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I think everyone is pretty aware that you can't be much more anti than Obama. Since this ranks as political I won't bother commenting further seeing as though the thread will probably be closed soon.

He is still better a better choice than McCain in my opinion. We at least know where he stands on guns. But overall he is much worse for the country.

This is why I am urging people to vote for Bob Barr or Ron Paul if able.
He is still better a better choice than McCain in my opinion.
You are entitled to your opinion, but offhand I can't think of a single area where he offers anything "better".

I would encourage you to take this thread to APS where political discussion is allowed, since I for one, would love to hear just how you came to this conclusion. I started a thread there for you to respond.


This has been discussed and locked before under NRA. I will look for the thread after class. Yup a class on Sat- PE 162 scuba. What caliber for catfish?
He is still better a better choice than McCain in my opinion. ...But overall he is much worse for the country.
He's better and he's worse all at the same time???? He must be a special candidate indeed!

A vote for Obama is a vote for gun bans, ammo bans, import bans, and eventual registration and confiscation. The 2nd Amendment is my litmus test for any candidate and Obama fails miserably on that issue.

Johnny boy picked up a true PRO 2A Veep.

Dems now in Check Mate...sorry...that's the way it goes.

Now lets move to APS and discuss this

OK, what's IBTL? Or, what's wrong with typing it out the first time any acronym is used in a thread?

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