Most fun thing you've done w/ a gun.

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a few good memories, in no particular order...

Magic tricks--

1. Puzzling onlookers by being able to knock down 2 cans (side by side) with a .233

2. Hitting a flying clay pigeon with a .458 caliber bullet (in a privately owned wilderness area, with a mountain for a backstop).


1. Fixing up my brother's "brown bess" musket, from c. 1750. turned out to be a beautiful gun.

2. disabling a handgun that had been used to hold a friend at gunpoint. We replaced the barrel with a dowel rod that had a "bang, you're dead" sign on it. Still laugh about that one sometimes.


The first time I went shooting. Nothing spectacular happened. I got to shoot a 30-30 for a while, until I could place my shots well, and then I got to use a .22, which was extremely easy by contrast. It was a thrill unlike any I had ever experienced.
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