Most Gun Owners Disgust Me!

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Dec 25, 2002
the city
Towards the end of the article are some "reactions from.........gunowners". Didn't I read those comments on this board?

Most Gun Owners Disgust Me!

"Typical gun guy: Full of ideas, full of criticisms, full of crap!"
Barry Laws - Second Amendment Activist

By Nicki Fellenzer

For the first time since I began an active role in the Second Amendment rights movement, I’m disappointed with many of my fellow gun owners and thoroughly disgusted with a number of others.

In the past few weeks we have seen the untimely demise of two crucial partners in the fight to restore our Constitutional rights. TWO in the past month! Sarah Thompson, the Executive Director of the Utah Gun Owners Alliance (UTGOA) called it quits last month. And just last week Citizens of America – a national no-compromise gun rights campaign – announced it was ceasing operations.

Most gun owners in this country will shrug their shoulders and say, “So what? I’ve never heard of them anyway.†Most gun owners will go about their daily business, secure in the knowledge that their NRA membership is current and their rights are secure, because the NRA is out there fighting for them. Most gun owners don’t feel the loss of these two vital colleagues in the fight to protect their rights. At least not yet.

But I can guarantee you one thing: If we, as gun owners and Second Amendment rights activists, do not change the immediate course of our current path, those of you who shrug off these two devastating losses will soon feel the oppressive grip of tyranny on your shoulders.

Because the loss of UTGOA and Citizens of America has a much deeper significance than just the ceasing of operations of two gun groups. Their loss is directly linked to the unwillingness of gun owners in this country to get involved, to volunteer their time, to open their wallets, to vote, to stand up for their cause and to make any significant sacrifice in the fight to protect the Second Amendment. To quote Sarah Thompson, “…when we've asked for people to attend committee hearings, even just one per session, most of the time no one has shown up. When we've asked for volunteers to help with gun shows, political conventions, and other events, we've gotten only a couple of volunteers at best. Most discouraging,†Sarah continues, “UTGOA supporters have been almost entirely unwilling to get involved in electing pro-gun candidates, which is the single most important key to success.â€

And guess what, friends, it’s not just Utah gun owners that have displayed their apathy for the world to see. According to the Citizens of America press release announcing its closing, “The founders of COA believed that since there were about 75 million gun owners in the U.S., if we could get $10 from ten percent of them per year, we would have plenty of funding. But we did not receive that sort of support - nowhere close, in fact. And very little support from corporations whose very existence depends on the free exercise of the right to buy, own, and use guns - that is, gun, bullet, and powder manufacturers. Though we have had much-appreciated help from a few gun-related corporations, as noted on the homepage, it was not enough nor regular enough, to make a long-term difference. Finally, no millionaires stepped forward to help, as seems so common in the anti-gun camp.â€

Let me break this down for you, fellow gun owners and gun rights advocates: A national campaign dedicated to protecting you, your families and your freedoms was unable to get one tenth of you to shell out ten lousy bucks per year!

This would be pathetically laughable if it wasn’t so disturbing and sad! Ten dollars per year! That’s less than a dollar per month. That’s less than three cents a day.

Oh, but you already support the NRA, and if you supported every gun group out there you’d be broke? Then I would suggest to you: be a little more discriminating. Do some research. Find out who out there is really fighting for your rights and then dole out your support accordingly.

Oh, but you don’t have time to volunteer, and you work so hard to support your family that you don’t have enough time to spend with them in the first place? Then I would suggest taking action together as a family, introducing your spouse and children to the joy and duty of being truly involved in protecting their rights.

Take a look at the time you spend in front of the boob tube and the time you spend on the computer – on pro Second Amendment rights websites and web forums, bitching, moaning and complaining about the erosion of your rights and yet doing little else to change that sad fact.

When was the last time you volunteered your time to elect a pro-gun legislator, be it on a local, state or federal level?

When was the last time you wrote letters to the editor, wrote to your representative, called your legislator or voted?

When was the last time you actively donated your money to a worthy Second Amendment rights cause?

When was the last time you attended a rally or a march in support of our Second Amendment rights, participated in a petition drive or even forwarded an email containing crucial information about our gun rights to everyone in your address book?

How many times have you participated in the above activities in your life? Take a critical look. And then examine how many times you’ve done nothing. How many times have you ignored a call to action with the excuse that others will pick up your slack?

I would venture to say that an honest assessment of your involvement will show you exactly why Sarah Thompson and Citizens of America have ceased operations.

