PETA ads on DbD comic?

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Feb 20, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I love Chris Muir's Day by Day cartoon, and I know a lot of other readers of this forum do as well. Updates daily. Very funny. Very pro-gun, very conservative without drinking the Republican party Kool-Aid. Almost libertarian, so it's right up my alley. In fact, if I recall correctly Mr. Muir has even posted to this forum a few times.

But for the last week or so, it's been bugging the hell out of me because every time I look at the comic, there's an ad for PETA on the front page. Check it out. See the one over on the left that says "KFC Consumer Warning"? Click on that. 100% PETA nonsense.

Now, I realize it's entirely possible for someone to be pro-gun and also be an animal rights whackjob, but Mr. Muir has never struck me as the type that would fall for that nonsense. I saw a note a week or two ago saying that he was going to be in Iraq for a month or so, and I'm hoping the PETA thing happened in his absence and will be removed when he returns - because if that isn't an error of some sort, and he's OK with that ad being on there, I'm just not going to be able to support his comic anymore. And that would suck.

So what do you guys think? Anybody know what the deal is with this?
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