My carry gun is in pieces!

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It didn't go together without incident.

I guess firestar's standards for gunsmiths might need a bit of adjustment?

Take it apart and re-assemble it again, using the website quoted.

As much as we all hate to admit it, if it worked before you started tinkering and doesn't work now... you may have reassembled it incorrectly.
I guess I'd say try taking it down (frame out of grip) and pay special attention to the hammer, hammer axis, trigger axix, and trigger bar, although I don't think there is a way to assemble it incorrectly to cause this...
Just got back from the range, and it works flawlessly.

Trigger is just as long, but somewhat lighter, and a lot smoother.

It has sort of knee in the trigger pressure - a fairly light pull until just before release, then a very short pull to fire.

What with the new grip, it's more accurate, and much more pleasant to shoot.

I'll take another run down to the range, to fire another 100 rounds or so, just to make sure it's reliable, before I return to using it as my carry piece.

But to return to my original point - make sure you have a backup piece. Something to use when you're primary piece is out of action.
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