organic, environmentally friendly reactive targets

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Staff member
Oct 23, 2004
Sorry, no pics today, but I just wanted to mention that cow piles make good carbine targets. You definitely know when you hit them. They are organic and biodegradable. You can shoot them safely at much closer distances than steel, though you don't want to get too close. Plus, they are a renewable resource. About the only disadvantage is you need specialized equipment to put them out.

I had a lot of fun getting some carbine practice in today. It was about 50*, raining, pretty muddy. I put 10" steel plates on 3 different target stands about 90-280m apart. Then I warmed up by wandering around the field to different odd places, ranging the targets, and seeing how fast I could putting one round on each plate.

After a while, I would move, shoot 2 cow piles, and then take a shot at a plate or two offhand, from 80-230m or so. Then move a bit and repeat.
Meadow muffins! as long as you're upwind. I've found that hollowpoints really make a splash.
Get a picture of someone you really don't like. Get some catsup packets from some place that sell hot dogs and stuff like that. Tape the packet to the back side of the picture about where you want the shot to go, mount the picture to your target frame and have at it. When you hit the catsup package, the red runs down the target where the bullet enters. Lot of guys used pictures of Sadam but times have changed.
When you hit the catsup package, the red runs down the target where the bullet enters. Lot of guys used pictures of Sadam but times have changed.

Not to be a wet blanket, but ... make sure of the company you're keeping at the range before shooting your favorite real-life "bad guy's" photo. Certain instances might get you into long, involved conversations with the authorities. "Really sir, why were you shooting a bleeding target of Speaker Pelosi? Are you in some kind of training?" I can just see this going wrong. Remember the excitement a few months back when somebody hung an effigy of BO from the side of a building?

It also might be off-putting to first-time visitors to the shooting range. Just think, some hard-working guy FINALLY gets his almost-formerly-left-wing girlfriend to come shooting after months of suggesting it, and she sees one of us rednecks (yes, US rednecks, brother) at the next table shooting ketchup-holes in a photo of congressman X. She'll think we're all extremist lunatics for the rest of her newly-left-wing life.

I love our culture. I think every American should be exposed to the fun, discipline, and competition (among other things) that shooting offers, and I'd hate to lose a potential convert because of bad timing or our often misunderstood gallows humor. We should all work harder at being positive ambassadors for our hobby. :)

You can shoot them safely at much closer distances than steel, though you don't want to get too close. Plus, they are a renewable resource. About the only disadvantage is you need specialized equipment to put them out.

Mabye for the shooter, but what can you account for that bullet after it glances off the ground and continued on it's merry way? At the very least it's obvious there's livestock about
of course, krochus. i wouldn't shoot otherwise. duh
We used to have access to a farm that had lots of cow pies, hedge apples, and a nice hillside to use as a back stop. My boy learned to shoot there and cow pies were his favorite.
That all ended when some out of towners bought the adjoining land and started building houses. they let the farm owner know they didn't want to hear any gun fire near their new homes, so we had to find somewhere else to shoot.
cow piles make good carbine targets...though you don't want to get too close.
You mean kinda like hitting fresh dog poo with a weed eater?

I'm in an area of Central Cali. with a lot of daries & cattle ranches, so I might just try some pie shootin' in the interest of saving the Condors, since most of Cali. has a lead ban on hunting for their sake. Hopefully the Condors are familiar with the phrase "Eat **** and die".
If I take out my .22 I'll bring out a box of crackers/wheat thins/cheezits. Nice little reactive targets and you have a snack too!

I wouldn't recommend doing the same with the cowpies!
If you're shooting at long range (300 yards or further) Use an over-arm target stand with clay pigeons hanging underneath. Cheap, highly visible, and they smell less.

eggs make great targets, not too big or too small. hiding them on a hill opposite our spot changed my definition of easter egg hunt.
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