Open Carry vs Concealed Carry

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I don't have the time right not to find any supporting links and such for my comment (our 19th Anniversary tonight), so I'll put my observations out there and maybe come back to this later.

Gun control laws in general are a hodge-podge collection which came about piecemeal regionally in this country over a loooooong period of time. There are no defining moments in our history where guns have been outright outlawed by our various forms of government because of our rather youthful history as a colonial nation.

Some areas where gun laws were non-existent may have only had city ordinances wherein you could not bring guns into certain locations/businesses. Others had gun laws specifically written to deny former slaves the right to own them. In major metropolitan cities, as they developed and distinguished themselves from the typical rural surroundings, developed their own.

And all this took place on a nation that eventually spanned the North American continent, and beyond. This meant a geographically and politically HUGE span in which such laws were developed.

Why concealed carry is OK but open carry not? Depends on where you're at and the socio-political dynamics in effect there.

Why open carry OK, but concealed carry not? Again, it depends on the socio-policital dynamics in effect in that area.

Why are the laws different "here" than they are "there"? Ultimately for many of the very same reasons why our Founding Fathers were wise enough to form our government with both a House (with representatives based on population) and a Senate (with representatives based on the same number of representatives for each state). And that's because what's important to people "here" is NOT necessarily important to people "there".

That's it, in a nutshell, in my opinion.
Kentucky's Constitution addresses the regulation of Concealed Carry only. So there is no law that allows open carry, but rather there is no law prohibiting open carry.

"STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION - Article 1, Section 1, Paragraph 7.

“All men are by nature, free and equal, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights, among which may be reckoned: ... 7) the right to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state, subject to the power of the general assembly to enact laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed weapons.”

One of the earliest gun control laws in the U.S. was, ironically in Kentucky.
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