My little brush with MS13

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NO Warning wrote "Wouldn't it be a shame if you installed sprinklers on your lawn? Maybe set them up to a switch in a room that you have a nice view of your driveway. They may not see it as a threat and leave because no one likes getting soaked."

this might be the best advice given short of moving, it wont make you a traget for retaliation because they wont know it was done just to get them to leave.... hopefully
Put the sprinklers on a motion detector.
If the cops won't respond to citizen calls, they're WORTHLESS.

You need to make them FEEL worthless. Write EVERYBODY you can think of in their chain of command, from the mayor on down. Put up a website about them. Blog about them everywhere you can. Make video of them NOT responding to obvious criminal activity.

You need to make it painful to NOT respond to calls. Probably the ONLY way to do that is to SHAME them. They seem to have a lot to be ashamed OF.

It is unfortunate that officers did not respond or responded too late to this call, but you have no clue as to what may have been happening that night. For all you know they were dealing with shots fired, assault in progress, armed robbery in progress calls. I suspect this went out as a 415 group drinking and disturbing which is not a priority call.

On any given night in many divisions in L.A. you can have multiple shots fired, armed robbery, kidnap in progress calls going on at the same time. There simply aren't enough uniforms on the street to deal with it. It's the city government, not the police that are the problem here.

How dare you with your "They seem to have a lot to be ashamed of" crap. Please tell us why they didn't respond? Do you know? Do you know that they didn't have a legitimate reason for not bing there in under 20 minutes? This was not a life threatening event. I feel for this poster and I hope he can get some answers or some changes made, but insinuating the police have something to be ashamed of?

I don't know for sure, so I won't indict them.

You DO have something to be ashamed of. Grow up you cop hating jerk. You're also probably one of those people who votes no for every tax increase to help pay for additional officers.
I live in a rapidly urbanizing surburb, and the house prices here are in the low 600,000s
Holy cow. Here, that would buy you either a mansion, a big house on a golf course in an exclusive community, a big house on the waterfront, OR my house plus a Corvette Z06, a CTS-V, a Porsche, a Ferrari, and a nice boat. :eek:
Dunno, a tiny little cape-cod in Arlington was running $750,000 for the house and 1/8 of an acre of land.

Yet another example of why we got the H#!! out of there!
It seems that even with the increasing interference of government upon our lives, that many parts of the USA are experiencing the chaos of "anarchy" that most fear would ensue if we had no government.

It is a very good lesson of what anarchy would result in. The recommendations on "dealing" with the problem are countered with the accurate statement that even if you got these gangsters, their cohorts will kill you, your family, the person who sold you lunch, etc., in order to get revenge and make a statement.

In an anarchic situation, the most organized (and ruthless) group will control said situation.
silverlance said:
For a couple years I kept telling myself that I'm not moving because I don't have the money. It's no longer true. As a credentialed high school teacher, I can probably teach anywhere in the country. But I like teaching here. I like to believe that if I do my job right, I might be able to prevent a lot of kids from becoming lowlifes. Not all, just enough so that the problem doesn't become a massive rolling snowball like it is in France.

Move to New Mexico. We have plenty of poverty to combat, and we could use some good teachers. Our gun laws are a lot more reasonable that those in CA. My sister is a real estate broker. We could find you a place to live real easy. The house across the street from me is for sale, in fact. 1500 square feet, 4BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, $189,000. That's pretty typical. And my sister-in-law and brother-in-law both work for the city's school system. "You need connections? We got connections."

There's still room to make a difference here. And you don't have to live in fear or give up your dignity to do it.
Holy cow. Here, that would buy you either a mansion, a big house on a golf course in an exclusive community, a big house on the waterfront, OR my house plus a Corvette Z06, a CTS-V, a Porsche, a Ferrari, and a nice boat.

before anyone starts asking me to borrow money, i'm just renting! :eek: I did a calculation last year.. if my take home pay goes up by 2.5% every year, it would take me 30 years to save up 600,000. it would take me, given a low interest home loan, 45 years to pay it off. i subsequently got real depressed and kicked my "money saving" reloading press. :mad:

i'll be done with my secondary degree next summer. at that point, it is highly possible that i'll be taking you gentlemen up on your invite to move. i specialize in teaching students who are far far below basic (like 3rd grade level in 9th), but are not recent immigrants (ESL).

my family would like to me stay in CA, but the thought of owning guns with pistol grips, suppressors (Oleg says that suppressors are very common in other states...!!), and all the cheap steel jacketed ammo i can buy is really really compelling.
How dare you with your "They seem to have a lot to be ashamed of" crap. Please tell us why they didn't respond? Do you know?
It doesn't matter why. They didn't.

Call the police department and ask if you should buy a gun for home defense.

I think we both know what their response will be. This incident made it ring just that more hollowly.

If you put your trust in the police for personal protection, they don't come and a family member is raped or murdered, is your response really going to be, "Oh, it's ok. They were busy some place else."?
It doesn't matter why. They didn't.

Call the police department and ask if you should buy a gun for home defense.

I think we both know what their response will be. This incident made it ring just that more hollowly.

If you put your trust in the police for personal protection, they don't come and a family member is raped or murdered, is your response really going to be, "Oh, it's ok. They were busy some place else."?

