Okay - Here it is - POLL - Open Carry, Yes or No - and Why.

If legal in your area, will you carry openly? Why?

  • YES!

    Votes: 202 39.6%
  • NO!

    Votes: 94 18.4%
  • At times.

    Votes: 228 44.7%
  • Undecided.

    Votes: 15 2.9%
  • Virginians are correct to carry openly.

    Votes: 132 25.9%
  • Virginians are wrong to carry openly.

    Votes: 6 1.2%

  • Total voters
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Yes. So many people have been conditioned to think there is something wrong with carrying a gun if you're not an agent of the State. They need to be desensitized to it and see that it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, if a criminal plans on shooting you he'll probably do it whether he can see that you're armed or not; and open carry can definitely have a valuable deterrent effect.

Besides, open carry is much more comfortable than constantly worrying about whether you're printing, etc.
Open should not be illegal, but concealed is a better crime deterrent - the BG has no idea who is a good victim and who is prepared to void his warranty.
I voted at times. But IMO those are rare times. In my younger days I open carried. Never really got an overt reaction from anyone on it. A few stares and a couple of polite questions about the firearm itself rather than about my intentions. "Hey what kind of gun is that" kinda stuff. These days I have to agree with the "It's better concealed" guys.

Technically I guess you could say I open carry in my truck. I usually tuck my untucked shirt in behind my holstered weapon when I get in the truck and then pull it back over the weapon when I get out. This is really to make it more accessible when in the vehicle and seatbelt, but I guess it qualifies as open carry. I also open carry in the woods when hunting. I don't open carry in to Hardee's for breakfast in the morning before hunting though. I keep it concealed till I get to the woods and then either change holsters or pull my jacket up over it.
I'm open carry as soon as i can. I might be risking something, maybe not. my town is pretty safe, but that doesn't mean its not my right, and just because someone is scared of it or doesn't like it doesn't mean i dont have te right either...
I voted 'At Times' because it is legal in Oregon, excepting the cities of Beaverton and Portland. I have not verified but have heard that people with concealed carry permits can carry openly in those two cities. Moot point for me. People who live in the large cities (of any state) are likely to be easily frightened by firearms.

I've open carried in Beaverton multiple times. I've headed off open carrying in Portland because a huge amount of the Police Staff to be perfectly honest are ignorant as all hell, at least until about two weeks ago.

Sorry if I'm intentionally being coy, but this weekend is going to be interesting. :)
I am an avid Open Carrier in Northern Virginia and though only carrying at all since February, I OC every single day everywhere I legally can and have never had a bad experience, and a few good ones. I do have a CHP, but have never used it and have never CC'ed. Never needed to. I can tell you the local 7-11 and merchants that I frequent do appreciate my OC'ing in their stores as they feel it is an actual crime deterrent.

What really bothers me is that I've heard so many OC pundits (who all CC) use the same argument - so they will have "tactical advantage" in a gunfight, almost with glee as if they HOPE to be in one. To me, that's foolish because the best way to walk away from a gunfight is to not walk into one. And what better way to NOT be in one than to show em what you got up front. Let's face it, not everyone is a fearless crazed meth addict.

I read so many times of how someone CC'ing had to draw their gun, but I can't recall anytime I've heard of an OC'er needing to use it, not on here or even on opencarry.org. In the eyes of criminals, CC'ers are just another soft target, a sheep, until they've already committed the crime, a gun is drawn and it's too late. But OC'ers are "hard targets". To me CC feels like setting a trap to catch a criminal, while OC prevents the crime altogether. Isn't that the whole point?

While CC'ers can stop crime, OC'ers can prevent it from starting. It's not only a deterrent, but public education as I've had people ask about OC and tell me they didn't know it was legal and might try it.

With CC, you could basically forget you're carrying thus occassionally and unintentionally slip into "WHITE", but with OC is that you have to be CONSTANTLY AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS and more of an ORANGE-YELLOW.

Let me tell you - if you've never OC'ed, it's a great experience. With CC, you have to worry about "printing", unintentionally exposing the weapon, etc. But with OC, the biggest decision is wondering if the holster matches your shoes and belt!

It's truly liberating and from what I hear, the only way to be any more free is to OC in a Utilikilt! :D

Basically for me: CC is a state granted privilege. OC is a right.

Nevada is open carry and shall issue.

We, out here in the wild West, have some traditions to uphold, so it is occasionally right and proper to "show a little leg" (hogleg, that is) in public.

We do have our share of imports from places with squishy, trembling, HR types who attend the local Church of Socialism, so in some of their venues, and out of respect for their God of Fear of All Things Violent, I would carry concealed.

One can, however, stroll down the main thoroughfare in Carson City, strapped high or low, and draw no stares.

It would be a matter of good taste, however, to have at least one decent and presentable single action revolver for period dress.

Tradition and all that.
12 years .............

Tennessee is a carry state, your preference open concealed you choose.
I'd claim semi concealed.
I wear side arm holsters "cqc serpa" with level 2 retention
My 5" 45's peek from under the edge of my untucked t shirt in summer, in winter shirt tails provide adequate cover.
I don't care what everybody else thinks, if they detect it I don't care. I paid the big money for the 1st license and $50 for each renewal and I carry legal. We also enjoy interstate recipracality in which we must obey the laws of the other state so if I'm outa' state I do as thry require.
We, out here in the wild West, have some traditions to uphold,
so it is occasionally right and proper...
... to open carry in the outback.

