Plea To Voters:

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Well, Folks,

If we end up with Nancy Pelosi in charge of the House, Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't say I didn't tell you how to avoid it.


Look at your rights and freedoms as what would be required to survive and be free as if there were no government. If that doesn't convince you to take a stand and protect your inalienable rights and freedoms, nothing will. If that doesn't convince you to maintain your personal sovereignty, you are already someone else's subject. If you don't secure your rights and freedoms to maintain your personal sovereignty now, it'll be too late to come to me for help when they come for you. I will already be dead because I had to stand alone.
I need convincing. I'm having a really hard time with this. I don't have a side, although I usually vote Democrat. I voted for bush, but only because I wanted fresh candidates the next presidential election. Here's my understanding of the positives and negatives of each. Now bear in mind that I live in a leftist state, so maybe I'm not getting all the info here.

On the one hand, with Democrats:
-I'll lose some 2nd amendment rights, if not all of them, which is unacceptable.
-Laws will be stricter and I'll probably lose a few other things.
+The economy will probably improve, as it usually does with a more left gov.
+Gas prices may go down further, but more importantly won't rise as much as they did.
-We'll leave Iraq too soon.

On the other hand, with Republicans:
-I'll lose my OTHER constitutional rights (such as 5th amendment, and all the others that are violated by the patriot act and the new anti-terrorism act, the name of which escapes me).
-The economy will get worse, and living below the poverty line hasn't been much fun so far.
-We'll be in Iraq way longer than we should.
-I'll have to sacrafice even more freedom in the name of "the war on terror", not to mention watch my country torture people.
-Gas prices will go right back up after elections.
+I'll keep my RKBA

Can someone please clear this up for me? It seems like all I can do is vote for the lesser of two evils here, and it's just a choice of which side of the sword I want to be cut by.

So please, enlighten me. I'm on the leftist coast, and I only hear leftist propaganda.
I'm not going to vote Republican this year for the first time in my life. I'll never vote Democratic, ever. So, for the first time I'm going to vote for independant canidates. I'm tried of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Sorry, there still is hope for the Republicans, I believe, but they will have to be forced to listen to their base. The only way they will is if their base leaves them for a while.

Republicans say they fight for every vote but they have not been fighting for mine very hard. They will have to earn my vote from now on. If they tank this November maybe they will wise up.

I asked my Dad, a life long Democrat, why he bothered to vote in a heavily Republican state where his guys never won? My Dad answered me, " You got to let them know you are here." Well I understand that now, I have to vote to let them know that they aren't doing enough to attract my vote.

I'm here and I'm not happy with your party, fix it!
-I'll lose some 2nd amendment rights, if not all of them, which is unacceptable.
-Laws will be stricter and I'll probably lose a few other things.
+The economy will probably improve, as it usually does with a more left gov.
+Gas prices may go down further, but more importantly won't rise as much as they did.
-We'll leave Iraq too soon.

If you think heavier taxation and more rules and regulation will improve the economy I think you've been living in commieville way too long. Down here in Houston the job market is booming, especially high tech. Gas prices are down to $1.99. My brother recently got offered a $95,000/year tech job. The DJIA is higher than it has ever been and breaks records just about every week. The financial market is booming. I'm buying a new BMW and looking at a Thompson SMG. Things are just fine under R leadership.

If you want to pay more taxes, have your guns banned, not be able to smoke in your house or in your car, not be able to buy KFC for dinner, have all your hard earned wages taken and distributed to a bunch of worthless deadbeats, pay slavery reparations for something you had no part of, have foie gras banned in restaurants, subsidize mandatory spanish lessons for every worker, have ferrets/prairie dogs/hamsters/cats/dogs/ducks/turtles/gerbils/anykindofpetifPETAisinvolved banned then by all means vote D.

-I'll lose my OTHER constitutional rights (such as 5th amendment, and all the others that are violated by the patriot act and the new anti-terrorism act, the name of which escapes me).