I’m fairly sure I’ll get a slew of emails telling me what a sanctimonious bitch I am, how holier-than-thou I am, how I have no clue how many gun owners are working to protect our Second Amendment rights, how YOU personally have been active in promoting and protecting gun rights. So be it. Because you know what? Regardless of your ardent denials, the facts speak for themselves, and the facts are these:

· A recent article by Ralph Weller of GunNewsDaily showed that out of a sampling of 12,000 gun show attendees in California !a whopping 5.6 percent are registered to vote!

· Last year ran a poll asking gun owners if they would contribute money to fund a Second Amendment Supreme Court lawsuit that would once and for all settle the question of individual vs. collective right to keep and bear arms. Poll results indicate that 1,800 people answered the question. Those 1800 respondents replied they would donate a combined minimum amount of more than $133,000. Since KeepAndBearArms announced that Silveira vs. Lockyear is headed to the Supreme Court, maybe $25,000 in donations has trickled in.

· Overwhelmingly, the gun rights community regularly votes for Republican candidates, despite the fact that Republicans are just as responsible for the erosion of our rights as Democrats are. It’s a reflex. It’s tradition. Republicans are generally viewed as more pro-Second than Democrats, but even so… Gun Owners of America, a no-compromise national gun group that rates your legislators every year on how they vote to support your Second Amendment rights, has given an "A" rating to only three senators in the 108th session. Sixteen senators have received a “B†or “B-†on the GOA report card. The rest warranted miserable “C†and below ratings when it comes to defending your rights. And yet, there are 51 Republicans in the Senate currently, which means 32 Republicans who vote against your freedoms, against personal responsibility and against you. How many of these oath-breaking losers got your vote in the last election?

· On April 3, 2003 PAX, a stridently anti-freedom group, raised a half a million dollars in one night to support its odious cause. IN ONE NIGHT! Those involved included Steven J. Heyer (President & COO of Coca-Cola), Michael D. Drexler (CEO of Optimedia), actor Richard Belzer (Law & Order), Paul Shaffer (The David Letterman Show) comedian Mario Cantone (Sex and the City) and Joy Behar (The View). A single live auction raised $70,000 that night to help the effort to enslave you to gun control.

· Citizens of America couldn’t get 10 percent of you to contribute $10 per year.
These facts are a national shame, folks. Apparently gun owners talk a lot, but do little to actually defend their rights. They expect others to pick up their slack. They think their paltry $35 per year NRA membership will protect their freedoms. They don’t even consider the demise of COA and UTGOA as an important development on their pro-gun radar. Several reactions to this sad news from gun owners underscore this fact:

“They actually thought they could pull off $10 from 10% of the 75Mil gun owners?â€

“I'm on line every day reading something shooting related. Mostly in the various forums I belong to. And I never heard of them.â€

“Never heard of them until right now.â€

“It's a free market, and the market has decided to kick one out. As far as I'm concerned that's a good thing.â€

It is NEVER a good thing when another organization dedicated to fighting for your rights closes its doors. It means there’s one less group out there to counter lies, misinformation and outright subversive behavior that threatens your freedoms every day. It means there is one less group out there fighting for you. And the more pro-freedom activists give up the fight, the easier it will be for the anti-freedom leeches to suck away your freedoms.

Just think about that next time you sit down at your computer and read news that yet another anti-rights bill has passed with barely a whisper of protest from gun owners.

Think about Sarah Thompson, Brian Puckett and so many others who have fought for so long for you and your rights with a bare minimum of support and hardly any publicity.

Think about UTGOA and Citizens of America who have toiled endlessly to preserve your freedoms, without fanfare, with little if no publicity and no credit.

And then remember the National Rifle Association, which has many times supported unconstitutional legislation to limit your Second Amendment rights and claimed credit for victories other, less well-known groups have worked hard to achieve.

And finally, go ahead. Email me. Tell me how I’m wrong about gun owners. Tell me how you, personally, and your friends have done so much to support the fight for freedom. Tell me how it’s not your fault that we’re losing the most effective fighters in our cause to apathy, stinginess and ignorance. Tell me I’m pious, clueless, holier-than-thou and preachy.

I spend no less than 30 hours per week working to preserve your freedoms, despite the fact that I have a family, a full-time office job, and I’m a student working on my degree. I write this column for free, when I generally get $600 for one article of this length. I have donated my April salary from my part-time job to the Silveira case, even though we live paycheck to paycheck in this house. I’m not bragging. I’m simply telling you my level of commitment, so you don’t think I don’t practice what I preach.

