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Orlando Sentinal: "Another reason why we don't have guns in our house."

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Sep 16, 2006
Reminiscing the Rockies

Another reason why we don't have guns in our house.

Not only do I not want little fingers touching a trigger, I also don't want my husband blasting me in the leg if I get attacked by a fox.

From the Associated Press:

MORRISTON, Fla. — Authorities say a Levy County man accidentally shot his wife while trying to hit a fox that attacked her.

The couple told deputies they spotted an animal in their yard Friday morning and went outside to see what it was.

The fox bit the woman on the left leg and wouldn't let go, so she told her husband to get a gun.

The man fired a .22-caliber rifle seven times, killing the animal but also hitting his wife in the lower right leg.

The woman was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

I would love to hear what she thinks the husband should have done. Just let the fox eat his wife?
Actualy I think it was a "she" who wrote that, but then I'm not 100% sure these days.

Not unusual, and certainly almost a given that the circumstance would draw an anti-gun conclusion for those who look for it. Only thing that matters is wether she is OK , then wether she thinks being shot in the process was OK as she called for the gun as I understand it. Sorry she got hurt , accidents do happen.

Now it she got shot in the head when the fox was chewing on her leg I might question the motive rather than just the accuracy of the shots.
"Well, hell, she wouldn't stand still so I could shoot the critter."

Another reason why we don't have guns in our house.
I encourage this in anti-gun people. I've told my anti-gun friends, "I think you should put a sign in your window that says, We don't have any guns in this house, we don't believe in them." So far I haven't see any."
A fox is a large rat. A .22 is a small caliber rifle.

How big was the wife's leg?

The bigger the target.....

I imagine that Fox was rabid. In fact, I would wager good money on it. My grandfather was on the tractor once and as he was returning home from bush-hogging another part of the property he came across a raccoon which looked up at him and then attacked his tractor tire, biting it fiercely. Well, my grandfather kept a Winchester 94 in his truck or on his tractor and he shot the 'coon. He carried that 94 everywhere and kept a Remington Model 11 behind his door at home because rabid raccoons are common in the Florida panhandle - as well as armadillos which dig up your yard.

Orlando Slantinal

Well, "The Orlando Slant- inal is always fair and never, never skews their view to the left. This is probably the worst daily rag out there when it comes to gun rights/pro gun control. They consantly support tree and bunny hugging politicos.

On top of that they increased the price of this toliet paper subsitute , 50% overnight to 75 cents. I read the comics and the sports sections. Thank the Good Lord I have great places this to come to for a daily dose of sanity. Lt. G
I always love the logic of articles like this.

"If I have a gun, someone may accidently get shot."

"If I don't have a gun, a freakin' fox eats my wife's leg."

Guys, any way you look at it, life's gonna suck.

-- John
Do the anti's realize that law enforcement carry weapons?

If they were TRULY anti gun, wouldn't they call in the local little league team.

Just think of all those bats whacking the crap out of ya. Makes me shiver just to think of think of it.
Well, "The Orlando Slant- inal is always fair and never, never skews their view to the left. This is probably the worst daily rag out there when it comes to gun rights/pro gun control. They consantly support tree and bunny hugging politicos.

On top of that they increased the price of this toliet paper subsitute , 50% overnight to 75 cents. I read the comics and the sports sections. Thank the Good Lord I have great places this to come to for a daily dose of sanity. Lt. G

Ditto. As it turns out, last week we cancelled our Slantinel subscription for the same reasons- increasing dissatisfaction with the "content", the stupid-looking new paper format, the new format that means less actual content, the higher prices, the sucky delivery service...

I'm "reading the paper" right now on my laptop on our porch, just like I used to read the real paper here. THR, some news sites, and I'm just as happy now. We spent some of the $180 per year saved on a netflix subscription.
Keep in mind this was the Orlando Sentinal. The almighty mouse has a huge amount of influence there so I imagine a large number of the populace is anti.
Lots of people sincerely believe the plural of "incident" is "data."

Just because they're dumb doesn't mean I have to be dumb, too.

Soooooo true, but even some who are not quite so dumb struggle to separate correlation and causation. Just because most violence happens of Friday doesn't mean its CAUSED by Friday! But when you are dealing with emotional issues people make those "deductive" leaps way to often!
In general, major newspaper circulation, major network viewing, including Clinton News Network viewing is way down over the last dozen years or so.

What is particularly nauseating in addition to misrepresenting actual facts and occurrences is the act of ignoring news stories that don't fit their template. It's Pravda lite.

I think people are getting their fill of the ministry of information world view. I know many younger citizens are getting their information from alternative media, like web sites, radio, etc.

TCB makes a good point about people responding emotionally, rather that logically. Life is a difficult journey. Those of us who play by the rules shouldn't have to sacrifice for those who don't. Many people want to feel safe and look to government for solutions; however, many if not most of our problems in the US are the result of government. Remember, when you got hanged for stealing a horse? There were not a lot of three strikes and you're out horse thieves. Fast forward to today, car thieves get counseling, instead of real punishment.
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