"minor" gunhandling errors that KILL a good movie for you

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Dec 25, 2002
SE PA/ El Cid (SC)
Watched I Am Legend last night.


End Spoiler Space-

The scene where the dog gets it ruined the movie for me. Ok, Neville wasn't combat arms. Fair enough--but a :cuss:FIRST YEAR ROTC CADET knows better than to let his weapon get anywhere out of arms reach in the field. He even had a tac-sling on it. No reason to leave it behind. But even allowing for that...

Leaving your sidearm IN THE CAR? Many of the people here wouldn't leave their pistol in the car if they were going to a major city full of PEOPLE. Let alone mutant zombie vampires.

And then again, later on--many of us have weapons on in our own houses, in the absence of hordes of zombie vampires. The idea that a military officer wouldn't take the same precautions in such a situation boggles the mind.

Maybe I'm just bitter cause the dog was my favorite character in the movie.
I agree 100%. Especially since he knew they were coming for him (getting dark). Especially since he was injured. Oh, no need to be armed THEN. *sigh*

The other thing that pissed me off is that he had no extra mags or anything. Did you ever see him reload once? He had guns hidden all over the house but no spare mags for them?


I consider movie content to be 99% drivel. :eek:

The movies that I've seen that were worth watching were purely entertainment - Harry Potter series. Rowling did her part when writing the material, but in truth, it has as much basis in fact as at least 99% of the other movies.

Why bother to complain? We know Hollywood is the land of the fruits and nuts. You want to get their attention? Do NOT go to the movies. Read a good book instead, or spend "quality" time with your kids, or ask your wife what she would like (other than movies).
I saw 16 Blocks for the first time a few weeks ago.

Every NYPD cop was running around with his finger on the trigger of their Glocks through entire movie.

I think my g/f was getting pissed because I kept yelling at the TV...
Picking up any ol' gun in the movie discarded by bad/good guys, and having them all have the same POA/POI regardless of type, caliber, signts, etc.

Operating the action on an unchambered weapon for dramatic effect, as if I'm supposed to be scared that up until now you forgot to load your gun, you @#*&% idiot . . .

Bourne Ultimatum, otherwise a good movie, started to lose me when EVERY STINKING TIME any gun was presented, there was a prominent hammer-cock sound - and nearly every gun was hammerless.
Operating the action on an unchambered weapon for dramatic effect, as if I'm supposed to be scared that up until now you forgot to load your gun, you @#*&% idiot . . .

I've watched little bits of "Torchwood" when I think my wife won't notice, and that irks me no end. Happened at a crucial time in whatever episode my wife was watching last week.
Yup, the old chamber a round for dramatic effect gets me every time.

Really? You're just now putting a round into the chamber, even though you've been walking around in a building full of hostiles for 10 minutes? You deserve to get killed! :fire:

Or, even better, they ALREADY have a round chambered - usually in a shotgun - and they work the slide, ejecting a perfectly good round. (And these are the people who are out of ammo 10 seconds later and could have used that round...Grrr)

Other than that I try to ignore gun errors so that I can enjoy movies and video games. ;)
Fair enough--but a FIRST YEAR ROTC CADET knows better than to let his weapon get anywhere out of arms reach in the field. He even had a tac-sling on it. No reason to leave it behind.

He was still suffering from the affects of a solid knock to the noodle, perhaps when he started crawling the fog hadn't yet lifted.

I figure, if I'm going to willingly suspend my disbelief to allow for mutants/zombies/vampires/secret agents/etc., then I'm not going to get myself too worked up over simple mistakes.
ya know, if they did everything correctly, it wouldn't be much of a movie.

i wanted so bad for him to have a S&W .500 ankle carried to blow one of those vampire dogs in half, but alas, he was not tactically prepared.

man, would those vampire dudes ever regret it if they killed my dog.
I figure, if I'm going to willingly suspend my disbelief to allow for mutants/zombies/vampires/secret agents/etc.,

We have a winner. Few care if a movie defies the laws of physics, but don't you dare have a gun make a clicking sound when it shouldn't! The gunnies will come out in droves to decry such carelessness.

I wonder if molecular biologists have posts like this on their forums, deploring Hollywood's lack of understanding of basic molecular properties.
I saw an interesting bit the other night while watching Casino Royale for the 10th time. Bond removes his weapon (P99, I believe, with suppressor) from his car. He pulls the mag, checks the chamber to make sure it's empty, and reinserts the magazine.

This was interesting, because apparently he then left his gun at the front desk in a envelope. He retrieves it a little later in the movie. He opens the package in the elevator and chambers a round in preparation for the "fight."

To me, it was an astonishingly accurate portrayal (other than the leaving it at the front desk bit :D.)

Btw...I think that Daniel Craig as Bond may help reinvigorate the franchise, much the same way as Christian Bale did in Batman Begins.
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Bourne Ultimatum, otherwise a good movie, started to lose me when EVERY STINKING TIME any gun was presented, there was a prominent hammer-cock sound - and nearly every gun was hammerless.

hahahhaa i caught that too
Yeah, I never did quite understand why Bond mailed his pistol to himself. WTH?

By leaving it for himself at the front desk, it was in a place where he could readily get it if he needed it (i.e. not in his car), but it wasn't on him (he had to go through a metal detector before playing cards) or in his room, where it could be discovered by accident or by someone searching his things.

Sheesh, haven't you been on ANY secret agent missions? ;)
I'm with PirateRadio with the finger-inside-the-trigger-guard action, only not just with Glocks.

It's a visceral reaction with me- the same thing scares the bejeezes out of me in real life. :eek:
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