So please – I urge you to contact me. I urge you to curse me, yell at me, contradict me and tell me I’m full of it. The facts speak for themselves. If you want to change those facts, get off your *** and do something about it.

Nicki Fellenzer

Yes, sir. Guilty as charged. Part of the reason I wrote the article was because so many people didn't seem to care that a crucial partner in the fight bit the dust. It's frustrating, to say the least. :banghead:
I have a different take, not that I don't plead "guilty" and believe the writer has a point. My take is that there is "critical mass" for gun rights organizations, and that when there are too many, some will fall by the wayside.

I also believe that places like Utah are more gun-friendly, hence gun owners feel less threatened than someplace like California, depressing membership rolls. Additionally, many are just leeching, hoping that others are doing the dirty work at no expense to themselve of cash or time.

Perhaps every gun owner on THR should just resolve to belong to one national and one state gun rights organization.
I can tell you specifically why I am not donating to the Silveira effort. To be concise, the appellant's brief in that case was one of the least effective advocacy jobs I have ever laid eyes on, yet he wants us to all donate for more of the same?

If the Silveira case is won, it won't be through the brilliant lawyering (TIC) done to date on the plaintiff's side, but because the egomaniacal Judge Reinhardt is such an overreaching buffoon that he has gone out of his way to dare Rehnquist to pimp slap him.

As the Silveria case is really more of Rehnquist, Scalia, et al. versus Reinhardt's Ninth Circus, the appellant's brief before the SCOTUS is reall just a means to an end, not an end unto itself. If he just files something, anything, the conservative justices are just going after Reinhardt's sweeping opinion anyways following their own map.

As for the "where are the millionaires?" That is some sweet whine. You think the liberals just invite these folks to throw money at them and it happens? Usually one has to know someone who knows someone who can get their ear and work them into taking a stand with their checkbooks as everyone with a tin cup to shake is after them every day already. "What makes your case/cause so special?" is always a philanthrophist's first question.
I wrote the article

AH HA- the culprit!;)

IMHO it is a well written article- somewhat off putting to some I suppose.

Myself, I admit I never donated to COA although I was aware of their site, through KABA. Maybe because they are on the West Coast and I am East, I never saw nor heard any print, radio or TV ads from them- and that's what I thought their sought after niche in the pro gun hierarchy was, maybe I'm wrong. But that is why I never contributed- I wanted to see results before sending off more cash. There are several gun organizations that I do send money to, and I try to be an informed voter- that's pretty much it (other than writing letters to the editor, signing petitions etc).

I imagine most people are content to do as little as possible if they can.

Still working on my millions of $$$$ , when I pick a few up I'll be one of those big doners.
· Last year ran a poll asking gun owners if they would contribute money to fund a Second Amendment Supreme Court lawsuit that would once and for all settle the question of individual vs. collective right to keep and bear arms. Poll results indicate that 1,800 people answered the question. Those 1800 respondents replied they would donate a combined minimum amount of more than $133,000. Since KeepAndBearArms announced that Silveira vs. Lockyear is headed to the Supreme Court, maybe $25,000 in donations has trickled in.

I did not pledge, but I will make a donation.

Thanks for pointing this out. Its time to plug the leaks in the sinking boat.

I can tell you specifically why I am not donating to the Silveira effort. To be concise, the appellant's brief in that case was one of the least effective advocacy jobs I have ever laid eyes on, yet he wants us to all donate for more of the same?
Because the lead legal mind on this case is one of the most brilliant in the country. Roy Lucas. Perhaps you should read about him.

As for the "where are the millionaires?" That is some sweet whine. You think the liberals just invite these folks to throw money at them and it happens? Usually one has to know someone who knows someone who can get their ear and work them into taking a stand with their checkbooks as everyone with a tin cup to shake is after them every day already. "What makes your case/cause so special?" is always a philanthrophist's first question
Yes, I do think the liberals just invite these folks to throw money at them and it happens - especially with issues like gun control, which are easily manipulated, tugs at the misguided heartstrings and gets a lot of attention. The vast majority of these idiot celebrities couldn't tell what the US Constitution is if it jumped up and bit them in the arse, but give them a line like, "It's for the children" and they line up to throw money at whatever idiotic cause happens to be attached to said line.