Could you be more full of crap? 1) I never said it was "o.k." 2) I never suggested the OP relay solely on the police.

And do you believe that there is one or more officers in every department to respond to every 911 call that comes in right away?

They're doing what they can with what they have and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If they aren't then corrective action needs to be taken, but neither you or I know which it was in this specific case.
They're doing what they can with what they have and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If they aren't then corrective action needs to be taken, but neither you or I know which it was in this specific case.

If you don't know that's the situation in this specific case, then why did you assert it in the prior sentence?
Next time Id "think they are armed", or "fighting" when calling 911. That would get a faster response. I would not confront these people, and dont even think of going out there armed.
If they WERE MS13 (most chollo thugs aren't), I have seen excecutions that were carried out by them, they werent merciful. Point is they are people you dont want to interact with in any way.
For the lights you are going to put up, I would highly, highly reccomend a lot of high pressure sodium vapor lamps. Many people find the yellowish hue of light they put out to be rather annoying as it distorts colors. They are also very efficient and easy to filter out.
Scorpiusdeus, let's just say I worked for Bratton in his first Police Commissioner job. Most people do not understand what you have to go through in an eight hour day, they never will. You have to also remember that you cannot be everywhere all the time for all the reasons you detailed. How many calls a day/night do you get that are total nonsense or a call for social services. Would be nice to just fight crime and chase bad guys. Every cop in the country would love to less tied up with BS so they could be there for the good people when they are needed. Not the cops fault and just not the reality.

My take on this is: Policing begins way before the call to 911. It begins with knowing your neighbors, having common concerns, culture and look out for each other and helping one another. Parents being involved in the schools to ensure that their kids are getting educated by the book and not by the street. Society has changed and people are not as tight as they once were, most people are self absorbed and nobody takes personal responsibility for anything. Time was that on my block 20 phone calls would have been made if MS13 pulled in someones driveway. Not any longer. I wonder if the poster had any neighbors that noticed what was going on and did they just close the blinds and go back to American Idol. I bet if more than one call was made he would have gotten a faster response. Shame that MS13 felt comfortable enough to just park on your property and have a party without any fear and knowing damn well nobody would do anything about it. JMHO Bill
Silverlance, Your talents and dedication can serve the highest and best purpose anywhere. There are any number of places you can help children who need it and not have to put up with the disadvantages of living in a Communist state. My relief upon moving to WA State in '92 was palpable. I don't recommend you move to Western WA (we live here only because of the company I work for) unless you like gray rainy weather most of the time, but Eastern WA is lovely, and as a teacher you can work anywhere. There is no reason to stay in a place you dislike. May I suggest that for your next vacation you tour areas where you might be interested in living and get out of the DPRK.
I'm not sure anyone thought of this: walk out there with munchies and beer and hang out for awhile. If they're local, then you could get on their good side. Yeah, they may come back, but it's certainly better than the alternative. Just something to think about.
Silverlance, if moving out of that godforsaken PRK isn't an immediate option, consider the following:
As stated before, make your place as uninviting as possible to thugs. Good lighting, thorny shrubs, guard dog kept inside, perhaps something drug into the driveway to deter parking at night?
Sell one AR and one M1 Super 90 and buy mags, ammo, lights and spend some time planning and training in case these lowlifes try to enter your home.
Do not approach them. They have no life, no jobs, nothing to lose. Unfortunately LEO's can't be everywhere at once, and these types are pouring into our borders at an alarming rate, far exceeding law enforcement's staffing and funding models.
I don't understand how you didn't react right away with people in your driveway, I mean that's on your property. If they see they can hang out on your property it's only a matter of time before it escalates. I would have called the cops within 5 minutes and given my name, why not?
OMG! I just read the whole thread!!

Is it EVER acceptable for people to come into someones driveway and use their vehicles as chairs and drink beer - regardless of weather they are in a gang or not?!?!?

Does everyone in your neighborhood think this is normal and acceptable?!?!?

I though I lived in a crappy town, and I do but if that happened on my street someone would call the cops in a matter of minutes, and if they didn't come no matter cause there would be other calls from other neighbors.

This has absolutely nothing at all to do with guns and everything to do with what is acceptable or not. People in driveway sitting on your property - CALL THE COPS, GIVE YOUR NAME!!
A similar thing happened to my friend and I. We do the "Citizens on Patrol" program with the local PD, so we just called 'em up and said there were a bunch of people and one was brandishing a gun. Cops got out there ASAP and harassed the group for close to an hour. A "gun" call really escalates things quickly. It may have been a beer bottle, or a phone, but if it looks enough like a gun, it may be the only thing you can say to get them out there.
It's a no win situation. The few goood people left in Cali should be told to evacuate, we fence it off, and wait for The Big One to split San Andreas and send that s***hole with every celebrity, gangbanger and druggie into El Pacifica.

In the immortal words of Ellen Ripley, "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
It's all well and good to suggest that people move from California . . . but it's a state with 35 million residents and one of the world's 10 biggest economies if it stands alone.
"Concerned Local Citizens" are the only effective means of turning the tide against groups like this. If neighborhoods do not band together with resolve and run these groups off - nothing will be done.
This is not a problem the police CAN fix - it crosses city lines, state lines, and national boundaries.
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