Myself as a victim in California...

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As one who left their late great native state of california many years ago I can honestly say CALIFORNIA SUCKS AND IS A VERY SCARY PLACE!! It ain't worth it to be in a place so chock full of mindless violence. At least now in my new rural home violence is done amonst folks who know each other, not that it happens very often. Good luck, I dont' see things as you described improving much anytime soon.
This is very disappointing, by no means do I hate LEOs, I am even starting school to be one. but youd think they would follow up and try to go to the store to get a video of him and try to ID the guy. If hes a gang member, its almost a guarentee that he has a record and is on file.
Its irritating to say the least. I think I'm going to go see what that CRPA is about even though I plan on getting the hell out of here within the coming months.

I'm still breathing as you all have said, onwards and upwards. Just wanted to share that here over anywhere else I post on occasion.

Thanks. This state ust to be a great place to live, now its a joke and a half but the citizens here do nothing about it. I'm not talking about the gun and CCW advocates, I mean just about the whole rest of the state.
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