Musings on the concept of Reasonable Restriction

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When the forces of tyranny roll into your neighborhood they will be wearing armor and driving APCs.
It would be nice if some of the local farmers and businessmen had some firepower.

Which dictionary? The one Miller used to define arms?

What Miller used for a dictionary is immaterial. It's the dictionary the Court didn't use that is the problem; and of course the dictionary that Congress and the President didn't use when they passed the NFA.


Remember, remember, come election in November,
the shamnesty debacle and plot.
I have not a muse why the shamnesty ruse
should ever be forgot.
That's my position and my reason. Period. End of discussion. If you want to counter by saying, "Yes, well, you could whip out your Stinger...," then we've entered Bizzaro World again.
No, I would respond with: Freedom is not without danger, nor is it free. Freedom isn't bought only by patriots in the 18th century or our military fighting in far off lands. Part of the price of freedom is paid every day in the form of certain risks and dangers.

the homicidal maniac's possession of an M-16 has no effect on your right to life, especially if you are not restricted in what tools are available for your own defense. The homicidal maniac with a pocket knife, golf club, or rock is just as much of a threat. For that matter, if he is such a homicidal maniac, he's just as much of a threat bare naked and empty-handed.

A bare-naked, empty-handed man is just as dangerous as a man with an M-16?
So our boys in Iraq don't really NEED those guns, and clothes?
What are you smoking?
Thanks for including my quote. As you can see, I said "homicidal maniac," not "man." Still, "just as much of a threat" was an exaggeration on my part. Should have said "may still be a serious threat."
What the framers failed to realize was that the legislative branch would turn into long term employment for thieves, liars, and crooks.

Actually they DID realize that it was likely to happen. That is why the put in the 2nd Amendment!
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