name that revolver

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Someone's trying to screw someone else out of a LOT of money. Think I'll offer him $150.00 for it.
Oh come on!. I just paid with postage $215 for a dixie kit. The engraving looks like about another $300-500. Who knows buy it now and have fun shooting the heck out of it, then some day your great grand kids might have something??? Not
name that reevolver

I dont like Stella too close to steller. I'm going to name mine ella after I fix a bayonet and anti aircraft sight to it. It's gona be one ella a gun.
That is some of the worst looking stuff I've ever heard be called engraving!!!
No, I can't do any better, but if that's as good as I could do, then I wouldn't do that either!!
The "engraving" looks like it was punched in and the cylinder looks like it was made yesterday,I am no expert but even I can see that there is no age to the gun. It is possible that someone did some "folk art" on it and removed all the original markings but I doubt it.
Isn't there some kind of law against this sort of thing ie: Fraud????:eek:
My guess is that someone taking a class in engraving wanted a cheap gun to practice on and picked up the Italian S&B Repro, or maybe a kit of the same. Perhaps this seller got bit and just wants to recoup his loss by bitting someone else, not a pretty thing.

I emailed the seller several days ago and asked if it was a brass frame - he said yes. I told him what the gun was but he never responded or changed the auction.
Spoke to the household lawyer a bit ago and she felt it likely that if this guy excepted a PMO for this sent throught the mail and had reason to believe this was other than he advertised that he would be committing mail fraud.

Did see something interesting in my search for information on Whitneys, it seems that there was an engineer at Whitney that went over to Remington just as the Whitney went into production named Beals. Now I understand why the Remington looks so much like the Whitney.

Interesting to see how many of the same names pop up among the engineers and machinist in the various arms concerns, espacially with the failures at Lawrence around this time. Even Mauser appearently worked at Colt for a bit.

Well I have drifted off topic yet again. ADK (Attention Deficit Keyboarding) at its worst.

OK, I'm a Pic Whore...
Here's a Remington-Beals and a Whitney.
Interestingly, the frame of the Whitney looks brass in this pic - it's actually a plumb brown color (made of iron)
When you blow up those Gunbroker pics, you can see just how bad that S&B repro looks.
The backstrap engraving is especially poor. You can see where the engraver missed his/her turn in quite a few spots. I agree. $50-$75 and no more. A perfectly good Italian repro was ruined with beginner grade engraving. This is why you don't practice engraving on something you intend to sell, especially if doing so will decrease the value of the item.

I smell fraud.
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