Pistol grip on a shotgun.

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I am not going to read this whole thread. I have a Saiga 12 guage with a pistol grip and a folding stock. Basically it is an AK except in shotgun configuration. To me the pistol grip feels more natural. Even skeet shooting I can hit as well with it as I can with a more traditional stock shotgun. I always shoot with the stock extended. If I fire from the hip it is tucked by my side.

To each his own folks. I like pistol grips because they seem to give more natural control and all my rifles have them also.
People. Please remember, we are talking about PGOs. Pistol Grip Only. I'll repeat: Pistol Grip ONLY. As in, a shotgun, with a pistol grip, and nothing that extends to the shoulder.

A fully-stocked shotgun with a pistol grip is a whole different animal. Personally, I like the traditional stock for a scattergun, but I would never cast a PG-equipped fully stocked shotgun into the same category as a PGO. Some people might shoot traditional stocked guns better, some might shoot full stocks with pistol grips better, and ultimately the differences are debatable.

The scorn heaped in this thread are on PG-only guns.

The pistol grip makes it smaller, that's it. It makes it worse for target aquisition and for subsequent shots. But in "real life", your target will be right there, and you will only need one well-placed shot. So a stockless pistol grip is great for your home defense shotgun, unless you like to whine about minor at-the-range wrist pain.

And to Dave McCracken: you make the mistake of assuming people like stockless pistol grips for target shooting. They are ideal for defense, so you should at least do us the sensibility of challenging us to a duel rather than a contest tailored to your preferred style of shotgun.
I have an 870 with a Knoxx stock that I LOVE!!


Much better than my old Moss with the PG front and rear!
Steve, just a clarification. I didn't win the challenge. The guy that kept telling me how totally awesome his PGO was, and how he was the most bestest shooter ever with it, and how stocks were stupid and slow, and he was like totally fast, and you can't miss with a shotgun anyway... well, he kind of waffled and then backed down when I said, fine, let's go, same course of fire, full power ammo, at least a hundred rounds, from conversational distance to twenty five meters.

I pulled $300 out of my pocket. You win, you keep this and my shotgun. I win, I keep your shotgun.

That scared him away.

Guys, please, read what Coronoch wrote above. PGO PGO! PGO!!! Pistol Grip ONLY! Nobody is bashing on your Knoxx, or your folder, or anything that has a stock that actually connects the shotgun to your shoulder.


At the risk of sounding like a mall ninja,my house gun is a 500A with PGO ,sidesaddle,and light with #1 buck. My 500 is a compromise. More "power" than a pistol ,more portable than a full-stocked shotgun.

My girlfriends elderly Dad lives with us . Up stairs downstairs deal. I can't hunker down and wait for the cavalry when things go bump in the night. I will have to move,can't leave him for the BG'S. A tight stairwell and hall leaves out the full stock option.

Is my set-up the best thing since sliced bread, no. But it works for my situation, and yes I do practice with it and can hit what I aim at at house hold range.

PGO for everyone,no. But sometimes they can be a good thing.
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