But nonetheless, I get the feeling you guys think it's all about money. No -- it's about involvement. It's about a basic commitment to do something about the daily erosion of our freedoms. I've heard from pro 2A groups and advocates all over the country about this very same thing - and they all concur that gun owners talk a lot, but when push comes to shove, they don't get involved and they don't care until part of their freedom disappears. THEN they whine, moan and complain.

You know what - I'd LOVE for someone to prove me wrong! Give me some hard facts to counteract the ones I've listed. Show me that gun owners get involved, that they care about their rights enough to either get politically active or at least donate a lousy $10 to a cause that exists to defend their rights. And I'll gladly print a glowing follow-up.
2dogs, you're probably right. I have a tendency to use strong language when I feel strongly about something. I'll tell you one thing, though - I was incredibly surprised at the slew of emails I received telling me I was right, telling me that the writer would re-evaluate his involvement, telling me that the good kick in the arse is needed. Out of probably about 40 responses, only 2 were somewhat negative, and only one was predictable (I do this, this, this, this and this.) I fully expected to get crucified on this. The strong positive response gives me hope that maybe at least some will wake up. :)
Nicki, I share your frustrations. I have a few others I'll not bore you and the esteemed form with.

But I will make one observation. Failure to thrive may not be caused by apathy. Failure to thrive may be caused by really bad marketing. Advocacy groups have to compete for funds just like profit oriented groups. A failure to differentiate your organization from all the others out there is destined to fail. A favored organization may well be bigger, better, stronger, prettier, more intelligent, more correct, etc., but if the target audience doesn't perceive its superiority, it will not gain access to funds necessary to survive.

An organization's superior attributes must be recreated in the target audience's mind or it will starve to death.
Waitone, I agree with you that ineffective marketing could have been one of the reasons these groups folded, but I submit to you that when gun owners refuse to sign a simple petition, refuse to show up at legislative sessions, vote for the same ole morons who routinely violate their rights and generally do nothing but bitch about their situation, something is awry. However, my focus on COA and UTGOA wasn't so much the end, but a means to an end. I'm fairly new to the gun rights movement, but I definitely know COA, heard their spots, etc. I don't know how many others have. But the fact is that many gun owners don't even care to find out - don't care period. That's why I used those two groups to point out the apathy of gun owners.
Well let's have some internecine warfare shall we?

For the first time since I began an active role in the Second Amendment rights movement, I’m disappointed with many of my fellow gun owners and thoroughly disgusted with a number of others.

In the past few weeks we have seen the untimely demise of two crucial partners in the fight to restore our Constitutional rights. TWO in the past month! Sarah Thompson, the Executive Director of the Utah Gun Owners Alliance (UTGOA) called it quits last month. And just last week Citizens of America – a national no-compromise gun rights campaign – announced it was ceasing operations.

Most gun owners in this country will shrug their shoulders and say, “So what? I’ve never heard of them anyway.†Most gun owners will go about their daily business, secure in the knowledge that their NRA membership is current and their rights are secure, because the NRA is out there fighting for them. Most gun owners don’t feel the loss of these two vital colleagues in the fight to protect their rights. At least not yet.

Frankly, I think the burden of proof is upon you to show that what has transpired matters, not upon those folks who didn't show up as planned upon. You have a Catch-22 here, "How vital were they, if no one is lamenting the demise of their groups?"

But I can guarantee you one thing: If we, as gun owners and Second Amendment rights activists, do not change the immediate course of our current path, those of you who shrug off these two devastating losses will soon feel the oppressive grip of tyranny on your shoulders.

The "oppressive grip of tyranny" is already upon us. How were these folks planning on prying off some fingers? Please cite some specifics.

Because the loss of UTGOA and Citizens of America has a much deeper significance than just the ceasing of operations of two gun groups. Their loss is directly linked to the unwillingness of gun owners in this country to get involved, to volunteer their time, to open their wallets, to vote, to stand up for their cause and to make any significant sacrifice in the fight to protect the Second Amendment.

Yes, the unwillingness of the American gunowner to part with time, money, or votes, in part, prevented the Republicans from gaining a majority in Congress following the AWB ban and played a pivotal role in getting Al Gore elected to the White House.:rolleyes:

To quote Sarah Thompson, “…when we've asked for people to attend committee hearings, even just one per session, most of the time no one has shown up. When we've asked for volunteers to help with gun shows, political conventions, and other events, we've gotten only a couple of volunteers at best. Most discouraging,†Sarah continues, “UTGOA supporters have been almost entirely unwilling to get involved in electing pro-gun candidates, which is the single most important key to success.â€

Gun ownership is under threat in Utah? Hmmm. There are not enough "pro-gun" politicians in Utah? Double hmmm. Hard to argue the sky is falling when it is not.

