Obama says 'enough is enough' after latest deadly shooting

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I concur entirely with Supernaut in post #2.

His best chances to do something were right after Sandy Hook. That was the peak of the furor. He could have done a bold, outrageous, executive order which would have forced the legislature, the courts, and the media to talk about it. That would have been more likely to move the football more than anything he can do at this point. Since then he has used his one shot (if he really ever had one) on amnesty (which wasn't even an EO, it was a directive to the DOJ to suspend enforcement) and it is now DOA in the courts. He's really not in a position to do much of anything, however, I notice he is becoming increasingly unhinged as a lame duck, nothing would surprise me at this point.

And yes, I find it amusing that a week after we get lectured about not making hasty decisions based on emotional responses.....we are being lectured about making hasty decisions based on emotional responses.
No, they're not. They're exploiting tragedy to move an agenda forward. You need to understand that.

I research the facts, the alternatives and the options for solutions. Then I make a believable/understandable choice based on that, not the word of a random internet poster. You are free to do differently if you want.

As I said, far to many of the posts I read here claim that school shootings, theater shootings and others where multiple victims are randomly shot just because they were there, are just part of our gun culture and is to be expected/accepted. While liberals may be exploiting those tragedies to move an agenda forward, many folks here and others tend to ignore those same tragedies and/or because it was someone else's grand-daughter killed, it's acceptable. Everytime one of these threads comes up about a liberal solution, folks are quick to trash it, while not having a clue for a solution themselves. I don't know what the solution is either, but at least I listen to ideas. I don't for a minute think that everyone that is looking for a solution to random mass gun violence is using it as an excuse to eliminate all guns. More than half the folks I know that talk about something needing to be done, own guns themselves. One thing I do know, ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Something will be done. You can be a part of it and maybe mold it the way you would like it, or it will be done without you, the way others want it. Your choice......you need to understand that.
I research the facts, the alternatives and the options for solutions. Then I make a believable/understandable choice based on that, not the word of a random internet poster. You are free to do differently if you want.

As I said, far to many of the posts I read here claim that school shootings, theater shootings and others where multiple victims are randomly shot just because they were there, are just part of our gun culture and is to be expected/accepted. While liberals may be exploiting those tragedies to move an agenda forward, many folks here and others tend to ignore those same tragedies and/or because it was someone else's grand-daughter killed, it's acceptable. Everytime one of these threads comes up about a liberal solution, folks are quick to trash it, while not having a clue for a solution themselves. I don't know what the solution is either, but at least I listen to ideas. I don't for a minute think that everyone that is looking for a solution to random mass gun violence is using it as an excuse to eliminate all guns. More than half the folks I know that talk about something needing to be done, own guns themselves. One thing I do know, ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Something will be done. You can be a part of it and maybe mold it the way you would like it, or it will be done without you, the way others want it. Your choice......you need to understand that.

Your problem is that you've bought into the narrative that these "mass shootings" represent a significant percentage of homicides or injury deaths. They do not. Preventing all of them would amount to far less than the annual fluctuation in total homicides in the USA.

You also seem to be on board with the notion that somehow we can prevent violence by regulating the extreme majority non-violent population. Do you not see the fundamental flaw in that premise?

I don't for a minute think that everyone that is looking for a solution to random mass gun violence is using it as an excuse to eliminate all guns.

No, you're right. There are plenty of well-meaning fools who genuinely believe there is a solution to human violence. They are the useful idiots.

You claim to look at the facts; why don't you look at the fact that nothing done legislatively to address violence has ever actually reduced it, anywhere in the world. The rates of violent crime trend up and down, but they do so with social and economic factors, not new laws; the nations with the lowest violent crime rates universally have smaller populations, greater wealth and less diversity. Both sides need to realize this. More guns = less crime, more gun control = less crime-both paradigms dead wrong.
^ Excellent, commonsense post. Thank you. This was the topper:

There are plenty of well-meaning fools who genuinely believe there is a solution to human violence. They are the useful idiots.

That could not be said better,IMO.
I, for one, am not convinced that those who endeavor to disarm the law-abiding public have the public’s best interest at heart.

Injustice is never in the public’s best interest, and it is unjust to respond to the criminal misuse of firearms by depriving the innocent and the victims of their fundamental right for the use of force in times of danger and their constitutional right to carry the means of that defense on their person.
In the end we, the American people, can not be controlled with many millions of guns in private hands. An extremist president pushes hard and his supporters try to nibble away at the state and local levels. I for one am energized by the antis attacks.
I live in Illinois, just outside Cook County, and have been in the fight for over fourty years. We have shall issue and and some NFA access now. The fight will never end and those who give up and don't vote or support the gun rights groups are just enemy agents.
Exactly, MachIV. With all the silly media coverage of the PP shooting (and let's be clear, it was reprehensible), just in the city of Baltimore homicides are running close to 1 per day. Really, one dude killing 3 people is worse? But of course Baltimore, Detroit, etc. don't generate sensationalist media coverage which can be used to potentially further an agenda, so nobody cares.

All this said, at this point it looks like next year's presidential election will be Hillary v. Trump. While this would be a highly entertaining process to watch from a safe distance, that gives decent odds to a president that will do things like ban imports of ammo (at least from Russia, and Tula, etc. is the cheapest you can buy right now) and whatever else they can manage without getting Congress to go along with it. None of this makes me not want to stockpile ammo and components.
...I don't for a minute think that everyone that is looking for a solution to random mass gun violence is using it as an excuse to eliminate all guns...More than half the folks I know that talk about something needing to be done, own guns themselves. One thing I do know, ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Something will be done. You can be a part of it and maybe mold it the way you would like it, or it will be done without you, the way others want it. Your choice......you need to understand that.

