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Open carry--Walmart

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Yep Austin has a big police force for sure, they were out in full force for the Friday night of the ROT Ralley.
When I lived in Flagstaff, recreation and work related travel would constantly put me in Sedona. But even though the general atmosphere was quite liberal, I never experienced anyone screaming and running when I was OC-ing in public.

Now Prescott is a different story, those folks try hard to impose upon my right to OC. The town is posted, well it was when I was there visiting my sister a few years back. I got hassled in a couple of stores, which BTW weren't posted, to which I of course complied with their request to conceal it.

Armybrat, let the lady that wrote the Austin paper call the 911 every time she sees someone carrying. I know Austin is a different place, but they should explain to her that OC is legal and after a few calls she will be the one abusing the 911 system and might just have charges filed against her.

The police department may be instructed to harass anyone they see carrying but I doubt they will allow someone to abuse the 911 system. While some of the officers may follow instructions and check everyone they see open carrying, there just may be quite a few that will ignore anyone OC. Then again Austin may be so lost and liberal that they will stop anyone they see with a firearm and indeed harass them.
Gun owners who express disdain over open carry are the fifth column against it. We can't get our rights back as long as they stand in the way.
You can't get them back by antagonizing the "indifferent" (who happen to be a majority) people by carrying just to make some political statement either.

If you scare enough of them, they will choose a side in the fight, and it won't be yours
I'd like to see us stop treating OC as if every participant is loutish white trash with no common sense. They are people just like us exercising their Constitutional civil, legal, and natural rights.

I'd like to think that when you carry, you carry because you feel you need the protection or to provide protection to the people you are with. Carrying just because you "like to" is not quite good enough for me in an urban environment. I dislike the "constitutional" argument and "exercising your right" argument. But from a legal point of view, it's probably the best. Few will fault someone carrying a weapon, long gun or handgun out in the woods. But in an urban environment, it becomes mostly about other people. Few would fault a person carrying a spear or bow & arrow in the woods, but bring that same person into the city and it seems out of place. My point is use your judgement and don't just carry because it is a constitutional right.
The fact is........

Most people are oblivious to there surroundings. I occasionally carry openly at my shop and I sometimes have visitors/clients come in while I am carrying. When I see no obvious acknowledgement that I am carrying I have asked people if it bothered them. I have always gotten the same reply, "I didn't even notice".
Been my experience too as long as you don't bring their attention onto the gun. Most people that carry will notice, eventually. I like outside carry of a handgun, or having it moderately concealed with a shirt or jacket. It is just more comfortable. Most people don't notice. But I don't carry all the time.
I think for some.. Open carry can be a reminder that the world we live in today, is not Mayberry USA. People do not like to dwell on the realities that its can be a very dangerous world. For some, they would rather pretend that all is well, then have the reality that it isn't ... in their face.. ( open carry ).... I don't think it has a whole lot to do our rights. Many people are afraid of guns... obviously the divide in the country over guns.

For a moment, everyone wants to feel they live in Mayberry.... But even Barney carried.

Ive been carrying for 50 years, I know I have the right, but I also feel that there is not need for me to upset, people, just to prove I have the right to carry openly... Foe me there is no advantage in carrying openly. There are some tactical disadvantages to open carry... I take my personal protection seriously.. and if open carry gave me an edge, I could care less what others thought. I think as the world gets uglier, those with the mind set that open carry is a deterrent, will increase, and then less non carrying citizens will be less threatened.. I can understand that for most non gun familiar citizens, the sight of a gun on a civilian can be threatening.,., WE as a country are just not there yet... I don't think anyone wants to go back to the " Wild " west...
That's odd, since Ruger has had a major manufacturing facility in Prescott for years.

I find prescott to be a lot more 'gun friendly' than flag. I've seen more open carry people there than just about anywhere else in the state..except maybe Camp Verde. LOTS of gun shops there, the backpage listings are numerous, & it has been a traditional retirement area for LEOS from California. But it IS a growing metro area, & is becoming quickly California, so the nanny state expectations may overcome it's wild west roots. :)
I agree with the so called "wild wild west". I don't think it was ever as wild as pictured in movies and TV. The only reason for the "wild wild west" to become more common is if there is an identifiable threat. Then people will carry, period. They will do it regardless of handgun permit laws or any kind of laws that might be in effect.

