Neighboring Hunter Sabotaging My Spot!

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Nov 21, 2011
The Lowcountry SC from the Northeast Kingdom
I have a real small spot (7 acre sand pit)here in SC that I hunt and target shoot! Its surrounded by heirs property and only accessible by foot! A 4 wheeler could get there but I don't own one. I hump corn in to a wagon to my barrel feeder year round. Had a pig destroying my feeder since January and continued to feed all summer and repair feeder every 2 weeks! Shot pig 9/6 . Went today and no tracks from deer or small pigs and feeder is gummed up with the 120lbs of corn I put in 9/6! Feeder had a bottle of dawn soap dumped in it! Crafty! Beside me is another 20 acre pit (from I-95 construction late 50s?) owned by the only person for miles.......! Ive been there 5 years, him 10 or so. Last year cologne was spread on my trees near the feeders Oct 1st!
I have no proof it was my neighbor! He smokes Lucky Strikes! I have found Lucky Strikes! I don't have him on camera since (someone) will take the camera or if im lucky the s/d card! I just moved a camera to maybe apprehend someone but damage is done He wont be back.
Called DNR and they said wow that's too bad call the sheriff!
Called the sheriff and they chuckled and said file a report to this deputy.. They sent me to an answering machine for registering as a sexual offender!!! Twice!....
So I get the drift!
Whats the best way to shut this guys deer habitat Down!!! If it costs me too so be it!!!
I can Bow hunt elsewhere!
Well sounds like you have a couple of options... wait and watch, fence the place in completly, or buy vast quantities of claymores :D haha anyways back to buisness how about a game cam with live feed?
Well you didn't hear this from me but human waste will make wildlife leave axe body spray to name a couple of ideas pee on his stand the day before the opener and watch how fast it keeps deer away a few years ago I was hunting public land I hiked in for three miles and I hung my stand a day before the opener I slip in on the opening morning and there is some yahoo in my stand with my climber on the ground so I did the honorable thing I peed all the way around the tree and made as much noise as possible why bc the guy claimed he was their first yet my climber stand was thrown down somehow :fire:

I hope you get revenge :evil:
Pretty remote for a tree hugger! Are they so stealthy?
I need to shut a 20 acre square Down! That square is surrounded by about 200 acres of heirs property cut up by railroad and interstate 95! I have walked the property! No one else around! I found a (garden) That was so old the shovel handles were rotted off!
I have thought about ammonia but am so surprised how fast it dissipated at home! Scented oils and spray bottles? Moth balls? Cologne?. Hair? Ive been looking.
Ive seen the Deer Highways on to his property and have respected them as I was on the heirs property surrounding his!
One of those highways funnels into my sand pit!
I am guilty of walking on un posted land but I haven't set up a stand or hunted this heirs property!
I would go to the sheriffs department and talk to them in person. Tell him if they are willing to go this far you are worried about your safety and file a report. Maybe talk to an aldermanor other rep. That's about all you can do without pic's off the top of my head unless the sheriffs department laugh in your face you could maybe look at the state level.

I would just keep shoving the safety factor in there face.
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I had a similar problem a few years ago...,

It may be tree hugges...that's a good bet..., or it may be more nefarious. For it to be a hunter, how do you think the culprit is going to keep the deer off your 7 acres, and onto his by just using those tactics? :confused:

If they are finding your game cameras they are either too obvious, or too near a stand or a feeder.

In my case, I deployed a game camera on the feder... cheap one, out in the open.., and then deployed two smaller ones to cover the game camera, not the feeder. I figured tampering with the camera was good enough. I turned off the flash for the secluded cameras. Sure I ran the chance that the person or persons were doing the crap at night, but I figured they woudn't chance having to use a flashlight so daytime was good enough.

Sure enough, caught the dude on camera, which then led to figuring out who he was. I figured it was a tree hugger..., turned out it was a dude cultivating a Marijuana plot nearby, and he didn't want anybody spotting it.

I'll bet that's what you have going on. So try different camera deployment on an obvious camera, or on the trails leading in an out, at a distance from the feeder. You may get what you want.

I peed from a stand one time and within 5 minutes a 7-point came up and sniffed it and did a lip curl.

Maybe human feces works but don't count on urine. Unless you have an infection, urine is sterile and seems to smell about the same from most mammals.
I think LD is on the right track. Most of the jerk hunters out there would just hunt from your stand or their own nearby rather than sabotaging yours. I would figure tree huggers would announce their intentions - they're usually pretty outspoken.

Marijuana or other illegal activity, unfortunately, makes the most sense to me. Try his suggestion about the "bait" camera. It's probably your least expensive option. Then, force the issue with local law enforcement. Get the media involved if they won't listen.

There are more drastic measures, but these should work.
try to find a spot on the trail comming in to the feeder to hide a game camera. It might not be evidence enough to prosecute him but a picture sent in the mail with a little note saying next time your going to the cops might do the trick. Id bet if you hide it on the trail he wont even be looking for it and wont notice
The last thing you should do is lower yourself to somebody else's low-rent behavior. Another's trespass on your property does not justify your trespass on his.

Q: Does this surrounding "heirs property" belong to kinfolks of yours?
Make contact with the other land owner and talk to him/her about the problem. Might be a problem everyone is having.

As for the sabotage suggestions, that ain't the highroad.
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