Midsouth and Midway perpetually out of stock

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I was surprised to find that Widener's had sold out of the 8lb 'jugs' of the surplus ball pistol powder they had. it was a 9mm powder but could have done fine for anything from .25acp on up to .45 LC including mags. it went fast I was going to split a jug with a shooting/loading buddy.
I went to Wally world Super awhile back looking at TV's and wandered to the sporting goods/hunting section. not a single box of either 12 or 20 ga. #6's on the shelfs (not really surprising since hunting is in full swing but first I've ever seen that) all that was in stock was 7 1/2's and smaller.
went to loading/shooting supply and they were out of small pistol primers and Power Pistol powder.
fellas we need to get the sport/target shooting & hunting community riled up IMO.
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It would be a big help if we could all stop fighting among ourselves and back the NRA. If the guy next to you at the range has a black gun, so what? He likes them. And as an American citizen he has the right to have one. So don't criticize him for it. Back his right to have that, or any other rifle he chooses.

Personally I prefer wood and blued steel with lever actions. And I'd be darn mad if someone got in the forum and said I shouldn't have them because he didn't think they were a hunting rifle. It doesn't matter what he thinks. They're MY rifles.

So join the NRA and back every gun owner whether you happen to like him or his choice of guns.

And that's my rant for this month.......

Very well put.
They NRA may not be the best at times but I joined for the first time, we need someone to speak for us. I also bought alot of reloading components online as well. The shelves are bare in Utah. I agree that the politicians are out for there own agenda and not the people.
Here in NW Arkansas at the Sportsman Warehouse. They have no rifle or large pistol primers, very little powder etc. The shelves are mostly empty. They don’t even have much left in the reloading equipment side.
Been thinking about driving over to Bass Pro in Springfield so I can just get some supplies. Think I will call first.

I was in a Pawn shop yesterday and they had a nice selection of AR’s and a large stack of used military 30 round clips from M16s.
There are a number of people who think the NRA is a waste of time and is ineffective. To those people, what gun rights do you think we would now have if there was no NRA? Who would put up the fight in D.C.? YOU? How about your shooting buddies? Yeah, didn't think so.

The corrupt politicians (I will continue to use that term as long as they continue to use the inaccurate term "assault weapons") look at the membership numbers of the NRA before they attempt to make any new gun laws. They are lazy. They want an easy road to drive down and the NRA makes this road very bumpy. The more they see gun owners not joining the NRA or member in-fighting, the more confident they become that they can pass anti-gun laws.

NRA membership is the cheapest insurance you can buy to help us keep our guns. Without a strong NRA (that means a large membership), you better get used to those empty shelves in the reloading section. Not because they are out of stock, but because the components are illegal. :fire:
I emailed my state reps here in KY. The proposed Ammo Accountability Act for KY has been pulled.
The NRA can only be affective if it's members do their part. It is NOT enough to pay your dues and attend their banquets. It is of utmost importance to read the NRA's list of politicians they support and those they do not. Then vote for the candidates that will NOT stand in the way of the NRA's fight for freedom.

But, that's just wishful thinking. Most of the NRA members around here have Obama stickers on their car and Al Franken signs still up in their yard. It doesn't get any more ridiculous than that. Pay dues to an organization that is fighting for your rights then vote for the very candidates that want to take them away. I guess Ron White says it best, YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

By the way I am an NRA member and have been for over 30 years.
NRA membership

Start by buying memberships for your family members and maybe giving one to a friend as a Christmas gift. If they are already shooters they may just need a little push because they never got around to it or maybe let a previous membership lapse. We ALL need to get active in some way. I call my reps and senators all of the time.
NRA membership

Start by buying memberships for your family members and maybe giving one to a friend as a Christmas gift. If they are already shooters they may just need a little push because they never got around to it or maybe let a previous membership lapse. We ALL need to get active in some way. I call my reps and senators all of the time.

I agree completely. Sign up your kids, wife, the brother-in-law that you don't like but have to get a Christmas gift for, a neighbor, etc. I'm sure you can find someone at work who is a gun owner but is not an NRA member. I was at a Cabela's a few months ago and watched a woman sign up for a LIFE membership at an NRA booth that was set up in the store. The NRA rep asked her what guns she likes to shoot and she said that she didn't own any guns. She said that she feels our 2nd Amendment rights were in jeopardy and she doesn't want them taken away.

We MUST build the NRA to a size that the corrupt politicians will not mess with our gun rights.