And guess what, friends, it’s not just Utah gun owners that have displayed their apathy for the world to see. According to the Citizens of America press release announcing its closing, “The founders of COA believed that since there were about 75 million gun owners in the U.S., if we could get $10 from ten percent of them per year, we would have plenty of funding.

"Hope is not a course of action," is an old American military saying. People in other endeavors would be wise to adopt it. Businesses fail every day for want of a realistic analysis of the conditions they are really dealing with. Why would a pro-2A group be magically exempt from the hard truths of reality. Most people don't care enough to labor for a cause. Most people will not donate to help orphans, let alone a perceptively duplicative gun rights organization. Plan from those truths and there is no disappointment.

But we did not receive that sort of support - nowhere close, in fact. And very little support from corporations whose very existence depends on the free exercise of the right to buy, own, and use guns - that is, gun, bullet, and powder manufacturers.

This is hardly shocking. Many of the targeted corporations typically operate through their trade associations, and even more shockingly, through the NRA.

Though we have had much-appreciated help from a few gun-related corporations, as noted on the homepage, it was not enough nor regular enough, to make a long-term difference.

A long term difference to whom?

"Finally, no millionaires stepped forward to help, as seems so common in the anti-gun camp.â€

My belief is that is millionaire support for left wing causes is because these groups effectively cultivate millionaires and because many of these causes outside of the environmental movements, have no grassroots support worth mentioning and so they have to fete celebrities and corporate bigwigs. Who is our George Soros? You have to identify your potential benefactor before you tap him or her. Even then, you have to objectively support how you are accomplishing something the NRA or the GOA are not.

Let me break this down for you, fellow gun owners and gun rights advocates: A national campaign dedicated to protecting you, your families and your freedoms was unable to get one tenth of you to shell out ten lousy bucks per year!

The NRA and the GOA got my money last year and will again this year.

This would be pathetically laughable if it wasn’t so disturbing and sad! Ten dollars per year! That’s less than a dollar per month. That’s less than three cents a day.

Maybe they should start a can drive? All kinds of worthy things never gain support.

Oh, but you already support the NRA, and if you supported every gun group out there you’d be broke? Then I would suggest to you: be a little more discriminating. Do some research. Find out who out there is really fighting for your rights and then dole out your support accordingly.

Rightly or wrongly, the NRA and the GOA are the only two "national campaigns" taken seriously by their foes.

Oh, but you don’t have time to volunteer, and you work so hard to support your family that you don’t have enough time to spend with them in the first place? Then I would suggest taking action together as a family, introducing your spouse and children to the joy and duty of being truly involved in protecting their rights.

Take a look at the time you spend in front of the boob tube and the time you spend on the computer – on pro Second Amendment rights websites and web forums, bitching, moaning and complaining about the erosion of your rights and yet doing little else to change that sad fact.

Uh yeah, another anti-TV rant. Just what is needed to fight the good fight.

When was the last time you volunteered your time to elect a pro-gun legislator, be it on a local, state or federal level?

Last election cycle. Phone banking and poll watching to see if everyone had cast ballots for the correct candidate.

When was the last time you wrote letters to the editor, wrote to your representative, called your legislator or voted?

Most recent letter was to US Senator Ron Wyden regarding the Firearms in Lawful Commerce Act. I'm trying to dissuade him from joining Sen. Lautenberg's proposed fillibuster. Most recent vote was last November.

When was the last time you actively donated your money to a worthy Second Amendment rights cause?

I have donated, but apparently to two unworthy causes.

When was the last time you attended a rally or a march in support of our Second Amendment rights, participated in a petition drive or even forwarded an email containing crucial information about our gun rights to everyone in your address book?

Got me there. I think rallying is largely ineffective and I don't spam my family and friends on gun issues unless it is relatively critical to do so. They're all adults and know where they stand.

How many times have you participated in the above activities in your life? Take a critical look. And then examine how many times you’ve done nothing. How many times have you ignored a call to action with the excuse that others will pick up your slack?

I have done nothing way more than I have done something, as has EVERYONE who is not a full time activist, but I am not a free rider except maybe to someone who wants to make a living as a pro-2A lobbyist or something.