What freedoms have YOU sacrificed under the patriot act? I'm not talkin about 7th hand stories from your mother's uncle's father's daughter's friend's cousin's husband's brother about poor Achmed the exchange student from east upper volta that ICE arrested because he checked out a Koran in the library. Give a concrete example of what the evil Patriot Act has done to you.

For me, the new laws have done nothing, and I am by no means an old rich white dude. The Patriot Act has effected me in *0* ways. Can't say that for BJ Klinton's pet laws... Democrits have personally screwed me out of tens of thousands of dollars and not just on firearms and accessories. Thanks to the donkey party I even got a visit from the ATF because I might have purchased magazines that were misrepresented by the vendor as pre-ban.

So far on my government agency harassment score card the Democrats are in the lead. Now how has the Patriot Act effected YOU? Gotten any calls or visits from ATF? DEA? NSA? CIA? USSS ? ICE? FBI? I'll bet you got visited by NO ONE, just like 99% of everyone else. So quit yer bitchin' about the non-existent 'loss of civil rights' under the Patriot Act and open your eyes to your real loss of rights under the socialist left.
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Can anyone give me an example of why I should vote republican, not a reason not to vote Democrat?
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For the life of me I cannot imagine how someone could vote for Nancy Pelosi and her party. She WILL take our weapons. She's nothing more than a half-wit Socialist One World Order idiot.
As far as crying over some terrorist having rights - no way. They lost their rights the moment they thought/tried to kill Americans. I once took an oath (a lifetime oath) to defend our Constitution FOR the United States of America against ALL enemies foreign and domestic, and I damn well mean it. If Ms. Pelosi takes control of the House, which by the way leaves her two breaths away from the Oval Office, she will, in time, send her jackbooted thugs to our homes in search of our firearms. If and when this happens, I for one will fight back.
Now, the republicans aren't perfect, we know this, but, may the good Lord help us if Pelosi, Kennedy, Clinton and Conyers takes control of our House of Representatives and Senate. Wasn't Kerrys' recent statement enough to convince all Patriots in this country what their true wishes for us lowlifes (in their eyes) are. Think about it.
No one will take my guns, period. Too many good American men and women have fought and died to give me the right to bare arms. I've done my part as I'm sure many of the readers of this website have to allow these people to take over without a fight. We cannot bring back our old America. The days of leaving our homes and cars unlocked have gone forever, I'm afraid. Those days started to drift away during the mid-sixies and have snowballed since then. But, we can shift the momentum, slow the changes a tad bit with our vote, our vote as true patriot riflemen, riflemen who refuse to give away our rights to own those weapons which gave us our first freedoms.
Sorry, I am not a writer. This is my first post but I could not sit by and watch what I thought was a shift towards a very dangerous vote this coming Tuesday. Respectfully.
welcome emitt. I wasn't trying to shift anyone's views. Quite to the contrary I was trying to get some other points of view, since all the radio picks up out here is Leftist propaganda. I'm not trying to argue for the Democrats, I just want some info about the republicans. Info other than what's wrong with Democrats.
Expvideo, I wasn't speaking directly to any one person, but to the group overall. The only real difference I see between republicans and Democrats is their stand on values. Lets face it, both parties are made up of professional liars. But, here again, the Democrats have taken a most unusal leaning towards socialism. Clinton and Pelosi are prime examples, dangerous examples. Pelosi recently said we should take an example from some of our socialist members of the UN and require our police to leave their weapons at work when they leave for home. Its not that I truly believe the Democrats can pass these silly laws, what bothers me is that they think this way....does that make sense..? What kind of mind is that to have running this country and passing laws for us (the real government).
Its not that I truly believe the Democrats can pass these silly laws, what bothers me is that they think this way....does that make sense..? What kind of mind is that to have running this country and passing laws for us (the real government).

On local levels, they've passed equally insane laws. THe problem comes when they try to pass them on the national level. They don't succeed, but the compromises that prevent the success become stepping stones until such time as they do succeed.
You guys are so paranoid. Pelosi won't do a damn thing. No one person is taking anyone's guns. No one's guns are being taken period. Guys stop with the doom and gloom. Politicians come and go but guns are here to stay. If YOU ever give yours up just hand them your balls too.

