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More Brady Lies

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Jun 5, 2006
Tacoma, WA
I rarely look at the juvenile and poorly done lies of the Brady Campaign website, and it is laughably poorly done for anyone with any basic knowledge of the firearms industry. But I was looking today and noticed they are still, a week after the decision, lying about the 2nd Amendment.

The Truth About the Second Amendment
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment is perhaps the most misunderstood of all provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Criminal defendants and the gun lobby have repeatedly claimed that reasonable gun laws must be struck down as a violation of Second Amendment rights. Yet the U.S. Supreme Court and an overwhelming majority of federal appellate courts have held that the Second Amendment protects only a right to keep and bear arms in furtherance of a well-regulated militia.

And their spin on the Heller verdict is so dishonest I don't understand how they can still operate.

Following the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center, said that the fight to enact sensible gun laws will be undiminished by the Supreme Court's decision in the Heller case.

While the Justices disagreed by the narrowest of margins, 5 - 4, on whether the Second Amendment provides an individual, non-militia based right to bear arms, all nine Justices agreed that a wide variety of gun laws are presumptively constitutional, including restrictions on carrying concealed weapons, guns in schools and other sensitive places, and bans on "dangerous and unusual" weapons.

Man that "Dangerous and Unusual" weapons is something that needs clarification.

I believe that EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS are dangerous but that isn't a weapon. Unusual? So if you have the only Belt-fed-Bolt-action gun in the world, an unusual weapon, no doubt. It should be banned?

(Don't know how you'd do a belt fed bolty but it'd be unusual :) )
The problem isn't the Brady Campaign - the problem is that far too many people out there are ignorant and foolish enough to believe what they say.

There is no real mystery surrounding the framers' intent regarding the second amendment nor their attitudes towards the "militia." Just read Federalist No. 46 (among many other documents and letters). Actually, one need only look up the definition of "militia" - both within a dictionary and the US code.

If our schools were worth a damn, virtually anybody reading the Brady campaign's statement about the 2A would laugh about it the same way we do.
And just think, every member of The Brady Campaign would have joined the NRA if the NRA hadn't sent them annoying mail at some time.
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