Minimal amount of ammo?

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4,000 - 9mm - Adcom UAE M882
1,200 - 9mm - L7A1 Hirtenberg
1,000 - 9mm - Blazer
1,000 - 9mm - Blazer Brass
7,200 - 9mm - TOTAL

5,000 - 22lr - CCI Blazer
2,000 - 22lr - Federal
7,000 - 22lr - TOTAL
I used to keep my ammo in a gun safe, then a bigger gun safe laying down on its back.

Then I began to worry that storing all that ammo in 2 gun safes and in cans on the second floor of my place was going to lead to an unfortunate surprise for someone sleeping downstairs in the bedroom below - so I took everything except the premium ammo to the garage on the concrete slab.

I agree with some folks here about the minimums... I carry at least that much just in my trunk!

Templar223 said:
Then I began to worry that storing all that ammo in 2 gun safes and in cans on the second floor of my place was going to lead to an unfortunate surprise for someone sleeping downstairs in the bedroom below - so I took everything except the premium ammo to the garage on the concrete slab.

LOL Thats funny.

I had a friend over one day, and the talk turned to guns, and he commented that he fully expected that someday my ammo would drop down through my office into my living room.

Couple days later, I moved everything to the first floor.

XDn00b101 said:
Do you guys keep a minimal amount of ammo for your guns/caliber? If so, how much?

Rules of Ammo:

1) You can never have too much ammo on hand. 1k rounds per battle rifle is a good minimum to start with (fubar).
2) Supplies of good surplus run out before you know it, and usually when you're running low on ammoso buy plenty while its available.
3) When in doubt about how much ammo you should buy, refer to rule #1.
4) Ammo is meant to be shot, so shoot often.
5) Because of rule #4, ammo must be replenished often as well.
6) When replenishing supply of ammorefer to rules #1 through #3.
7) You must buy at least twice as much ammo as you shoot (fubar).
8: Always store ammo in a cool dry place (TEA).
9) If you don't have room in your house to store ammo per rule #8, build a bunker or a cellar in your back yard for storing ammo (TEA).
10) Friends don't let friends buy Indian surplus ammo (TEA). Or Never buy surplus ammo from a country where you wouldn't drink the water (midrat).

Found here.

Personally, I consider them as "what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." :D
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