Those that carry routinely say the threat exists. It does to a degree. But I am not convinced other than when I am forced to spend time in portions of cities that I feel vulnerable and defenseless without a gun. As I get older, I also feel more vulnerable and defenseless. I don't think I'm going to win many fist fights any more with an aggressive young person. I have no desire to fight period to show my manly nature.

My reasons for liking open or semi-open/concealed carry is mostly tactical and comfort driven. I just don't particularly like to carry a concealed gun, even pocket carry. And I don't particularly like to buy 10 different holsters looking for something that I might like and might be a little more comfortable. It's a money pit.
I see people open carrying from time to time around here. (And I've spent all my life, here in the I-95 corridor, between Richmond and Washington.) I've done it myself from time to time. I've never had, or noticed anyone else having a negative reaction.

I've also never seen anyone I would think looked to be up to no good open carrying. Always people in work clothes, or casual attire who looked to be going about their own business, same as I was.
I agree with the so called "wild wild west". I don't think it was ever as wild as pictured in movies and TV. The only reason for the "wild wild west" to become more common is if there is an identifiable threat. Then people will carry, period. They will do it regardless of handgun permit laws or any kind of laws that might be in effect.

Those that carry routinely say the threat exists. It does to a degree. But I am not convinced other than when I am forced to spend time in portions of cities that I feel vulnerable and defenseless without a gun. As I get older, I also feel more vulnerable and defenseless. I don't think I'm going to win many fist fights any more with an aggressive young person. I have no desire to fight period to show my manly nature.

My reasons for liking open or semi-open/concealed carry is mostly tactical and comfort driven. I just don't particularly like to carry a concealed gun, even pocket carry. And I don't particularly like to buy 10 different holsters looking for something that I might like and might be a little more comfortable. It's a money pit.
IM 70 years Old. Ive been carrying for 50 years between military and civilian life... I quickly saw your post on age and personal defense... When I was a young man, I didn't think too much about my personal protection, I carried and that was it... After 50 years to finely tune my personal defense, my considerations have changed considerably.. MY eyes have been wide open for years.. I develop my present state of carry based on experience, age, and research. At my age, I do not want to wrestle with a 250 lbs ( amped up on drugs ) young thug. AS an Old disable combat vet, I know that single punch in the right place could kill me.. ( many surgical procedures and scares with very sensitive body parts ). So for me... at my age, I don't want to dance with a bad guy with three 9mm rounds in his chest and still coming, even if those shots might be mortal wounds.. Ive seen too many reports of people hit with too many rounds of light weight defensive loads who still were able to get off rounds or get a hold of someone.
So for me, Ill swing the heaviest hammer in my arsenal, a 45 ACP... At this point in my life I would never choose anything less for my EDC.. also for me... pocket carry gives me a definite advantage over every other type of carry I've used from ankle to arm pit and everywhere in between over the last 50 years.. I have every type of holster imaginable.
I was the victim of a car jacking 30 years ago, and the victim of a robbery. IN both cases I came out on top.. Accounts of such events and their circumstances are reported in the papers all the time.,. so over the years an analytical person like myself can gather facts and input to use to hone my choices..
At this point in my life, IM confident with my EDC, and my choice of carry..
I carry every waking hour, and have honed my personal defense to a point where I feel I have the best advantage in coming out on top.. I say this because this is what works for me, and how I got to this point... This does not mean that my way is the best way for anyone else... And naturally, no one walks in my shoes, so no one is going to tell me something different will work better for me. Its taken me 70 years to get through 24 months of combat, a career in the military,( retired for physical disability ) Agent orange ... and 35 years of civilian carry with two life threatening experiences and Im still breathing... so I must be doing something right... For many people, they will never need to test their carry.. and they feel confident that their carry will work for them. I have to laugh at people who claim that their choice of caliber will do the job for them, because they practice, and that shot placement is everything.. Let me tell you as a combat vet.. in combat or any stressful encounter, Shot placement is called " LUCK ". its easy to practice at the range, and learn to know your gun... use proper hold discipline and breathing techniques. get a good sight picture and squeezes off a round... UN lees you range target is shooting back, this practice has no resemblance to an actual life threatening encounter.. One where your heart rate goes from 50/60 beats per minute to 140/150 beats per minute.. try controlling your breathing and hold discipline when someone is about to take your life. So under stress, shot placement goes right out the window.. I Hope to get off a few shots to disable a bad guy from getting off a few rounds or getting his hands on me... I'm not going to swing a tack hammer at a guy and only piss him off, when I can throw a sledge hammer at him, and hope I connect with one or two, to stop him so I can put him away.
This is long but a synopsis of my 50 years of defensive personal protection choices, and the reason I chose them.

