NJ resident-can I purchase in Tennessee

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Jan 29, 2003
I have family in Memphis Tenn. While there I would like to look around for some deals, What is the law in Tennessee regarding out of state residents and what does NJ say about my buying there?

If you can buy there ... great. Just dont bring them back here.
It has to be shipped to a dealer in NJ and you have to have a pistol purchase permit to get it.
I like your name ... too bad we dont have any of it in NJ.

PS ... I assuming you're talking about handguns.
I moved from NYC to NJ, and had to get purchase permits to get my own guns in NJ. My NYC license expired a couple weeks before I moved, rather than spend a couple hundred bucks renewing it I turned the guns in to the police for safe keeping, once I got to NJ I had them shipped to a dealer, then applied for permits to actually get them from the dealer. So yes, in effect I had to buy guns that were already mine, and had to pay the fees to the dealer and the police.

So I'd say you couldn't legally buy handguns in any other state and bring them to NJ. I don't know how long guns would work though.
I am sorry, but you can't buy a firearm in TN. But your family that lives here can. Remember both people can get in big trouble falseafing gun records.
Handguns, no way.

Longarms: so long as you follow the laws of the NJ and the state you're in, which means show the dealer your FID, and fillout the NJ paperwork, which he keeps on file. (I'm uncertain whether the "adjoining state" thing applies or not)

BTW, there's no precise requirement for you to have a FID when moving into NJ with firearms, so long as they don't leave the house. This isn't well understood, and is one of those "invitation to trouble" things, so getting a FID is a great idea. It's not like going into NY with handguns.

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, I just parrot Evan Nappen's Orange Book.
I moved from NYC to NJ, and had to get purchase permits to get my own guns in NJ. My NYC license expired a couple weeks before I moved, rather than spend a couple hundred bucks renewing it I turned the guns in to the police for safe keeping, once I got to NJ I had them shipped to a dealer, then applied for permits to actually get them from the dealer. So yes, in effect I had to buy guns that were already mine, and had to pay the fees to the dealer and the police.

"Purchase permits" for guns? Turning guns in to the police for safekeeping? Son, you need to move to AMERICA where we don't have any nonsense like that because our Constitution states clearly that the rights of citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed. Sounds like plenty of infringement in that totalitarian prison you call home.
I was in Memphis in the fall of 2002 and wanted to buy a Ruger 10/22, went to gun store and was told that I had to have a Tennessee drivers license before I would be allowed to purchase the rifle.
I think someone gave you bad scoop regarding the law. Not sure what the NYC deal is but in NJ, any gun legally purchased out of state before living in the state can be brought into the state without "registering" i.e. getting purchase permits.

You can choose to optionally "register" them by getting permits but why would you voluntarily do that? (you did, I'm assuming you did not know.)

Get a copy of Evan Nappen's book, NJ Weapons Laws: its incandescent orange and I think Amazon may have it.

You can get the details from his site: http://www.evannappen.com
Thank you for all the replies.

I should have been more clear, hand guns are a given that it will be illegal, but long guns, it's my understanding that pawn shops can sell to anyone the question is what does NJ say about it.
I think someone gave you bad scoop regarding the law. Not sure what the NYC deal is but in NJ, any gun legally purchased out of state before living in the state can be brought into the state without "registering" i.e. getting purchase permits.

I'm glad someone else picked up on this. There is NO law in the state of NJ that says firearms must be registered. You just put yourself through a whole bunch of hassle for no reason in getting permits for guns you already owned.
Highland Ranger,
Yes, I could have just brought them over and gotten the FID afterward, EXCEPT that my NYC license expired before I moved. NYC's finest would have been at my home to collect them as soon as the license expired, and I might have been looking at criminal charges for having "unlicensed" handguns. They would probably have "disposed" of my guns too. Once the police had them, they'd only ship them to an FFL, and I needed the permit to get them from the FFL.

