NRA Advertisers

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Oct 11, 2003
There have been numerous discussions of late regarding which businesses are or are not pro gun rights and whether or not to support them. Page 67 of the December issue of the American Rifleman(NRA publication) contains a list of companies who advertised in that publication during 2003. For those of you wanting a comprehensive list, this could be a good place to start. I have not intended this post to be a blanket endorsement of the NRA or these advertisers. There are those who take issue with the NRA and some of these companies as well-I am not posting this to argue those merits. I do suggest that should you have a question about any of these businesses that you do the research, gather real, verifiable facts, not rumor,hearsay or innuendo, and post your findings on these companies individually. If there are indeed valid reasons to take issue with a business, a hit on their bottom..........uh....line may jolt them to reality. During the upcoming holiday season a lot of $$ will be spent. Let's not mindlessly support those who would gladly take our $$$ as they work to undermine our rights! By the way-should any of you wish to apply the hit on the bottom line I hear Oleg has a camera.
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