My personal Experience in the horror of taking a life ?.. I will never forget May 18th 1965.. after that the others were just a buried memory.. much like that guy I use to be, 50 years ago.
If my experience helps one other Old guy, then it was worth my effort..to express it here in this thread
Bill aka ET
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saw an OC in my local Wally World two weeks ago. used to be I was under the impression they'd kick you out. No one seemed to care in this instance. Works for me.
Open Carry In Wal Mart

I see people open-carrying in one of the two Wal Mart Super Stores in Terre Haute fairly often; apparently no one seems to be at all concerned about it.

Mas Ayoob has a whole chapter on "open carry" in his book, "Concealed Carry", 2nd Edition, and I really think everyone who is truly concerned about our 2nd amendment rights would benefit from what Mas has to say about this apparently very controversial subject. ( I read and re-read the chapter on "open carry" just today. ) What you may or may not be aware of is, there are a few states where "Open Carry" is your only alternative for carrying a gun; (Mas get's into that aspect of it as well. )

The book; Concealed Carry, by Massad Ayoob, 2nd edition, by Gun Digest Book
If you don't feel like springing for the $27.99, just stop at the sporting goods dept. at any Walmart, and read what Mas has to say about the "open carry" subject; I think perhaps 90% of people will become better informed about all of this than most people are now. I was also pleased to learn that Mr. Ayoob feels quite a bit like I do about OC.

Personally, even though I live in Indiana, and anyone here with a CC Permit can carry "open" anyplace where they don't have a sign "disallowing" OC, ( Court House, Hospitals, City Building, etc.), I don't have any plans or desires to carry a weapon openly; what many people never seem to think about is, being a gun owner and being interested in the shooting sports tends to put you in a minority position, relative to the many people who don't know anything about guns; the statistics have been changing in our favor over the past few years, and there's even an effort being made to get more shooting sports included in the Olympic Games, but it's an up-hill battle.

On the plus side is, even though the liberals have tried very hard to capitalize on the recent murder in Charleston of 9 people in a church, the F.B.I. has announced publicly that there was a "breakdown" in the government's background check system that enabled the shooter to buy the gun he used in the shooting.

Bob Owens has now come out on his blog, "Bearing Arms" and refutes the F.B.I. Director's claim; the link below will take you to the story; it's pretty interesting.
But it IS a growing metro area, & is becoming quickly California, so the nanny state expectations may overcome it's wild west roots.

I watched that happen in CO, and NV and UT - it is similar to a plague. They move in, complaining how bad CA was, and then when they realize there aren't any malls, etc., vote to allow it to become what they just fled. They get enough folks elected and then they will overturn certain aspects of what you have there in AZ. They did it in CO, WA and OR
The town I live in is fairly small. I'm in an open carry state; but have a CCW license also. I haven't open carried, yet. There are two men I know here in town that will have a gun in a holster, on their belt every time I see them. If anyone pays attention to them, I haven't noticed. I think they are pretty well known by everyone. One of the women that works the sporting goods department at Walmart was in the same CCW class that I was in.
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