I would venture to say that an honest assessment of your involvement will show you exactly why Sarah Thompson and Citizens of America have ceased operations.

An honest appraisal of my modest efforts would partially, if in a miniscule amount, account for why the Brady's are on the verge of bankruptcy, the MMM is bankrupt, the Republicans control Congress, GWB is in the White House, there was no "gun show loophole bill" following Columbine, why Oregon is "shall-issue," etc.

I’m fairly sure I’ll get a slew of emails telling me what a sanctimonious bitch I am, how holier-than-thou I am, how I have no clue how many gun owners are working to protect our Second Amendment rights, how YOU personally have been active in promoting and protecting gun rights. So be it. Because you know what? Regardless of your ardent denials, the facts speak for themselves, and the facts are these:

A recent article by Ralph Weller of GunNewsDaily showed that out of a sampling of 12,000 gun show attendees in California !a whopping 5.6 percent are registered to vote!

That'd be due in large part because that crowd has a lot of political drop-outs, er L(l)ibertarians in it.

Last year ran a poll asking gun owners if they would contribute money to fund a Second Amendment Supreme Court lawsuit that would once and for all settle the question of individual vs. collective right to keep and bear arms. Poll results indicate that 1,800 people answered the question. Those 1800 respondents replied they would donate a combined minimum amount of more than $133,000. Since KeepAndBearArms announced that Silveira vs. Lockyear is headed to the Supreme Court, maybe $25,000 in donations has trickled in.

FACT: Not everyone thinks Silveira is quite the case you think it is.

Overwhelmingly, the gun rights community regularly votes for Republican candidates, despite the fact that Republicans are just as responsible for the erosion of our rights as Democrats are.

Yes, let's vote for completely successful Libertarian and Constitutionalist candidates for Congress and have the Democrats do what they will to us.:rolleyes:

It’s a reflex. It’s tradition. Republicans are generally viewed as more pro-Second than Democrats, but even so… Gun Owners of America, a no-compromise national gun group that rates your legislators every year on how they vote to support your Second Amendment rights, has given an "A" rating to only three senators in the 108th session. Sixteen senators have received a “B†or “B-†on the GOA report card. The rest warranted miserable “C†and below ratings when it comes to defending your rights. And yet, there are 51 Republicans in the Senate currently, which means 32 Republicans who vote against your freedoms, against personal responsibility and against you. How many of these oath-breaking losers got your vote in the last election?

Ohhhh, politics are messy and not pure? NEWSFLASH!

On April 3, 2003 PAX, a stridently anti-freedom group, raised a half a million dollars in one night to support its odious cause. IN ONE NIGHT! Those involved included Steven J. Heyer (President & COO of Coca-Cola), Michael D. Drexler (CEO of Optimedia), actor Richard Belzer (Law & Order), Paul Shaffer (The David Letterman Show) comedian Mario Cantone (Sex and the City) and Joy Behar (The View). A single live auction raised $70,000 that night to help the effort to enslave you to gun control.

· Citizens of America couldn’t get 10 percent of you to contribute $10 per year.

Nothing is more unseemly than donor envy. Say what one will about PAX, but they know how to raise money out of their targeted pocketbooks and certain other groups, no matter how noble, do not.

These facts are a national shame, folks. Apparently gun owners talk a lot, but do little to actually defend their rights.

No, many do a lot in a manner that you refuse to recognize as legitimate or successful through groups that are competitors for those donated dollars your friends couldn't score.

They expect others to pick up their slack. They think their paltry $35 per year NRA membership will protect their freedoms. They don’t even consider the demise of COA and UTGOA as an important development on their pro-gun radar.

$35 bucks leveraged several million times is pretty effective in hiring somebody to devote their full-time attention to the cause they support. Were your friends looking for money in order to simply slush politicians or were they hoping to be paid to pick-up some of that slack (in terms of most people not having the time nor desire) of the majority of folks who are not being full time activists?

[Reasonable reactions snipped]

It is NEVER a good thing when another organization dedicated to fighting for your rights closes its doors. It means there’s one less group out there to counter lies, misinformation and outright subversive behavior that threatens your freedoms every day. It means there is one less group out there fighting for you. And the more pro-freedom activists give up the fight, the easier it will be for the anti-freedom leeches to suck away your freedoms.

NEVER because you say so? If the effect is the equivalent of the unheard tree falling in the forest, I'd say that the shuttering of these operations has no effect one way or the other.

Just think about that next time you sit down at your computer and read news that yet another anti-rights bill has passed with barely a whisper of protest from gun owners.

