Need help deciding; 1911 or P220

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Apr 1, 2011
My budget is $7-800 and I'm having a hard time deciding between a Springfield 1911 and Sig P220 .45.

I plan on using this gun for the range only. Any experience with either? I have plenty of full-sized guns in 9mm but have never owned a .45, thanks all.
That is a tough predicament you have there. I have a 220 that I love. I have several Springfields that I love. I have carried both (separately). But when I just go to the range I tend to alternate and generally don't take both the 220 and a 1911.
However, if I had to pick just one to have, 1911 hands down. Just my 2 cents.

The standard and correct answer...

Which ever one feels best in your hand, and that you shoot the best....

Great input so far, thanks guys.

LNK I have held/shot many a 1911 but never a P220 in .45. Good advice, I will try to find one in a store to fondle.
Will do, actually the correct answer is, GET BOTH lol.

I guess my real question should be, what shall I buy FIRST? :)
I've got both(although the P220 is the compact variety). They're both fantastic and a joy to shoot.

However for a range pistol the edge goes the the 1911.
A few years ago I shot a friends Colt Lightweight Commander XSE next to his Sig P220. I have to admit it was hard to decide on which I liked better. The Colt's trigger was better, but the Sig's wasn't bad. They were both accurate, and flawlessly reliable. I asked him which he likd better, and he couldn't give me an answer.

I ultimately would go with the Colt, but I like 1911's, and the control placements are more natural for me, but they were darn close. The P220 is a great pistol.
For range only, 1911. It's going to have a better trigger.

The bedside bottom feeder in my house is a DA .45ACP. I just prefer that platform for that purpose.

The wife & I own 3 SIGs & like 'em a lot. The P220 is one that I seriously lust after. I don't think you would be unhappy with it for any purpose.
You guys aren't making this any easier lol! I'm still torn between the two at the moment, perhaps a coin toss would help me decide....... haha, kidding. Thanks for the input.
+1 to lemaymiami....I've shot both and carried both in harm's way, successfully getting out of the way....that being said, while I do love my M1911A1, if you are only going to get one, I would give the nod to the SIG.
I purchased the M1911 years ago, it was my first pistol. I just purchased a Sig P220 this month after lots of review; it is a well crafted, high quality pistol. The 1911 has a lot of wear and I am about to upgrade it with a new barrel,bushing, hammer, trigger, and beaver tail.

A lot depends upon what you plan on using the pistol for, e.g., defense, target shooting, etc., and how it feels in your hand. Since I have an old military model, the edge goes to the Sig. I don't have any experience with the higher quality 1911s so I can not recommend one of them over the Sig.

Over time, you will probably own both like many of us.:)
I say go with the 1911, but then I'm biased:

i'm biased to 1911s, but i'd say that whatever feels better in your hand is the one you should get. what model Springfield were you thinking about, anyway?
I have both, Trigger is nicer on the 1911 but the p220 is lighter recoiling and a little bit more more enjoyable to shoot.
Out of the two listed, I would vote for the M1911.
But were in your position,
(To quote Monty Python) Now For Something Completely Different, (drumroll) Behold the CZ-97!
I really, really, like the 97B. It has a higher capacity than either option, is VERY accurate, and cheaper than either other option. And, it can be carried condition 1, to boot. Just figured I'd throw that in.
Here's an excellent video by a fellow THRer (is that a word?) shooting and explaining the 97.
Thanks for letting me ramble!
If by "range gun" you mean a (serious) target pistol, then an appropriate 1911 configured for target shooting would be your best choice, imo. If you just want to shoot informally at targets on the range, then either pistol would do fine. Though both are obviously semi-auto pistols, the 1911 and the SIG da/sa are very different pistols in terms of their operating features and are not an "apples to apples" comparison. I think lemaymiami said it best when he posted:

For range only... the old .45, hands down. For serious law enforcement or security work the Sig sets the standard...

I would choose the sig. I have not found a 1911 for under $2400 that I was thrilled with. The first time I shot a P220, I wanted it. Lower (read: under $1200) 1911's are great project guns, but if this is just going to be a range gun, ge the sig. It will be just as accurate as the springer and softer shooting. It will require much less TLC to keep it running and you could teach a Chimp to DCOA it. Unless you are going to spend 3-4 times your budget and get a Knighthawk or you want a project gun, I think the P220 will serve you better.
I own both a P220 and a Ruger SR1911...
I bought the SIG first and it is still my best .45 :neener:

Both are almost equal in shooting and handling so that's a toss up :banghead:
BUT, when it comes time to take it down for cleaning......SIG ALL THE WAY!

It is SOOOOOO much better to take apart :eek::what:

I know many will say I'm all wet but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Try each and good luck, you can't go wrong with eather. :)

The Sig 220 is truly a great pistol. Having said that, I don’t think you can put it above a good 1911.
Nothing I have ever shot shoots as well as a 1911. When it comes right down to it, that’s what we are talking about, shooting.
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