So, the confiscations that took place in California never occurred?

You were freely able to purchase new hicaps and "assault weapons" from 1994-2004?

Want to tell us about the new manufacture MP-5 you just bought?

Or would you just prefer to stop with the disinformation campaign, since some of us remember Pelosi's promises on this issue.
If we end up with Nancy Pelosi in charge of the House, Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't say I didn't tell you how to avoid it.

Yes, by Republicans being conservatives rather than neo-cons who call the
Constitution a "g-d- piece of paper" and treat it like tp. If Pelosi becomes
speaker, the GOP has no farther to look than the closest mirror for the source
of their failure.
ou guys are so paranoid. Pelosi won't do a damn thing. No one person is taking anyone's guns. No one's guns are being taken period. Guys stop with the doom and gloom. Politicians come and go but guns are here to stay. If YOU ever give yours up just hand them your balls too.
^^^ Funny, I just had a conversation with a guy on another message board yesterday about that idea.

He claimed that no matter what, noone would ever come to take his guns because the police and National Guard are people too and it would be their rights as well as his being affected.

After some talking to him and showing him the videos/stories about post-Katrina NO he changed his tune some.
OK, I've decided my stance for voting:

I want a republican congress, since that is where bills become law, and I don't want leftists taking away my gun rights.

I want a democratic president. That way any crazy bills presented by the republican congress can be vetoed, etc.

Basically, I think that one party having control of both is a bad thing. And I think the Democrats will wreak more havoc in congress than in the oval office. That and I doubt we'll be able to get a republican president after Bush's approval ratings.

Basically, I think that one party having control of both is a bad thing.

You are correct. There were once things called "separation of powers" and
"checks and balances" but the fire set by the two-headed partiya to destroy
our beloved Constitution kind of melted everything in government back
together into a single mass of hellish molten slag.
I'd like everyone to picture the following scenario.

Pretend I'm a Democrat who hasn't given much thought at all to what the Second Amendment really means. All I know is what I've learned from the media, that it's the "hunting and target shooting amendment" I've supported "reasonable" gun control in the past, but given the abuses of the current administration (real or imagined), I've began to take a serious look at what a gun owning friend says about the Second Amendment being about protection from tyranny.
The friend has steered me to this site so I can learn the real meaning of the Second Amendment, and what real gun owners are about.

So I visit this site, where people refer to me as a "rat", an "idiot", a "commie" and "leftist/socialist/jackbooted thug".

How do I react to this hostility?
Do I say, "Oh, I didn't realize the Democrats were so bad, let me switch affiliations right away. I can see why guns are so important to our freedoms."

Or do I say "Wow, these people really are paranoid far right wackos, they won't even vote for Democrats that support their cause. Maybe they should be restricted from owning...."

Which reaction is more likely?
Think about it...
Etten, it could be worse, it could be about abortion vs pro-life.

Oh, that would be much worse!

I see this time in history as a golden opportunity that we owners are blowing.

Here we have a large section of the population that perceives Bush and Co. as trampling on our rights.
We have been arguing for years how the Second Amendment was put in place primarily as a protection against internal tyranny, and now we have at least some chance of getting the average, non-gun owning person to see that.
Yet, a lot of people would rather talk tough, and vent our anger on the Democrats.

I get the impression that a lot of people here think the sanctity of the Second Amendment is dependent on how many times you can use the words leftist/socialist/liberal in one paragraph, :banghead:
You guys are so paranoid. Pelosi won't do a damn thing. No one person is taking anyone's guns. No one's guns are being taken period. Guys stop with the doom and gloom. Politicians come and go but guns are here to stay. If YOU ever give yours up just hand them your balls too.
Pelosi won't personally show up at your door to take your guns; her armed-to-the-teeth uniformed thugs will. It's time to cut out the game-playing and acknowledge the fact of what she has promised - as much of Brady II as she can possibly deliver.
So, the confiscations that took place in California never occurred?