Basically, in NJ you apply for a permit to purchase, they do all the background checks and such then. Similar to NYC actually, where you had to apply for a purchase authorization, but you do it at your own local PD (in NYC you go to one central place where the entire city does it and it takes a lot longer).

The only reason the NJ laws don't seem so bad to me is because I grew up in NYC. It took me nine months to get my NYC license, it was good for two years and then I had to renew it (at a couple hundred bucks each time). If I wanted another gun I had to apply, in person, in lower Manhattan. That also took months, then you had 30 days to buy the gun. Once you had it you had 72 hours to bring it to the police for "inspection" where they record your serial number and keep your bill-of-sale.

I never got a rifle in NYC beause you had to go all the way to Queens for that license (truly the armpit of the city, and that's saying something). With my NJ FID I can buy a rifle or shotgun anytime I want (as long as it's not one of those nasty assault weapons like an M1 Carbine or Mini-14, yes those really are on the bad-list).

I better stop now, I'm depressing myself.
I also grew up in NYC (Riverdale), left in1980 and havent thought about moving back.

Your post reminds me of Plato's Cave where people think they see the truth because they get occasional glimpses of the images people are carrying in front of the fire. Oh, it isnt SO BAD to be chained like that!

If I wanted (and had the money) I could get up from this computer this AM and go buy whatever AR-15, AK, SKS, Mini 14 I wanted. I could get all of them at once. I could buy as many mags of any capacity as I could find and pay for. I could buy as many cases of ammo for each as I wanted. I could go to the free range at Cheatham County and spend the rest of the day shooting them for as long as I wanted without fear of being hassled by Johnny T. Law. Heck, he might want to try one out, which would be dandy by me. That's freedom. That's closer to how it should be, not groveling at the PD for their permission to spend money.
Buying handguns from a state that you are not a resident of is not legal. You are required to ship the firearm to the state you are a resident of and then transfer it.
Check with Napien, but I think you can bring a long arm into the state that you've legally purchased someplace else, if you have your FID. If you purchase it out of state and ship it into NJ, you've got another problem.

NJ wants to collect sales tax at the point of import (FFL). Two years ago, they combed through FFL records and contacted people who did not pay sales tax. If you're purchasing from a relative or private citizen who will give a sales receipt for $10, then it's not a problem. But larger FFLs won't do that. Some smaller NJ FFL dealers still do not know this (or ignore it), but that's false savings - the state is most efficient at getting its taxes, they'll show up eventually.

You may want to try Caso's Gun-a-Rama in Jersey City (I have no business or family connection). He's a nice guy and Jersey City has 3% sales tax. His transfer fees are very reasonable. I had him order my last rifle and his price was very close to the lowest internet price (for a new Colt AR).

If you talk to politicians in the state, they will point out that there has been practically no enforcement of newer gun laws - in other words, people with guns which are illegal in NJ (such as most pre-ban ARs or M 1 carbines), but I wouldn't play that game. There was a clarification memo issued by the state in 1999 which allowed "match" ARs, including things like the new Colt MT6400C. Still, if you are caught without your Firearms ID card, or with a pistol that you don't have a permit for, you're in trouble.

Bottom line - I don't think it's going to be financially worth it to import guns from another state - it's also going to be a legal problem from one aspect (straw sales) to another (sales tax). It may be worth it if you're purchasing a collectable that you can't find just anywhere.

BTW, if you are near Trenton, check out the Falls Township R&P club, just over the river in PA. It's great.
I agree with Rabbi you people need to move to America I never heard of such . In Ky years ago we passed a law that say no local gov. can require you to register your weapons No permits only paper work fed yellow. Also made those evil black rifles legal :what: Pack up move,breath clean air, The real America is out there:D
Amen. PM me when you move to TN, we have all kinds of nice firearms for sale at the FFL I work for. :D
Thanks for the offers folks, but for the foreseeable future I'll be in NJ. While it sure ain't perfect here, I know firsthand that it COULD be a lot worse.
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