In the interest of full disclosure and out of curiosity, buck460XVR, do YOU or any of the "folks" you mention that "own guns themselves" actually own or have any interest in AK47 or AR15 style firearms or other semi auto rifles ???

No intent to disparage, just wondering.
"Obama says 'enough is enough' after latest deadly shooting"

Oh no not another RED LINE that don't mean a thing. :)
I wonder if this isnt all just some big govt reverse psychology experiment, trying to create MORE gun owners. Lets face it, Obama is the best gun salesman the world has ever seen. ;)
Here's how the math works in politics:

12 people were shot in the Colorado Planned Parenthood incident. The national news covers it 24 hours a day, and the president uses it as a press conference to help further his anti-gun agenda

In Chicago, 2,724 people have been shot so far this year...and the president says nothing. Below is a link to a Chicago Tribune article showing the data and a map with the distribution of the shootings.


Why does he feel compelled to speak about the one, and ignore the other? Why does the media not question him on these inconsistencies? Why do the 12 get more press than the almost 3,000?

Chicago has very strict gun laws...shouldn't he be able to point to them as a model for how to reduce the use of guns in crime? In reality he can't, because the place is an absolute mess.
Colorado has had UBC and hi-cap mag ban for 2 years now, its done absolutely nothing. Most of the Sheriff's in Colorado warned the legislature it would do absolutely nothing, feel good, useless legislation. They ignored them as usual.
buck460XVR said:
Everytime one of these threads comes up about a liberal solution, folks are quick to trash it, while not having a clue for a solution themselves. I don't know what the solution is either, but at least I listen to ideas.

I don't want to see this thread devolve into personal attacks, that's pointless. I can understand your view...I don't agree with it, but many Americans get a certain picture painted by ideological politicians (both sides) and think their solution is the best or only answer.

Unfortunately, their solutions are the same every time. These politically charged shootings all have the same systemic problem...mental illness. Most are not violent criminals with a record, they're mentally disturbed, yet that never registers into anyone's solutions. The hypocritical part of why I don't care for liberals' solutions is that we have a serious inner-city violence problem that rarely gets any attention from the left...part of that is that many of those cities have been run by Democrats for the past 30 years. Solutions that only stay within an ideology or certain policies never really addresses the real problem.

The loss of life and blatant violations of law are unfortunate; however, when the only solution is to ban the law-abiding from exercising their Constitution rights, I don't count that as a solution...it's political pandering and feeding an ideology.

Yes we have a problem, but it's much deeper than any political solution can solve. It's a cultural problem where society doesn't take responsibility and laws are selectively enforced. I do agree, we need solutions, but most Americans like an easy fix even if it doesn't fix the problem.

Very well said. While I don't agree with B.O.'s solutions, along with most of the other proposed liberal solutions, at least they are searching for a solution, while many conservatives proclaim that shootings like this are to be expected and accepted, if we want to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights, so no solution is needed. IOWs, shootings like this are a normal part of life, so get over it already. Sorry, I don't agree with that either.

The left is NOT searching for a solution. If they wanted a solution they would enforce the gun laws already on the books instead of letting all the criminals out with a slap on the hand.
It's much easier to blame guns then to deal with the massive mental health problem in our society. Obama will go off everytime there is a shooting that will
wake up the media lap dogs that do his biding. Remember, the Mayor of Chicago is his former Chief of Staff and ragging on him only feeds the narrative that Democrats can't run anything but folks keep electing them anyway.
After Colorado passed the UBC and hi-cap magazine ban 2 years ago, mass shootings were supposed to be a thing of the past, this was going to end it.

What a joke!
If we truly wanted to deal with the issue of violent crime in this country, we would be looking at root causes. Certainly mental health issues are front and center for mass shootings, as are psychotropic drugs. However, if we wanted to delve further into the day to day violence, we would have to hold up a mirror to society and ask "what has changed?"

In today's society, the strongest indicator that someone will be a violent criminal is that they are black and raised by a single mother. At the onset of LBJ's disastrous war on the family AKA Great Society (Orwell couldn't have named it more ironically), 80% of black children were born to married parents. Now 80+% aren't. Far too many black males raised without a father never learn discipline. The way to address crime is to dismantle the welfare state and make men responsible for the offspring they father. No ring, no thing. But the politicians will never do this because they value power more than they value the civil society. So they yammer on about gun control and we buy lots of guns and powder in an endless stalemate dance.

Our welfare state spending has run up the largest debt in the history of mankind, and one day in the not-too-distant future, our economic system is going to implode, the welfare checks will stop coming, then heaven help us.
Let's see what the President proposes, eh? My suspicion is he won't propose anything. He leads from behind or doesn't lead at all. You all do know that our biggest problem is climate change.
Let's see what the President proposes, eh? My suspicion is he won't propose anything. He leads from behind or doesn't lead at all. You all do know that our biggest problem is climate change.
No, by executive action he will ban.. oh, CMP 1911s. Or some other gesture like banning importation of 9x18 Makarov. Something that will have zero effect other than saying he is doing something.

I don't for a minute think that everyone that is looking for a solution to random mass gun violence is using it as an excuse to eliminate all guns.
Who says they're looking for a "solution"?

They're looking for an EXCUSE to sharply curtail if not outright eliminate the right to keep and bear arms.

I can't make them stop lying, but they can't make me believe either.

The anti-gun movement is a cult of lies. People are catching on to that now.
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