OK Regional Match, Arcadia, OK

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Aug 26, 2006
East Texas
If you haven't shot this range and regional, you ought too. Very nice range with new slab at 600, overhead and new shade in the pits. Carriers work very easily and they really know how to run a smooth and efficient match. Great folks. David Tubb was there and shot a 195 standing, then cleaned the rest of the course for a 995Xmany.

Team Blackfork was second in the 4-man Presidents 100 match and the Infantry Trophy match, mostly due to my poor shooting. I was fourth overall in the Regional on Saturday due to a poor offhand score (188X4) I won six individual Class awards on the way to shooting a 975. The Bronze medal was a 976 with less Xs. Just couldn't get there.

The Sunday EIC Rifle match was won by a Texas Team shooter who Legged out at Panola in late April. Rol Coggins shot a 485 and took the gold. Several of us were telling him at breakfast that the difference in shooting for LEG points and shooting the match for fun was going to be VERY different. Evidently it was.

Rol got his first LEG points with a Garand back in the 80s. He shot Garand, M1A, and AR for his medal.

Jeff Lin from Dallas got six points. He's got six points to go and is going to Perry. I skipped the LEG rifle match and went down to Davis to shoot a pistol LEG and revolver match.

The weather was good on Saturday and Sunday, not rough like last year and the range is better because of the slab and cover. These guys know how to run a match. I'd put this one on the schedule.
Jeff's in the same boat as the pistol shooters from Panola. The CMP posted the match but has not updated individual records. :mad:

Hopefully they'll do some updating this week.

Also, the Arcadia club has an excellent Bullseye range. They shoot 2700s and the occasional International match. They're hosting the OK State Outdoor Pistol match this year at the end of September.
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