Mr. Gabe Suarez is?

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Sep 26, 2006
Mods...move this if needed, I didn't see a spot where it would be a better fit.
I'm just wondering if its me or has anyone else here run afoul of Mr. Suarez and his unique way of thinking and/or communicating?
Sometime ago I signed up for Mr. Suarez's newsletter and when the last installment popped into my inbox a few days ago it featured a lead photo of Mr. Suarez demonstrating a firearm/flashlight technique in which the firearm was more than just a few degrees from vertical. Since there was no barricade or other impediment involved I took it that the photo had been chosen as representative of Mr. Suarez's approved technique. Well, since I can't recall anything positive ever being written (or said) about such a cant, under those conditions, I decided to cancel my newsletter, which hadn't really told me anything new.
I emailed Mr. Suarez (no unsubscribe link or information was provided in the letter as I thought was the rule/law) politely requesting to be unsubscribed and guessing he'd be at least curious as to why, I asked how I could trust an instructor that promoted a "gangsta cant"?
His reply was, "Piss off!"
Repeated emails requesting an apology have proven useless. I've been told "customers like you I don't need" coupled with the accusation that I offended him somehow (no explanation given). Finally he just apparently began ignoring my emails as I've heard nothing from Mr. Suarez in 5+ days.
Anyone have any comments on his behavior?
Or am I at fault?:confused:
If I read this right it sounds you both were the recipients of unsolicited feedback. Call it "even" and move on...he might have been having a bad day.
On the contrary; when I mentioned having read about his "bad" side and expressed surprise that a mere email could bring it out, he bragged about how his bad side was worse than anything I could imagine, or something very close to that effect. That response pretty much rules out the "bad day" excuse doesn't it?:confused:
Like many gun instructors, Saurez has a huge ego and doesn't take criticism very well, especially from someone he feels doesn't have the experience or knowledge to be critical. This comes across in his writings and especially his postings.

He is really into muzzle control and so the vertical gun reference made me laugh...

As for an apology, forget it. If you asked for one the first time and didn't get it, making demands won't get you anywhere.

Why would you subscribe to a newsletter from a person who plead guilty to fraud, money laundering, and grand theft?
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You don't badger for an apology. While I cannot condone this idiot's response I can understand his not replying to your e-mails. Of course I wouldn't have associated myself what-so-ever with such an individual in the first place. Such a seasoned officer that goes that route deserves nothing from me nor any other responsible gun owner.
Thanks for expanding my education guys......
I wasn't aware of his sterling background!:what::D;)
Mr. Gabe Suarez is ????????


Anyone have any comments on his behavior?
Or am I at fault?

Set up a rule in whatever email program you use to dump anything from him into a junk folder or delete it altogether.

Then get on with your life.
Are his books garbage? I made a Christmas book list and put several of his titles on the list.......opinions?

If they are junk , what are some other pistol tactics books?

OH NOES!!!!1111!!!!one1!. STOP THE PRESSES!!!!1111!!ELEVEN!


Larry, you actually cancelled your subscrption because his gun was canted? Give me a freakin break. You deserved the reply you got. You would have gotten the same from me.

Have you ever heard the man say "I shoot canted and so should you!" No, you didn't. You looked at a photograph and applied your own assumption to the message.

Some of you people reallly need to unclench.
Do a search on for Suarez, particularly the interchange between Rich Lucibella and Suarez. It makes for interesting reading.
Canting the gun depends on the person and how they shoot but quite a few people can't the gun when they shoot one handed. I cant it 20-30 degrees when shooting strong hand, and closer to 45 degree when shooting weak handed. For me that is the most natural position when shooting one handed. YMMV.
I teach students to cant their pistols when shooting one handed.

You should probably have asked him WHY rather than telling him he was wrong.
Many schools teach shooting a bit cant Larry.
Specially when shooting one handed, control does improve and it feels more natural. Helps when point shooting.

You accused him of being "gangsta" for doing something most of us agree on being a viable technique.

Depending on the "tone" of your email, maybe I would have replied in a similar manner.

Take his reply for what it was. Piss off. If thats the best answer he can come up with, I wouldn't waste my time on anything from him. I never heard of him myself. Great reply from a instructor:barf::barf::barf:
Post up your emails to and from him so we can read them (please)
I'd be interested to see them.
I read a couple of his Tactical Pistol books, and I liked what he taught 'cause it was very similiar to what I learned way back when. Nice info for refresher on technique, practice, etc., as I had been away from shooting for a while. I didn't agree 100% with everything, but the majority worked for me.
Would you happen to have a direct link for the Suarez-Lucibella exchange you're talking about?
I did the Search, it came back with way too many entries to wade through.
Irrespective of technique taught, Mr. Suarez is a butthole of the first water.
He does not take criticism at all.

He has other issues but that one is enough.

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