Multiple Bullets Stuck in Barrel (factory loads even!)

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as a caveat to what I said in the previous post.

Have the barrel cut in half. make a pretty box for it and hang it on a wall as a constant reminder how lucky you are. Most people don't get a second chance with a stuck barrel.
Might also want to deconstruct/destroy any remaining rounds of that ammo--either insufficient powder, contaminated powder, etc. Would not want to use any of it in another rifle. If factory, send a couple of them to the factory for analysis and maybe a free barrel.

Personally, I would not want to use that particular barrel again--even if you get the obstructions out--the barrel will be damaged to some extent. Barrels are relatively cheap, serious injury nor peace of mind is not. Course YMMV.
This has been entertaining. I can buy one lead bullet getting stuck, buy three?

Some of the suggestions pro remedies the situation are............I gate to say it, but funny.

I feel like Truman from the The Truman Show. Are all of you guys in kahoots to make me laugh?

After the week I had, I do appreciate it though.
There is a very simple tool that can be made that requires a minimum of shop skill and understanding, problem, the ones that claim it can not be done outnumber the ones that claim it can, be done.

F. Guffey
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