People who live "east" of the Mis'ippi have
no clue as to the meaning of "outback".

Not even a clue.


I did not vote, because none of the answers are close to my thoughts. As long as the public thinks that "guns are bad" our rights are in danger. When the public repeatedly sees guns worn openly without harm from them the attitude of society will change. The only time the "sheeple", or "blissninnies" hear or see a gun, it is on the news connected to something bad.

Exactly. If you let the only time the masses see a gun is when it is being wielded by a criminal, it makes it much easier to allow the masses to infringe our rights with “common sense” laws.

You will never see a news report that says “100 million guns did not shoot anyone today.”
I would not hesitate to Carry Openly in my location, as it would put the bad guys on notice, that I for one would not go down without a fight, and that my personal policy of, I will put no hand on any man, and will not allow any man to put his hand on me, I will exercise my right to self protection and make no appoligy for it.
Open Carry

I've started open carrying on occasion in my neck of the woods. No problems yet. Personally, I support both methods of carry.
If it ever becomes legal in Texas, I'll open carry in a heartbeat. I hate having to conceal it. I hate having to worry, in Texas, about the "intentional failure to conceal" which, according to our CHL instructor, includes "accidental failure to conceal" too (because if you accidentally fail, you should have been more intentional) :banghead:

Concealed carry is a nuisance in the summer, and it frequently calls for a smaller gun with fewer rounds than one would carry if one could carry openly. And I have yet to see an answer to cropcirclewalker's 2004 post calling for citations proving that open carry incites people to target the carrier, or even that nonshooters regularly get the vapors when they see someone open carrying. It's been repeated here so often that it's become a truism, but I have yet to see any evidence to back it up.

still chirping....

I should have voted differently than "no" but as someone pointed out, I have no experience in OC. I fully support OC if it is an option. I don't wish to come off sounding like a liberal gun grabber by my vote....I'm really pro-gun all the way!

Here in the south, I believe the cops would have a heart attack if we started carrying OC. They already seem to resent legal citizens from CC right now. OC carry would really make some of them mad. If something happened and you were carrying OC nearby, heck, I'd fear for my life when a cop car showed up. (being honest) I know you guys from west of the Mississippi think we east of the Mississippi are shy about OC, but we aren't, really. it's just that we aren't used to it and have been really controlled by laws. But that could be changed and I truly hope it does.

But like I said, LEO seem to be the biggest group against OC than anyone else; and I don't understand this? Any ideas why??

i dont open carry in ohio eventhough it is legal. it is not that I dont want to, its just going to get me in trouble with the law. they would love to charge me with something else like inducing panic and that is more problems than i need.
Too many northerers (Me included) here in east Tennessee to open carry. Man with a gun could possibly ring out at every stop so I choose to keep it under wraps. The day may come that open carry becomes more accepted but my days of trail blazing, although not over, have become a lesser need.
The right to carry shouldn't have to impact your choice of wardrobe.

Sometimes it is more convenient to carry openly. At other times it is smarter to conceal your firearm. Either way, it should be up to the judgment of the adult ccw holder.

My biggest concern is the whole, "Oops... My concealed firearm accidentally got exposed and now someone is upset and I have to worry about legal issues because of it." If you have a gun and are legally allowed to carry, you should be free to decide the manner in which it is most convenient for you to exercise that right. Period.
Firefall said:
But like I said, LEO seem to be the biggest group against OC than anyone else; and I don't understand this? Any ideas why??

In my experience it's because of their ignorance of the very laws they are supposed to enforce and the belief of many of them that only THEY are qualified or responsible enough to carry a gun (There are exceptions to that rule, however). I'd also say on a much higher level it's because of control and job security. If everyone carried guns, there would be a LOT less crime and there would be less need of LEO's.
Priv8er wrote:
That's kind of the way things are in Washington. The law here states that it is a crime to cause 'undue concern' with a weapon. It's my belief that carrying a 1911 on my hip would cause 'undue concern. Which makes me sad.

I don’t know what state you’re in, but in Washington, the one north of Oregon and west of Idaho, there is nothing in the law like that.

For a police officer to arrest you for open carry, he will have to be able to articulate malicious intent on your part. Open carry is legal, thus the mere appearance of a firearm in a holster on your belt is not enough to constitute ‘brandishing’. Here’s the training bulletin released by the Federal Way police department, others are typical. Posting facts trumps posts that contain rumor every time.

I have carried openly in downtown Seattle, Federal Way, and Tacoma; I have never had any citizen express anything other than indifference or admiration.
Old Navy wisdom (deffinitely NOT the clothier!): Never let the leading chief have ca

Oops! that title should red "Never give the leading chief cause to know your name!" Civilians, such as me, may substitute "the man in charge" for "the leading chief."

I voted "At times."

On occasion, while hunting, I openly carry the scoped Ruger Redhawk while also carrying the 1911 or P226 concealed (w/ CHL.)

At other times, I CCW only.

IMNSHO the last thing the bad guy should learn in life is that he (she) has picked the wrong potential victim.
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