News from Switzerland

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Jun 11, 2008
Geneva, Switzerland
Hey.. as you may know we are struggling against anti as well... soon enough the swiss people will have to vote against new gun laws (including the one taking the issued rifle from every citizen) pushed by all around leftiest..

For the 1st time, it seems that a strong political message was passed.. It comes from Ueli Maurer, one of our 7 leaders. He is the fresh man in charge of the swiss "department of defense" . His policital colours are UDC.. which is a right wing conservative party.

Here is a personal translation of his speech (forgive my poor english, I did my best) ...

This kind of speech, nowadays, from politicians , is rare enough to be highlighted !

The gun tradition is the expression of our free citizen Country.
You can particulary see it in the recent attacks against our gun tradition. They constantly try to infrige our right to own private guns. An increasing number of political actions aim to remove the issued rifle from the hands of the citizen/soldier. If those actions should succeed, Switzerland would loose a big part of what actually makes Switzerland what it is.

Switzerland do not recognize different classes, higher or lower, like some other countries. No nobles, no ellitist casts of officials, no classes of career officers to represent our history, to embody the Country and represent it like an authority upon the citizen, the soldier, or the taxpayer. This is why our government never had to fear armed citizens, because citizens and the government are one and the same. It is not a suprise that authoritarian coutries forbid their citizen to own firearms; the master only allow his own men to bear arms.

The Swiss model is different, more democratic, more inclined to liberty. Their is no contrast in between the State and the citizens. A free state is our common project. The State is the citizens, and we, the citizens are the State. We, that we are the people, we are our own sovereign. There is no other way, of the one in which the sovereign people bear arms, and form a militia army which finally grant that order.

The citizen is the soldier, and the solider is the citizen. This simple equation is the main part of the nature of our milita system. The ones arguing that an armed citizen is dangerous, that he represents a risk, deny his self-responsabilty. And if you follow this logic, this lack of trust about the population leads to an authoritary and administrative State.

The ones that want to take his guns away from the citizen, actually mean that he is not responsible enough. From this point, the State would patronize it's citizens (treat them like children). And soon this logic would not only apply to guns. Why do you think a person you do not trust about legally owning guns, can be part of political decisions that will affect our common future ? Why a citizen considered irresponsbile should vote on themes that concern the destiny of our country ? Unfortuntely this will to patronize people does not only apply to guns..
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Thank you, Shung.

(As an aside, I traveled many times to Switzerland--Lausanne and Berne--some thirty years ago. So, I have followed Suisse politics and really appreciate reading the 'conservative' perspective in their new antigun battles.)

Jim H.
Good stuff.

This is why our government never had to fear armed citizens, because citizens and the government are one and the same.
This is, ostensibly, the same principle that drives the American system of governance.

Unfortunately, with the growth of a so-called "political class" and the increasing stratification of American society, it would seem that this principle has become more an ideal than a reality.
So now they want to disarm the Swiss simultaneously invading the country with the "third world". Typical.
Bottom line.....take the 2nd amendment away, the 1st will be next. Why can't liberal see that?
Why can't liberal see that?

Because the average citizen was educated by the government. The liberal politicians most certainly see it. That's their driving goal. The end goal isn't to disarm people, it's to enslave them.
Bottom line.....take the 2nd amendment away, the 1st will be next. Why can't liberal see that?

They've been simultaneously attacking both for decades. Haven't you noticed the dichotomy between the msm and alternative news outlets?

The new fairness doctrine or what ever they call it will squelch conservative speech. They've outlined their attack plan going after talk radio first and then attempting to control the Internet.

Liberals only believe that their speech should be allowed. All others need to be controlled.

They will institute a new more comprehensive weapons ban and probably seek to control what remaining weapons there are by limiting the ammunition supply.

It's time to be more active in all levels of the government process or we'll loose more than the 1st and 2nd.
I wish you luck, hopefully you're right won't be infringed.

I would move to Switzerland without hesitation if they'd allow me in. I love that country, friendly people, beautiful landscapes and a pro-gun supportive culture that actually gives firearms to it's citizens! I've only had the honor of visiting a few years ago. If I could have duel citizenship in any two countries it would be the US and Switzerland.

Another +1 for the Swiss!
That was a great speech to the Swiss public. Switzerland seems to be one of the few places in Europe where there has not been a monarchy in a LONG LONG time because the people are the country...Our home...the USA...was started on the same ideas. I find it interesting how three different groups of peoples (French, German, and Italian) all live peacefully in one country...I think it is b/c they all know they are all in it together for a free country...similar to America's melting pot.
don't forget the forth group.. the "Romanches" (they have their own language)... sure, they are the smallest group, but they are proud to be ;)

Someone asked me, so here is the french original version. I think it was translated from the german, but it was most probably done by Maurer himself or his staff, so pretty accurate-

feel free to change my translation if you can make a better version.