You were freely able to purchase new hicaps and "assault weapons" from 1994-2004?

Want to tell us about the new manufacture MP-5 you just bought?

Or would you just prefer to stop with the disinformation campaign, since some of us remember Pelosi's promises on this issue.
And the gun confiscations in N.O after Katrina hit never happened too, right? I suppose that was all filmed on the same Hollywood sound stage where they faked the Apollo 11 moon mission in 1969.:barf:

Wake up, people - the threat is real, no matter how much you deny it or how deep in the sand you bury your heads.
Here's Why We Should Vote For Republicans

The Problem With The Democrats Is Not The Democrats! The Problem is with the Democrat Party since it has been co-opted by liberals. These are constitutional liberals - people who take a liberal interpretation of what the Constitution actually says. They'll "read into what it says"(misconstrue it) to make an interpretation of it that will fit the agenda they wish to put forward that otherwise will not pass scrutiny.

Take our RKBA and the Second Amendment for example. Because the Second Amendment says, "..., being necessary for the security of a free state,...", liberals will interpret the protections in the Second Amendment only apply to a state. Liberals will take "A well regulated militia,..." and imply that the protections in the Second Amendment only apply to the(or a) militia, and not the people at large. They ignore the fact that the militia is comprised of the people at large when called out in time of emergency. Until there is an emergency and the people are called out to quell that emergency, technically, there is no militia.

The meat of the Second Amendment is, "..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That is the last word and bottom line in the Amendment. The first two phrases in the Amendment are only the why, and not limits or bounds upon the right. But, that is what liberals will run with and will take those parts out of context and imply that they "stand on their own" as if they were law and not obiter dictum.

The Second Amendment is only one small aspect of the Constitution under attack by liberals, and don't misconstrue their title as "liberals" with anything resembling freedom or respect for the Constitution. So yes, bashing Democrats is not productive, but exposing and bashing those Democrats who are liberals is most definitely worth any effort. Bashing liberal Republicans is just as worthy as bashing liberal Democrats. (Michael "The Anti-Gun-Rights Vigilante" Bloomberg is a prime example of such an animal.)

The truth of the matter rests in the fact that with the Democrat Party being co-opted by liberals, the Democrat Party cannot be trusted with our rights, security, economy, and freedom. Liberals will only do that which they believe will secure the longevity of their stay in power. That means pandering to any and every faction that will vote for them for what they will receive in return.

Liberals created a dependency class to secure for themselves a voting block. They sponsor and pass environmental legislation to appease and secure the votes of greenie-weenies. They incite and capitalize upon emotion rather than rights, law, logic, and the Constitution. They tout the supposed rights of a mother to abortion and ignore the actual rights of the life within her womb. They imply same sex couples have a right to adopt children when it is not about them, but about the child being raised with a mother and father.

Until the Democrats take back their party from the liberals, don't even THINK about giving them a shot at anything.

I made a "call", or "prediction" if you will, a few years ago that with the liberals taking over the Democrat Party, that conservative and moderate Democrats would abandon the party. Hell, the liberals have actually thrown one of its most popular members out! I refer to Joe Lieberman. Some of these conservative and moderate Democrats will switch to the Republican Party. This will, in fact, actually draw the Republican Party to the left. As this happens, the Democrat party becomes more and more liberal but smaller and smaller.

Now the Republican Party will grow and become stronger, but also lean to the left(a little bit liberal) since it now has more of a "moderate" base. But, this is a good thing in the long run, for as the Republican Party grows, the Democrat Party will become so weak - populated almost exclusively with liberals - that they will be no threat to the Republican Party. The good is that with the Democrat Party no longer viable, conservatives can risk leaving the moderate base of the Republican Party and form their own conservative/constitutional-originalist party and start running some REAL conservatives who will take this country back under the rule of the Constitution where it belongs.

