New way to control guns...

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Thus, he doesn't get to tell anyone how they should conduct "legal" business anymore. He should go away and shut his yap.

Yeah, I understand the point and everything. Particularly when he's packaging himself as some kind of ethical guru, railing against crime. (Crime is crime is crime is crime...and he's a dishonest, discredited SOB.) But I am just trying to keep things in perspective: even if he were the Pope, or the Dalai Lama, or whomever, this opinion would still suck. Appeals to authority, or their converse - the ad hominem attack - can be dangerous when they take the focus off the idea in question.

what a crock of hog poo! this moron needs to be exported to the middle of the saraha desert, with one can of coke.

Shake the can up real good first....:evil:
Eliot Spitzer????

Isn't Mr. Spitzer the f@#$%ng whore monger that was busted for high class - high dollar call girls? All the while he was selling himself as a crusader against corruption and imorality, the very crimes and acts he was guilty of committing!

That sorry SOB should shut his pie hole and stick with something he knows, how to cheat on his wife and children for that matter. Besides he PROBABLY paid for some of his sexcapades with tax payer dollars. Yet after he, with his dumb ass wife by his side, apologized on TV, well things sort of fell by the wayside. I call her a dumb ass because she wasn't by his side when he was in bed with the hookers. So why be by his side when he's busted. Besides he was only sorry he got busted not for what he was doing. If he hadn't been caught, he would be out with a hooker tonight! Amazing how ones criminal behavior and sexual escapades get buried when they are powerful.
Shut the hell up Spitzer! The only good spitzer is a breed of dog that has more character and backbone that this Eliot guy.
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