Oil/Grease frame rails only? or frame and slide rails?

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Mar 7, 2011
For those of you who put grease or oil on your slide rails, is applying it to the aluminum frame enough? Or do you believe it should be applied to both surfaces? Frame and slide.
Frame and slide. Any lube the gun doesn't want, it will get rid of. The cardinal sin of auto pistols is dry rails. I shoot two with aluminum frames and I lube both frame and slide rails with 0W40 Mobil 1. Both handle +P ammo fine.


If you put the lube on one it will get on the other as soon as the slide is put on so IMO it really doesn't matter which you apply the lube to, one or both.

With my Glocks I put a small drop of oil in each slide rail at the rear of the slide, and hold the slide muzzle down and watch each drop of oil move by gravity to the front of the slide. Then I oil a patch and wipe each frame rail with it.

That's only concerning lubrication of the rails of course.
Doesn't matter. Put slide on. Rack a few times. Wipe off excess.
On Sigs and 1911's I paint grease (Slide Glide Lite) on both surfaces very thinly. May not be necessary, but when it comes to aluminum and stainless rubbing on each other, I don't take chances.
There are a lot of pictures of aluminum frames being gouged by the stainless slides around. Both of those metals are not as naturally lubric as carbon steel.
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