Ordering from Southern Ohio Gun

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Jul 31, 2005
Louisville, KY
I've got a C&R FFL and with my tax refund I'd like to get some non-C&R weapons. Specifically they have a good deal on some derringers that I'd really like to have. If my regular FFL has their license on file with SoG (who only deals with 01 + 03 FFLs), may I order the guns on my credit and have them shipped to my gun shop where they will be transferred to me?
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You will most likely need to get your FFL to order the gun for you. Most distributers do not care to deal through third-parties. As this has nothing to do with your 03-FFL and you have nothing to do with your 01-FFL, he will need to handle the transfer, then sell it to you.
SOG will allow you to order direct from them IF your FFL will put you on their "Authorized to Buy" list.As long as you explain to your FFL that you will be using your money/CC,and not theirs,they shouldn't have any problem with that.After all,it is profit for them in the form of more transfers.If your FFL says it's okay,be sure to get a password from SOG so you can view the prices on their website and download the latest catalogs...
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