Now THIS strikes me as a good idea.

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Dec 22, 2002
Draper UT

World Trade Center scrap to be used in USS New York

By Joel Stashenko, Associated Press, 12/25/2002 15:21

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Steel salvaged from the wreckage of the World Trade Center will be used to build the Navy's USS New York, a warship named in honor of those who perished in New York on Sept. 11, 2001.

The scrap steel will be extricated from the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island on Friday and trucked south to a Northrop Grumman shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss. Northrop Grumman will start building the USS New York in Pascagoula in the middle of next year.

The USS New York will be the fifth of 12 amphibious assault ships in the San Antonio class, which the Navy calls one of its most technologically innovative. The 684-foot vessel will carry a Navy crew of 402 and up to 800 Marines.

The $800 million vessel should be ready for active duty in 2007.

If the trade center scrap meets specifications, it will be melted down and used to configure the edge of the bow that cuts through the water, said Northrop Grumman spokesman Jim McIngdale.

''We're very proud that the twisted steel from the WTC towers will soon be used to forge an even strong national defense,'' New York Gov. George Pataki said. ''The USS New York will soon be defending freedom and combatting terrorism around the globe, while also ensuring that the world never forgets the evil attacks of Sept. 11 and the courage and strength New Yorkers showed in response to terror.''

New York state officials needed to get special authorization from Navy Secretary Gordon England to name the surface vessel the USS New York. Currently, only submarines are given state names. Pataki wanted the USS New York to participate in the fight against terrorism.

It was the Navy's idea to incorporate scrap from the trade center in the new vessel, aides to Pataki said.

The structural steel primarily comes in a beam about 20 feet long and weighing between 20 and 30 tons that was identified by New York City officials in the Staten Island landfill, where the trade center wreckage was dumped. It is believed to have been part of the south tower, the second of the twin skyscrapers to be hit by jetliners hijacked by terrorists on Sept. 11 but the first to collapse.

Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack on the World Trade Center.

Most of the structural steel reclaimed from the trade center site has already been sold for scrap.

Several naval ships have held the name USS New York or USS New York City. The most recent USS New York was a battleship, commissioned in 1914, which fought in both European and Pacific waters during World War II.

Info on the San Antonio class, from
If it were up to me, I would use scrap from the Twin Towers to build the USS New York--but it would be an Iowa class battleship, one of the most awe inspiring and potent examples of firepower to ever appear on the planet. Staff it with sailors and Marines who had relatives, family and friends that perished on 9-11-2001.

I would then send it Osama hunting.
New York state officials needed to get special authorization from Navy Secretary Gordon England to name the surface vessel the USS New York. Currently, only submarines are given state names.

This struck me funny. The first LPD-17 was named San Antonio, the second, New Orleans. Forgive me if I am missing something here, but the navy apprears to be naming the LPD-17 after cities, which New York is (as well as a state). Why the need for "special permission"?

This is a really good idea. Puts a bit of extra American pride in the building of the Ship. I just hope that the surge of patriotism the U.S. has seen since 9/11 does not fade away with time.
Good idea, but I'd be surprised if it meets spec without some chemistry adjustments when they melt it down.
That steel would work pretty good...

As the penetrator insert in several million 7.62mm or larger AP rounds, too! ;)
Wouldn't the structural steel supporting the mega-tonnage of something the size of the WTC be of more than high enough quality for use in a ship? You'd think this should be some very high quality stuff good for a multiplicity of uses.
When they melt it down, they can add the necessary components to harden/soften/adjust the mixture to Navy specifications. I know that structural steel doesn't have to accommodate the battering of huge waves during storms, or collisions with whales, other ships, and Osama's suicide boats, so it's probably not completely up to Navy specifications to start with - but I'm sure they'll fix that.

An earlier poster asked why they had to get special permission to name the ship "New York". I think it's because in the past, they had a "New York City", which distinguishes it from the State: but this ship will not have the "City" in its name, so they probably had to go through the warship naming committee, or whatever they call it, because the name can be confused between the city and the state. At least, that's the way I read the article...
I'd have thought the stresses of a large structure; wind twist/sheer, loads, vibration, etc would be even more severe than a mid-size ship. One more thing to go try and look up on the net, i suppose.
This struck me funny. The first LPD-17 was named San Antonio, the second, New Orleans. Forgive me if I am missing something here, but the navy apprears to be naming the LPD-17 after cities, which New York is (as well as a state). Why the need for "special permission"?

Because we are dealing with the Navy.:D

Very cool using the Trade Center scrap for this.
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