La tradition des armes est l'expression de notre Etat de citoyens libre
On le voit en particulier lors des attaques contre notre tradition des armes. On essaie de plus en plus de porter atteinte à la détention d'armes privées. Un nombre croissant d'interventions politiques visent à retirer l'arme d'ordonnance au soldat. En cas de succès de ces efforts, la Suisse perdrait une grande partie de l'essence même de son Etat.

La Suisse est étrangère aux notions de classes supérieures et inférieures, comme c'est le cas dans d'autres pays: pas de noblesse, pas de caste élitiste de fonctionnaires, pas de corps des officiers de carrière pour marquer notre histoire, incarner l'Etat et le représenter comme une autorité par rapport au citoyen, au soldat et au contribuable. C'est la raison pour laquelle notre gouvernement n'a jamais eu à craindre des citoyens armés car les citoyens et le gouvernement ne font qu'un. Il n'est par contre pas surprenant que les Etats autoritaires interdisent les armes à leurs citoyens; le maître n'autorise que ses fidèles à porter les armes.

Le modèle suisse est différent: il est plus démocratique, il est plus empreint de liberté. Il n'y a pas de contraste entre l'Etat et le citoyen. L'Etat de liberté est notre projet commun. L'Etat, ce sont les citoyens et nous, les citoyens, nous sommes l'Etat. Nous qui constituons le peuple, nous sommes souverains. Il n'y a pas d'autre possibilité que celle où le peuple souverain porte les armes et constitue avec son armée de milice la garantie ultime de cet ordre.

Le citoyen est soldat et le soldat est citoyen. Cette équation fait intégralement partie de la nature de notre Etat de milice. Celles et ceux qui rétorquent que le citoyen armé est dangereux, qu'il représente un risque, nient son auto-responsabilité. Et si l'on va au bout de cette pensée, cette méfiance à l'égard du peuple aboutit à un Etat coercitif et administratif.

Celles et ceux qui veulent enlever son arme au citoyen le targuent d'irresponsable. Dès lors, l'Etat mettrait ses citoyens sous tutelle. Et cela ne va bientôt plus seulement se limiter à la seule question des armes. Comment voulez-vous qu'une personne, à laquelle on ne fait pas confiance pour garder son fusil en toute responsabilité, puisse participer aux décisions sur des thèmes qui concernent notre avenir commun ? Pourquoi un citoyen considéré comme irresponsable participerait-il aux votations qui décident du destin de notre pays ? Mais la spirale de la mise sous tutelle ne s'arrête pas au retrait de l'arme.
I agree. An excellent speech. Hopefully there are enough who agree, to win the fight against those who want to turn you into subjects, who must beg the government for their most basic need of self protection, and the protection of your country.
I'm glad to see that at least one (political) leader has his head on straight. He'd definantly win my vote for any position he wanted; anything from dogcatcher to president (of course the higher the better).

On a side note, we (THR members) need to send a copy of that speech, not falsifying where it came from, to every gun owner friend we have. And each of us, and our friends, need to send a copy to each and every senator and representative. Not just our own representatives, but every one. That would make a great e-mail to overload their system with.

On a side note, we (THR members) need to send a copy of that speech, not falsifying where it came from, to every gun owner friend we have. And each of us, and our friends, need to send a copy to each and every senator and representative. Not just our own representatives, but every one. That would make a great e-mail to overload their system with.


could be.. but as I am not a professional translator, I'd advise you to have it translated properly 1st. I did my best, but it's far to be perfect. Someone with more skills would do a much better job, and the speech would look even better-
Shung, you're translation is pretty good, but I'll be glad to try to do a more idiomatic of it. I can do it from the French, but if it isn't too inconvenient, it would be nice to have the German original as well, just to be sure I'm getting as close to the original intent as possible.

I'll give it a go tomorrow morning.

Keep up the great work--don't let your politicians forget who they work for!

P.S. I've only been to Zürich and the Bernese Alps, but I loved my trip to Switzerland a couple of years ago. You have great scenery, but an even greater culture.
that would be nice.. you know, translating in french from english isnt a problem for me, but when doing the opposit I realize how much vocabulary I miss in english, and of course I don't know the more complex phrase structures..

I'll try to find the german version for you.

if you ever come back in Switzerland, let me know. i'll take you on the range ! that's valid for every THR member.. (did already for one ar15com member from Texas)
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