Orange Paint on toy guns, repeal..

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
So I'm out looking to buy a BB gun for myself; and I stumble across a hobby store..

It seemed that 2 years ago, Taiwan had the same stupid requirements of requiring toy guns to be painted bright orange on top so it can be identified as a toy gun instead of a "real" gun..

Guess what? The amount of officers shot by "alleged" toy guns were high... why? Because criminals started to paint their guns orange, when cops saw it, they assumed it was a toy gun, and ended up not drawing their guns in self defense..

So the orange paint laws have been repealed, talked to one of the gun manufacturers who were instrumental in getting that done in Taiwan.

The next part is the ban on gun ownership here in Taiwan; and they are working hard.

Every year, crime keeps going up and up, and the metal bars on windows get thicker and thicker; and they said that statistics show, having metal bars on your windows:

You are more likely going to die from the fact that you can't escape out the window when there's a fire than getting killed or robbed..

Taiwan in the last 5 years has 'laxed the laws on knife carrying, and toy guns... It's a good trend, it's one (however) that was forced on the legislator, and unwillingly too.. Crime has gotten too high and the cops too corrupt that they are admitting they cannot really protect John Q Public.

There was public outcry from the Taiwanese version of the Million Mom's when they allowed any size knife carrying.. they said there would be blood on the streets etc.. and the net effect from the relaxation in laws? Person to Person mugging went DOWN... just as expected..

It's a great trend here in taiwan, I hope to contribute more to the RKBA here in taiwan..

But the one point I wanted to make is; the stupid toy gun laws CAN be repealed when logical arguements are made.. (of course "cough cough" Jeff White "cough cough"...) I haven't really found a lot of logical people in Chicago.. :neener:

As for the PRK and PRNJ.. I won't even talk about those two headaches..
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