Being as vigilant as many, no gun control of any signifcance has passed in my areas of concern for quite awhile.

Think about Sarah Thompson, Brian Puckett and so many others who have fought for so long for you and your rights with a bare minimum of support and hardly any publicity.

Aren't they going back to being unsung heroes like most of us who don't get paid, praised, or a tax break for helping out once in awhile?

Think about UTGOA and Citizens of America who have toiled endlessly to preserve your freedoms, without fanfare, with little if no publicity and no credit.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of two relatively unknown organizations. . . .

And then remember the National Rifle Association, which has many times supported unconstitutional legislation to limit your Second Amendment rights and claimed credit for victories other, less well-known groups have worked hard to achieve.

Yes those dastardly wackos, never have done anything positive whatsoever.

And finally, go ahead. Email me. Tell me how I’m wrong about gun owners. Tell me how you, personally, and your friends have done so much to support the fight for freedom. Tell me how it’s not your fault that we’re losing the most effective fighters in our cause to apathy, stinginess and ignorance. Tell me I’m pious, clueless, holier-than-thou and preachy.

Most effective? With all due respect, were this true their effectiveness would be self-evident.

I spend no less than 30 hours per week working to preserve your freedoms, despite the fact that I have a family, a full-time office job, and I’m a student working on my degree. I write this column for free, when I generally get $600 for one article of this length. I have donated my April salary from my part-time job to the Silveira case, even though we live paycheck to paycheck in this house. I’m not bragging. I’m simply telling you my level of commitment, so you don’t think I don’t practice what I preach.

Far be it for me to lecture you about your level of committment, but castigating the rest of us in general for the failures of business savvy, luck, appeal, or whatever that results in a lack of money for true believers who are competing for dollars with the "corporatist" NRA and GOA, is rather like cursing the darkness rather than lighting a candle.

So please – I urge you to contact me. I urge you to curse me, yell at me, contradict me and tell me I’m full of it. The facts speak for themselves. If you want to change those facts, get off your *** and do something about it

The facts aren't as simple as you've made them. Reality dictates that activists must toil in the face of indifference. That's human nature. Good luck changing it.
Ok, first - everything Boats said.

Second, not everyone has the same ideas about gun rights and protections and threats and solutions as you do.

Out of 75mil gun owners, you can bet that a good chunk are not principled 2ndA activists.

Another chunk is not even online in a significant way.

Another large chunk is just barely getting by and threats of passing loaded chamber indicator laws just ring hollow when they are trying to feed their kids and make the rent.

The people on this board are probably not better than 1% of gun owners in interest level alone.

Now, take us Californians. When I hear about the threats to Utah gun owners, I LAUGH OUT LOUD!

You guys are like a kid with a sweet ride worrying someone is going to scratch it or a bird will poop on it.

Meanwhile, in Cali, we dream of driving a broke down Yugo for our gun rights.

The NRA has written us off. I got a call from them the other day trying to get me in a panic about what "extreme anti gun senators Clinton and Schumer are up to!" Please!

They could not pass a bill on cap guns right now.

Yet, in CA, our CCW system is a total travesty and the DOJ is ram rodding a bill to let them cover everything up. Big bore guns are in jeapordy and there is a good chance that we will be paying $60 for a brick of .22 shells next year. It is nearly impossible to collect classic guns like 1950s-1980s S&Ws and new guns have to be crash tested every 2 years.

IF and thats a big IF I had money, I would throw it at Jim March. he is doing something that could actually make a difference in CA.

How about some of you states without AW bans that have shall issue and stuff already, how about you send a little love our way? Yeah, like that will happen.

Also - I used to belong to KABA - paid my dues and all - but I got tired of them bashing the NRA. Sure I got issues with the NRA, but using my money to fight them is just retarded.

My final point is this:

Organizations do not have a right to exist. They exist at the pleasure of their supporters. If they die, as in this case, it is because everyone is getting what they want. As someone who is criticising Republicans and Democrats (I presume you are a libertarian), you should realize this.

They failed to survive in the arena of ideas. Sometimes it is resources, sometimes it is tactics, strategy or skill - does not matter, they were unfit and now they are gone. My one concession to that idea is that perhaps it was we who were unfit for them - still does not matter, we will continue to recieve the government and society we deserve.
All I have to say is that despite being a news junkie, and a follower of this board, TFL back in the day, and other pro-RKBA online places, I've never heard of either of these organizations until today (except for a couple weeks ago, when I saw a post on THR about the UTGoa (?) director resigning)

So, it's not that I am generally apathetic, but rather that these organizations did a less-than-optimum job of getting the word out.

