Thank you OC-Trainer for sharing your wealth of knowledge about OC with the forum. This has definitely been a high "value-added" thread!
A few quick questions:
- Did I understand you correctly in a previous post that although you generally do not like stream style sprays, you recommend these for use from automobiles? I suppose I could see how they might be better for spraying from a car window.
- What would be an example of a specific OC type and product that you would recommend for someone who must commute through an urban, high crime area and would like a less lethal option?
- When do you anticipate the product you are testing will be announced and then released for purchase?
Thank you again!
I appreciate that, Plink! Happy to help...
-That is correct. With rare exception, I think most people would be better served with a cone spray pattern. However, there are certain circumstances that I would recommend a stream or foam pattern over the cone. First and foremost if the person carrying it had a pre-existing lung condition e.g. asthma, emphysema. A huge advantage about the conical spray pattern is the fact that it really attacks the lungs (that is one of the reasons bear spray only comes in cone/fog). Now instead just temporarily taking away a perps sight, you can also take their breath away; literally. Now if the perp can't see or breath, the odds of them continuing to aggress is very, very low. This added benefit greatly adds to increasing chances for you to escape/flee in a physical altercation.
Another benefit the cones bring to the table is "area denial." I was followed one time in a parking garage. Elevator was out, and I was forced to take the stairs (lucky me). Because of my SA, I was aware that I was being followed. I gave a 2 second blast of OC down the stairwell creating a "wall" of OC. The perp wasn't aware of this. He walked right through this wall and that was that. Sight gone and started coughing and choking while I made my escape. This could not happen with any other spray pattern.
There are certain situations where I think a stream would the better choice. For example: If you are a cyclist or if there's a greater likelihood that you will be using OC spray in high winds, or to cut through wind drag (dogs chasing you while on bike). Maybe you travel through areas where carjackings are more prevalent, or if there was a greater likelihood of having to spray from inside your car out the window. Just a few examples of where a stream would be the way to go.
-*Depending on your location, some of these recommendations may not be legal:
Cone pattern (in no particular order): Asp Defender series or Spitfire, Mean Green, UDAP World's Hottest
Stream (in no particular order): Anything Sabre (most everything they make is stream)
There are a few others I like, but they aren't widely available or are limited to just LE.
-The new product will be out, and widely available Summer 2015. Once my NDA expires, I will be able to talk more freely about it...
Thanks again, and please let me know if you need anything else.