Natchezss shooters supply security warning

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Feb 22, 2008
I went on the natchezss website lastnight to place and order and found that my wishlist and cart had been updated, When I opened them I found that I was logged in as someone else from another state. I had only gone to the website mainpage and had not sttempted to login.

I had the capability of manipulating the other users account information. This poses a severe security issue involving privacy, identity theft, credit etc etc. I contacted the user by phone (since I had his phone number) and advised him to watch his credit card bills for abuse.

I removed my information from my account to protect myself.

I attmpted to call natchezss with no success. I even checked the parent company's info and got the name of the chairman of the board, and called him, no response.
I made a call this morning to Natchezss and informed them of their security problem. I was advised to call back on Monday, and they would deal with it then.

I suggest that if you have an account with natchezzs you should modify your personal information until they resolve the problem.
I was hit with identity theft last year. Natchezss was one of the three possibilities it was hacked from. All turned out well, and I still do a lot of business with Natchezss but now I use a pre paid credit card for ANYTHING on line.
the natchezzs internet people called me today, and they are working on the problem. In retail, it pays so skim the employee and go straight to the top for action.
I don't deal with Natchez since they won't sell to TN residents. This struck me as odd seeing as the company is based in TN. I figure if they wont sell to the locals, I'd hate to see the customer service you get from another state.
Guess I need to check my account. So far I have good luck with Natchez. I can order something and get it in 2 days. Sometimes Midsouth beats them on the prices though.
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