I also thought the comments about "critical mass" above were fairly accurate - there are a lot of pro-RKBA non-profits, and they are more or less indistiguishable to most people.
Poor starving student

I've already budgeted spending $1000/yr on Pro RKBA organizations as soon as I can get out of college and get a job as an actuary.

On a National level, I see a purpose for the NRA, and the GOA. The GOA represents us hard liners, and the NRA, those more amenable to compromise. I tend to support the GOA more. Every state might be able to justify one or two organizations.

If pressed, I see strong reasons for organizations like the JPFO, and AFA, and specific organizations like those pushing the AWbanSunset.

A MAJOR problem however, is that the Pro-RKBA movement is splintered. I've gotten into battles with people on gun boards before about whether we should support the end of the 1994 AW Ban. Not everyone supports a repeal of the 1934 NFA, or the 1968 GCA. There are lots of gun owners, but not that many RKBA supporters. The NRA is a useful tool in that regard.

I suppose I'm just repeating the same points as Ms Fellenzer ultimately. Gun owners just don't seem to give a lick about defending their rights. That's where some gun organization could be focusing its efforts, on persuading the millions of gun owners to become RKBA supporters.

I too am disgusted, but the problem goes far beyond gun owners. Fully 70 to 80 percent of Americans simply don’t know or care about the erosion of their rights. Many actively need or want some “authority†(government, church, etc.) to play a larger role in the regulation of their lives.

As for gun owners themselves, most are not really pro-freedom. They’re pro-gun, of course, but the majority of gun owners, in my experience, inevitably oppose one freedom or another outside of the gun issue.

~G. Fink, member CRPA and NRA
Nicki Fellenzer:

How about writing a shorter article that I might read. That rant is too long for me to give it any time and thus, I miss your point.

There's power in brevity my friend.
I can say from personal experience, the article is dead on.

Everyone wants to cry and whine about things like magazine capacity restrictions, but ask them to donate 3 hours on a weekend to work a gun show and they fall silent.

I hope it is ok that I take the article to another board or two.
shoot, I'd be satisfied if we could get volunteers who were actually willing to work

One of the things I found as this congressional districts NRA election volunteer coordinator was that over 90 percent of the phone calls and emails I fielded were for one bumpersticker. That's good, but what we need are people to help out with the campaigns of folks we support. Nobody has to volunteer to help somebody they don't support, but when we can't even get folks to help put up campaign signs for folks who are 100 percent on our side it gets a little old after a while, y'know?

I'm sorry to see COA go under, but what did they expect?

Most gun owners appear to think that as long as they send their money to whoever, that's all they have to do. It's enough to drive a person to :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Sorry. I think the 2nd Amendment move sucks. We should not need that excuse to have the right to recreational or self defense use of firearms. Any activity on the part of a citizen that does not harm others should not be questioned. Limiting the activities of anyone, whether enumerated "rights" or not, based on the behavior of others of low quality is bigotry and unjustified.

The anti gunners need to be painted as the bigots they are and be pressed to excuse their behavior.
"Typical gun guy: Full of ideas, full of criticisms, full of crap!"

So it's not just Australian gun owners who are apathetic, lazy and stupid; we all have the same problem.

If you want to get really turned off, try getting the average Australian gun guy to help fight rotten legislation and watch them head for the closest bolt hole. Most of them won't even take the time to write a letter. I have to write the @#!!*&& things for them - and provide a stamp and an envelope to boot.

Many of them believe that if they keep a low profile, the government will leave them alone. How little they know!
Nicki is a good friend and (obviously) an incredible writer..

BUT... she has her ways, I have mine ;)

When I was in the PRK, I started my "two new female shooters a month, that's all I ask"..

And I have to say, I thought that produced quite a bit more result as far as the RKBA issue than my constant writing and phone calling of my congress critter (as Oleg puts it). (my congressman's secretary knows me by voice:p )

But I think what she does say clearly, is that regardless what approach you take, you need to take one if you value your freedom.

I agree wholeheartedly.. Even though I'm in the ROC right now, I still do my part by teaching people gun safety and how to handle a gun, and how to shoot.. That way, when they go to the states, they will be shooters already.

So I hope everybody does their part..

Good readin' as always Nicki...
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