As President Reagan said, "Peace through strength".
As has been pointed out...shortages seem tied to the silly and highly irrational wave of fear washing over the country in connection with Obama supposedly being out to get everyone's guns...which he is not, and even if he was, he wouldn't get away with it. But...as I've said...that whole idea is/was baloney to begin with--hype, strawman, slippery slope, poisoning the well, the whole nine proverbial yards of shoddy logic and fearmongering.
Obama supposedly being out to get everyone's guns...which he is not, and even if he was, he wouldn't get away with it

Well, there you have it folks. We can all relax now.

We can disregard everything in Obama's past voting record on guns and ammunition and disregard everything the NRA has to say about Obama and the new Democrat controlled congress.

As a matter of fact, I think those of us that are NRA members should ask for a refund. After all, they spent millions of our dollars on add campaigns trying to convince us that Obama was anti 2nd Amendment. In reality he is not, all we had to do was ask AKGuy what Obama's plans were and saved ourselves a bunch of $$$$.

Darn it. I new I shouldn't have given them bastards that extra $250 they asked me for. Thanks AKGuy, next time the NRA calls me with another "cock & bull" story like this I will know what to do, screw em, bunch of liars.
Regarding the falacy that being a member of the NRA will protect us gunowners from assorted unconstutional bans, regulations and excise taxes intended to restrict and deny us our constitutional rights, wake up--my god wake up.

First and foremost, I am a member of the NRA.

...that being said, where were they when the first AWB was being written, debated, and passed? How about the California 50 caliber ban? The NJ 50 ban has been delayed. mostly due to the outcry from the gun owning public in New Jersey whom still want to own a S&W 500, or hunt with a 50 caliber muzzleloader... but it will pass in one form or another, definatly to include the BMG.

Look, Midway's website alone lists donations totaling over 4 million dollars via their roundup program dontated to the NRA. Hundreds of businesses donate millions of dollars to the NRA, along with the membership dues of hundreds of thousands of members. I would be willing to wager, that their total annual contributions far exceed those collected by Barack Obama during his campaign run. So where are those funds going? The only advertising I see coming from the NRA are ads run in Field&Stream, Outdoor Life, Guns & Ammo and on outdoorsman-type television programs, mostly asking for new members, threating potential members with the likes of Obama, a Democratic controlled house and senate and upcoming laws and bills. Isnt that preaching to the choir??? To me, a total waste of money. How about more campaigning and education to the general neutral- and anti-gun public? How about ads on History Channel, NBC, and CBS? Cosmopolitan, Better Homes and Time? Lobbying in the senate and house only does so much, you have to get the public's support. Besides, in my experiences, lobbying is mostly deal making-- we'll lay down for a BMG ban, if you promise not to ban 50 caliber muzzleloaders. (until the next go around... pretty soon, theyll be making a deal for them to allow us to keep our grandfather's Stevens .22 short.)

So pay your yearly dues but dont sit there and smile knowing that the all-powerful NRA is there to rescue you from the potential theives of our civil liberties? It is a poorly run organization with huge potential and nearly unlimited funds, mostly wasted on ads which only preach to the choir.

Just my 2 cents. Thanks for reading.
Hey, J23, I kinda sorta agree with you about the NRA and it's wasteful spending, "Preaching to the Choir". I agree that running adds in outdoor mags and on outdoor TV isn't going to do much in the way of protecting our rights. That said, where else can they go? Lets face it there are millions more hunters and gun owners in this country than NRA members. If the NRA can't recruit the hunters and shooter in this country, then who can they recruit?

As for unlimited funds, not a chance. If their pockets were that deep they would have a lot more power and respect on capital hill than they do. They also spend millions on firearm education programs etc.

Like I said before, joining the NRA and sending them money to fight for your rights is only part of the equation. For the NRA to win this battle we as hunters and gun owners MUST do our part. That is, we MUST fight with the NRA and not against them in the voting booth. The NRA cannot win if we keep voting for these anti 2nd Amendment politicians.

If you believe in the NRA and your 2nd Amendment rights then prove it, Vote accordingly.
Seems to me there are a couple of strategies to pursue here:

1) Try to understand the perspectives of those gun owners who don't belong to the NRA...and why they don't belong. Too expensive? Never took the time to join? Not convenient to join? Problems with the NRA's political positions? Converting that large group of non-members means understanding them then doing something about it (I imagine NRA folks are on this but it would be interesting to hear if so).

2) Get more people into the sport. Take people shooting who have never been, for example. I've done this a lot, and I have yet to find someone who didn't think it was a lot of fun. Even if they don't get into the sport, they understand it a bit better.

