Some Taiwanese Calling for gun ownership

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
While everybody knows THIS Taiwanese loves guns; it's refreshing to hear others calling for gun ownership here in Taiwan..

So let me give you some history to a fairly interesting problem..

A few months ago, I saw a rent-a-cop sporting a open-ended holster, in which the "orange" of his toy gun was exposed. I thought it funny, but then found it, it would have been illegal for him to hide it since he's not a cop and can't legally own a gun..

So there are two types of bank security here in taiwan, ones guarded by "real" cops, i.e. they have real guns with real bullets, and those guarded by rent-a-cops who have nothing but a baton...

So the recent rise in bank robberies (guess which ones get robbed??) has prompted the "fake rent-a-cops" to sport jackets that say "Police" on it. This however is illegal, (impersonating a cop is a crime... as is in every other country) and so they can't wear the police jackets anymore..

So, they "pretend" to carry a gun, but now that the news has exposed the fact that they can't carry real guns and you can tell by the orange on the guns that it's a toy gun, basically the banks with the mall ninja security are getting hit.

So they are pissed, and want the right to own real guns due to "job hazard".

so the bank security unions are "up in arms" (horrible pun) about gun ownership...

"Real Cops" cost about 2-3x the price of rent-a-cops here in Taiwan....
So they are pissed, and want the right to own real guns...
Good. I hope they'll get authorization to carry (yeah, I know they've got the "right"--they're human beings--but it sounds like that right isn't protected by law in Taiwan). It's a start. Thanks, 'blink.
You guys are going to need them when the Chinese come knocking.

Ya know, it might be beneficial to the "pro" side to point out Japanese and Russian concerns about invading the continental U.S. if fear of a Chinese invasion is actually a significant concern.
I thought Taiwan was free. Well, freer than China, at least. I've got a thread started on gun laws in the US and Canada, maybe you can join in?
Chang Kai Shek was a communist :barf: So much so he sent his son to Russia to get "educated" on the ways of Marx..

:barf: :barf:

There's only 1 libertarian here in Taiwan, and you're lookin' at him...

"freer than China"... That's like saying "better than Hitler"... if it weren't, it'd be sad..

We gained, elections, freedom of the press, in the past 2 decades. so making in-roads..
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