All that said, short of a revolt against those of us running(ruining) our government, our greatest hope for removing infringements upon our rights, freedoms, and liberty and casting off the unnecessary and unconstitutional bureaucracies(shrinking the size of government) resides in the Supreme Court. It will take dedicated constitutional-originalists conservatives to be placed on the Court. There in lies our first, best, and only bloodless way to set this country back on the right path if those of us in Congress refuse to honor and abide by the oath of office each and every one of them took. We'll never see these justices on our Court with liberals in power. Unfortunately, these days, liberals being in power means Democrats in power.

Only the Democrats can rescue their party from the liberals, but we can certainly vote to keep them out of power and keep the wheels of politics rolling back toward the Constitution. So, voting for Republicans is voting for the future of our freedom, rights, and personal sovereignty. Voting for Democrats is voting for liberals to be in power and the death of our freedom, rights, and personal sovereignty.


You all need to remember where the real middle is. It is the Constitution. The Constitution is the biggest compromise - the best compromise - ever written. It is where distribution of power for security and the common good meets with the protection of rights, freedom, and personal sovereignty. B.E.Wood
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Woody, this is my point. You say "the reason we should vote for republicans" and go on to write 11 paragraphs about "the reason we shouldn't vote for Democrats".

I don't want to hear why we shouldn't vote Democrat. I already know that. What I want to hear is why "we should vote republican". Can anyone answer that question?! I've been asking it for a while now, and no one has really tried to answer, except to say "because the Democrats..."
The truth of the matter rests in the fact that with the Democrat Party being co-opted by liberals, the Democrat Party cannot be trusted with our rights, security, economy, and freedom.

As someone who deployed to Iraq under the false pretenses made by a small
group of elite families, came back to a country where the border was left
wide open for any number of illegals and potential terrorists to wander in
unhindered, watched power concentrate in the executive branch as massive
illegal wiretaps were conducted, and saw jobs leave the midwest by the
10s of 1000s as our nation ran up an unprecendented trade imbalance while
heaping a mountain range of public and private debt, I can confidently and
without reservation state the following:

The truth of the matter rests in the fact that with the Republican Party being
co-opted by neo-cons, the Republican Party cannot be trusted with our rights,
security, economy, and freedom.

All that said, short of a revolt against those of us running(ruining) our government, our greatest hope for removing infringements upon our rights, freedoms, and liberty and casting off the unnecessary and unconstitutional bureaucracies(shrinking the size of government) resides in the Supreme Court. It will take dedicated constitutional-originalists conservatives to be places on the Court.

[Brother TBL raises gavel] The court has issued its opinion. Case closed. [gavel strikes]
a segment of its population to be marginalized

Derek, there's just no parallel between exterminating large numbers of people who mind their own business because they belong to a certain ethnic group, and fighting back at an organized movement which has killed a good number of civilians in cities around the world.

There's also no parallel between resisting the stated Al Qaeda objective of reestablishing the Caliphate, and the Nazis' invented "protect our young women" crap.

Your logic would call any defensive action by a nation, including war, racist genocide.

If you want to object to certain methods of fighting back against Al Qaeda and the like, I'm with you. But if you want to compare doing so at all with the Nazi Holocaust, or our resistance to a group that has killed and wants to kill American civilians in large numbers with trumped-up racial hatred, I'm afraid that undermines whatever else you write. It's a fatally flawed and uninformed basis for any further argument.
As a Canadian I don't have a dog in this show but find American elections facinating and realize the outcome is important to Canadians on a number of fronts, one of which is firearm legislation - yes what you do effects us up here.

What I do not understand is why the national debt and the huge deficits the present administration has been pilling up is not a national issue.

I don't want to be to loose with stats but as I understand it

The US debt has doubled in the last six years.

The US now owes more money to the rest of the world then all soverign debt of the rest of the world combined.

China is now the 2nd or third largest holder of US debt, in short they are the ones paying your bills right now.

More than one commentator refers to the Democrats as the spending, big government party yet the recent Republican administration appears to be anything but frugal.

With interest rates on the rise to protect the falling value of the US dollar brought about in part by the huge deficits who, other than the taxpayer do you think will have to pay the bills eventually.

I am a stanch Conservative and just am confused by the paradox.

Take Care

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