3) We need to understand (IMO) that there ARE things that work against us as gun owners. I saw an ad for a suppressed (albeit poorly) AR-15 with video of a guy firing a 100-round clip, and even I felt like it was overkill. Yes, I know...people should be able to own whatever they want, it's a slippery slope, etc. Fine. Just understand that it's not hard at all to come up with many more counter arguments to that, and The Public will find those counter arguments more appealing. Compromise might be a difficult concept to consider, since trust isn't there, but it might be one we need to think about at some point.

4) Last but not least, I think we need to be open to discussing this kind of thing without flaming people who don't agree with our positions. I think we've got very strong ground to stand on with regard to the 2nd Amendment.

Apologies if things like #2 have been said here a million times before...and I know it's a bit off topic and it ain't rocket science. By the way, I don't vote for anti-2nd Amendment politicians either. :)

I, too, vote 2nd Amendment when at the booth, and I agree... my post wasnt meant as a flame on the NRA, I just disagree with how they deligate their efforts and finances.

I do see the point made regarding that only a small fraction of gun owners/hunters belong... I suppose that not everyone belongs to the choir so to speak.

And regarding the initial, intial, initial post, yes, Midway seems to be out of just about everything as of late.

steve...you say he "will" and i say he "won't." at worst, the debate is he-said/she-said...at best, there's logic, historical precedent, contextual interpretation of past action/discussion, and just plain political logic to employ.

obama can't/couldn't/wouldn't get away with it alone, though...so he isn't the problem even if it were to happen. and i humbly submit to you that wailing and gnashing of teeth with blood curdling howls of fear while making rushes on gun stores to stock up for the apocalypse hardly is going to convince non gun folks to view us gun owners/users as calm, rational, non-maniacal good neighbors.

for the record, i'm one of those who holds his nose against the stink and belongs to the nra, my own disappoints with the organization notwithstanding, they are "out there" on behalf of gun owners, and without some sort of semi cohesive "face" we really then would truly all be doomed (and no, this does not mean that i pay my dues and expect the nra to take care of all of the rest and save us from the anti gun nuts who are just the mirror reflection of those of us in our midst who do the rest of us little justice/favor, either).

that having been said, i didn't come to THR to argue politics, policy, etc, and i'm sorry i gave in to the temptation to get wrapped up in this thread at all. i hereby pledge to let this go, avoid stuff like this in the future, and try concentrating on what we have in common rather than what may divide us...peace out...
Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

From Obama's own online agenda. We don't know when or how successful he'll be but obviously he intends to set us back. I have noticed that he likes to point out when his position is extreme. He thinks that is something to be proud of. It worries me as it seems unlikely that he will govern to the center.
The 1994 Federal AWB didn't "ban" the manufacture of military-derived rifles...it simply limited them to two of the features that made them "evil" (collapsible stock, flash hider, bayonet lug, pistol grip, etc) in addition to the high-cap magazine ban.

While I don't agree with either the AWB or the high-cap ban, neither restriction really "took" anything away from gun owners in the sense of 1. preventing us from buying a new manufacture weapon, or 2. confiscation of those already owned. Again, don't mistake those facts as an endorsement!

Anyway, never meant for this whole topic to turn political...just pissed that I can't get my dies and components right now and wanted to vent.
Yes, sorry that your thread drifted to a different subject but I'd say that they are related. And if we can politely discuss the facts as adults, why shouldn't we?

Even if (IF!) Obama's plan were to reinstall the previous ban with no changes, it should not be acceptable to free men. The ban on full capacity mags is a serious problem. It goes a long way toward limiting us drones to "sporting firearms". And the other evil features which were banned caused a disruption in the supply of weapons while designs were modified to be "not evil". Prices were crazy...much worse than now. EBRs aren't my thing but I imagine that some designs disappeared from the market because it was technically or financially impossible to alter them.

The prior ban harmed the industry and shooters and I expect the Obama proposal to be more inclusive.

Back to the original subject though, I too feel the shortage of components. I can only imagine how it hurts high volume target shooters.
The big problem with those who advocate gun control is that every time they get a piece of legislation signed into law, they immediately call it a good first step and then go for more. Also every piece of legislation always has a hidden component that they don't talk about and we only find out about it when it becomes law. The NRA tries to tell about it but the general public, thanks to the anti-gun media doesn't hear.
There are some products that are hard to get especially 308 brass from WW or RP. I think Graf's is good alternative source then Midway or Midsouth.
Its kinda funny to watch midwayusa on their Ranier bullets, one day all weights in 40 S&W will be in stock, 3 days later, its all gone, lol. Whole bunch of folks loading thousands of rounds in their basements, make the brady bunch wet thier pants, lol.:D
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