New York Discussion in Progress

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Fahy believes it's more important to push these thru QUICK, rather than accurate. Your credibility is now shot.
Stec up.

In order ot change the zoning code in our town, it required a 10 day notice and a public hearing. Here we're talking about something that affects the bill of rights.
Stec is quoting all of the forefathers.

"However I find that the shackling of the second amendment goes too far {and is unacceptable to me}"
Walters up.

The tragic mass murders in newtown broke all of our hearts....{father stuff}

When emotions are that high, it's even more important to take a step back, and thoroughly discuss and analyze an important issue like this, but that didn't happen here. The process was rushed and people of this state were shortchanged.
Walter - When emotions are that high it becomes more important to take a step back...

This is something I've personally noted too. As a collective, we as a country don't make the best decisions when we react by emoting on fear/anger/anguish. One of the primary lessons of my adult civic life, and a point of agreement I've come to with even with friends who aren't pro-gun.
Yes, middleton, you're correct.

Whether that is relevant to the final vote tally remains to be seen.
Barron up.

Expressing emotional pain.

Time to look to have those measures in place that will improve the conditions that citizens have..

... but I have concerns about the {speed this is going}

They're losing some moderates.
The people speaking are 2 to 1 AGAINST this.
Is there a silent group that outnumbers them?


Trent, if you're watching the whole thing and keeping notes, who stood out on the rights side?
I know I'm donating to a couple already, do you have the list of best/worst?


They're losing some moderates.

Earlier on I wasn't earmarking everyone. (Was listening while working on a server, now my full attention is on the topic, except for my noisy kid that just got home from school)

All 5+ hours (and counting) of video are archived and can be viewed at your leisure on the link I provided at the top of this thread.
Barron back up.

She's angry about security and social program funding not going to where it's needed (gang reduction, etc).

Unknown which way she's leaning.

Palmesano up.

Asking about fees for renewal A> no fees for renewal.

Any language that would prohibit the addition of the fee in the future. A> No, nothing authorizes it either.

Sate police database. Will the state assume all of the costs. A> Yes, that cost is minimal. Hundreds of thousands not millions. State will bear all costs.

Questions done. Speaking on the bill now.
Even the people that are in favor say that the bill isn't perfect, or does not do enough, or needs work.

The arguments that it would not have changed a thing at the mass shootings are nice, but I think anyone supporting it knows this already, and does not care.
He's objecting to the process of the bill, to rush it, circumveting the vetting process, in an era of openness.

It seems like it only works when it's convenient.

Without public vetting it's unfortunate.

To rush this bill without any public hearings just to say we're the first it he nation to make a political statement on an issue that impacts the rights of our citizens is unfortunate.
Do we know whether this will culminate in a vote today? I have a webcast I need to follow for work but will continue viewing the thread for highlights.
"the second amendment is not about hunting; those individuals benefit, but the second amendment is about {home defense}."

(Sigh. Close.)

Psyopspec- a vote today is mandated by governor order.
ANY political decisions made in a hurry, are never good.

and I almost never make absolute statements. :)

But this thing is skipping so many normal procedures..
Unfortunately I have a concall in 15 mins, and will be offline for about an hour.

Someone else carry on?
Blankenbush up

(Missed first couple minutes of him, trying to get this meeting rescheduled to tomorrow! :)

Talking about shooting incidents.
cauldron I'm juggling 2 tech support tickets, supporting on site installation team, and trying to reschedule a packet capture concall with a third party vendor until tomorrow...

I type > 130wpm but still, tough to keep up with human speech.
Yay concall/packet capture moved to tomorrow at 3PM.

Still supporting an on site team in another window.

How did blankenbush end up?
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