.

My question is, does anybody know by what authority Kent County can now (legally) charge me this $5 fee?
Kent County does not have the authority to charge the fee. That isn't stopping them, however.

I'd reccomend printing out the relevant part of the law and taking the issue up with the County Board of Commissioners to try to get them to get the Sheriff's Department to change their policy. You'll have to convince the commissioners both that the fee is not allowed, AND convince them to do something about it. You could also try the same thing with the Sheriff's Department itself.

Other ideas include trying to get the Attorney General's office involved (good luck) or possibly your state rep.

Whatever you try, good luck.
As far as I know, they can charge you..the law removed the mandatory fee but did not disallow charging any fee at all.
Wow. My father grew up in the twenties in Marquette(sp?). When he was 10, he and his buddies would go plinking in an empty lot down the street. No one even batted an eye at a bunch of 10-year-olds shooting a .22 in the city. Things have changed [/ot]

You might try just printing the page from the Storm Trooper website and showing that to the Sheriff.

What i was told in Wayne(just applyed for permit this am) Is they can only charge you for nortrizing it if you didnt buy from a dealer otherwise there was no charge..Any one who lives in michigan kn0ows how bad wayne county is and they arent chargeing..
If you will think back, the Kent Co. Sheriff
the County Clerk and the Prosecutor are Anti's. They
have been doing all in their power to deny kaba for
any law abiding citizen since the get go. They especially fought the "shall issue" law we passed 3 years ago. Glad I
live in Newaygo Co.\

I checked with Jim:

The statutory authority for charging fees was removed; but some departments are still charging fees; at least for fingerprinting.

They may but don't have to.
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