Only the News That's Fit to Link

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Feb 21, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Daily, the mainstream media publishes stories about guns. By selecting stories showing guns used by criminals to harm people and further crime, and bypassing stories showing guns used to save lives and prevent crime, the mainstream media present a biased view of the world. When guns are shown to be good, it's almost always in the hands of the police. Although at least a million self-defense uses of guns occur every year, we hear few of these stories from the media.

A popular past-time of High Road readers is the posting of copies, or links, to these stories. There are sometimes lessons to be drawn, or questions to be asked about these stories. But more frequently, these stories are just another shooting. If all we do is echo those stories here, with nothing new to learn from them, we are then acting as an unwitting extension of the mainstream media. Here, of all places, it is shameful to pick up a shovel and toss dirt for the other side.

It is not enough that a story be about guns. That alone does not make it "High Road" material. Let the story be about guns and have some new lesson to be learned, or new question to be asked, or at least be contrary to the media's anti-gun bias before posting it here. When you make your post linking to or copying the news story, tell us why: what's different about this story? For example, if you are posting the story in "Legal," the story might illustrate some point of law that has not been covered already, and you should then be able to point that out when you post the link to the story.

Whatever your reason for posting the story, if you can't make that reason clear, and it isn't new, then don't post it.

  • Is it contrary to the mainstream media's anti-gun bias, or
  • is it a new lesson or question?
  • And, tell us why you are posting this story
Daily, the mainstream media publishes stories about guns. By selecting stories showing guns used by criminals to harm people and further crime, and bypassing stories showing guns used to save lives and prevent crime, the mainstream media present a biased view of the world.

Daily, I don't buy a newspaper, turn on a television, or go to the movies.
If I had to guess, I'd say, he does not "buy" into what they're selling.

I went on a media "fast" for four years--no t.v., no radio, and rarely any newpapers, and no movies. A friend had to call me on a Tuesday in September of '01 and tell me to go on the internet to see the news.

I think a lot of good can come from staying "out of the loop."

I also think my post is OT.
Whatever your reason for posting the story, if you can't make that reason clear, and it isn't new, then don't post it.
Good luck with that.

Actually, I don't recall a lot of postings of run of the mill media gun stories. Perhaps I remember more what irritates me more:

1. Press releases from one pro-gun group bashing another pro-gun group.

2. "Copy and Paste" postings of long discredited chain emails. A search of the forums for the keyword "Chenel" will produce 14 OPs dating from 2003. It was bogus 5 years ago and is bogus now. Yet I can almost guarantee that within 6 months someone will post it again like it's actual news.
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