Mozilla Firefox = Anti firearm bias?

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Dec 26, 2002
Wilderness of West Michigan
I switched to Mozilla Firefox as a search engine several months ago. Several weeks ago I began to have a problem logging in to THR and TFL. Not being very computer literate, I did what I could to try and figure things out; security problem, McAfee, etc etc. No luck. I could lurk, but not post.
For the heck of it, I went on IE and logged in to THR. Voila, I could log in and post.
So, has anyone else had a problem with Mozilla Firefox? Are they blocking firearm connected web sites? Once in awhile I could post one response, then I'd be unable to post further comments. So, here I go...I wonder what's going to happen?

Edited 1 minute later: Well I'm still able to post a second comment. First time in weeks. It must be Mozilla Firefox. Any comments?
Firefox works just fine for me on every firearms site, you might want to make sure you have the latest version just to rule out any bugs in older versions. You might also try uninstalling and then reinstalling it.

Whatever problem you're having, it's not due to some antigun bias on the part of Firefox's developers. I run Firefox on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and have had zero problems accessing firearms-related content on the Web.
Woks for me.

:shrug: I don't think I've ever posted here with anything but Firefox. I suspect something else, like a paranoid cookies or security setting within Firefox, but not Firefox itself.
Mozilla Firefox is not a internet search engine. It's a web client that allows you to acces the web. Google and Yahoo(kinda) are search engines. I use Firefox all the time and don't have any problems.

Maybe try upgrading to the latest ver of Firefox. I have had problems with some of the older vers.
I've used nothing but Mozilla browsers for a couple of years now. Never had a problem accessing any gun forum or auction site. Gun pRon displays just fine.

Now I've heard all the tinfoil hat theories. :scrutiny:
I, too, am using it right now, and rarely even launch Infection Express.

Have you checked your cookie and other browser security settings? My first guess would be that you're not allowing THR to set the cookie that identifies you, or have Moz set to delete the cookie when you close the session.
Here too.

I use Firefox on several firearms forums and sites daily. I rarely use IE at all for anything. I have occasionally had an issue where I've had to log into a forum twice with Firefox. It's mostly one site that is more political/general discussion than firearms related though.
Same here. I have not been here or any other firearms related site with anything but Firefox. Never had a problem. Firefox is awesome. It is a million times more secure than Internet Exploiter.
Notin but Mozilla for me, I've basically eliminated IE from my comp.

No problems except that firefox and mozilla seem to take for ever top download and save pics

I guess I'll have to put a Firefox sticker on my M1A stock so people will know that there are those of us in the Mozilla community who believe in the RTKBA. :p

Every post I've posted here was posted using Firefox.
Maybe if you elaborated on the issue we could help narrow it down. I'd start with clearing out your cookies, maybe you have some problem there.
Firefox anti-gun?

Doubt it. Most open-source people are quite libertarian in their views, and many of the living legends in the *NIX and open-source community are openly PRO-gun.

My experience has been that more of the Silicon Valley types are more liberal that libretarian.

BTW, if word got out that Mozilla had built in features to keep you from accesing certain sites, do you think it would last long? (talking about permenant restricted sites, not addons for parents or sys admins)

Silicon valley does tend to be liberal, but i've met very few anti's in the IT community. Of course, YMMV.

I agree with you on the observation though. Firefox would have been deader than the 8" floppy inside of 2 weeks if they had built in blocking for certain sites.
Mozilla is practically the official browser (but I use the suite) of both THR and TFL staff. Can't be them. They're the only one I use! There might be a couple of staff members using IE, one guy uses Opera, and Rich uses Safari, but otherwise everyone using PC's seems to be on Mozilla.
I've been a Mozilla man since .9x for email & web browsing. Just recently went over to Firefox/Thunderbird.

I don't think I have ever viewed THR with IE.

Mozilla/Firefox/T-bird are what they should be. IE/Outlook is an abortion. Lotus Notes is an abortionon stilts.
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