Highland Ranger,
Yes, I could have just brought them over and gotten the FID afterward, EXCEPT that my NYC license expired before I moved. NYC's finest would have been at my home to collect them as soon as the license expired, and I might have been looking at criminal charges for having "unlicensed" handguns. They would probably have "disposed" of my guns too. Once the police had them, they'd only ship them to an FFL, and I needed the permit to get them from the FFL.
Basically, in NJ you apply for a permit to purchase, they do all the background checks and such then. Similar to NYC actually, where you had to apply for a purchase authorization, but you do it at your own local PD (in NYC you go to one central place where the entire city does it and it takes a lot longer).
The only reason the NJ laws don't seem so bad to me is because I grew up in NYC. It took me nine months to get my NYC license, it was good for two years and then I had to renew it (at a couple hundred bucks each time). If I wanted another gun I had to apply, in person, in lower Manhattan. That also took months, then you had 30 days to buy the gun. Once you had it you had 72 hours to bring it to the police for "inspection" where they record your serial number and keep your bill-of-sale.
I never got a rifle in NYC beause you had to go all the way to Queens for that license (truly the armpit of the city, and that's saying something). With my NJ FID I can buy a rifle or shotgun anytime I want (as long as it's not one of those nasty assault weapons like an M1 Carbine or Mini-14, yes those really are on the bad-list).
I better stop now, I'm depressing myself.